Gender Violence Breaking the silence in gender-based violence involves learning how to share and talk about it to initiate ways and movements to an end. Cultural attitudes and beliefs contribute to the silence of gender violence. The breaking of silence is achieved by forming strong activism movements and has raised awareness, but challenges are still there. According to Hamby, women report cases of violence to enforcement agencies than men.  Women are likely to street harassment that is likely to result in sexual assault and rape. The #me too movement in the US was started as a movement against sexual harassment and assault. Women empowerment helps in helping a woman to know their rights and able to fight the sexual harassment and assault in the workplace and also helps end the victimization on women about gender violence. The rape myths are there to maintain a male advantage in the male-dominant culture with the assumption that those men involved are deviant and lack a sexual partner. Women are victimized by the myths that they exaggerate and makeup account of rape.

Zerophilia Film-Gender and Identity Introduction Gender identity is a phenomenon that, when raised carelessly in a contemporary world, would perhaps result in constant debate. The formation manifests itself at an early stage of one’s lifetime based on the subjective feeling of leaning towards baby-girls/ baby- boys. Boys would prefer to play with boys. Similarly, girls would play with girls, and so is the assigned tasks. Basing on the film   Zerophilia, the essay will explicitly discuss how each one is defined by gender and whether it shapes the way humans react in so many concepts. Later, the study will emphasize how different groups in the community view gender. Gender definition Human beings tend to belong to specific gender formation based on a personal realization of being either male or female. The concept is generally derived from the early stage of sex orientation by the community. The outward manifestation is probably seen from the behavior and the tasks they are assigned to perform. ‘Zerophilia’ is a film production released in October 2006 in North American which tried to explain ‘Zerophilia’ as a…

Gender Equality versus Equity in the Border Protection of Bahamas As far as many nations are struggling in building a nation that has zero discrimination between humans, discussions, and debates on what is the main goal of having equal opportunities to all genders and how the objective should be achieved has risen in many meetings. The concept in which men’s and women’s rights, responsibilities, and opportunities do not rely on whether they were born male or female is referred to as gender equality ().  However, achieving gender equality is very hard since, in many discussions about gender equality, people will talk about gender equity. Gender equity is the concept men and women are treated fairly with respect to their needs.  The needs are comprised of education, personal development, job, and many other needs. In this essay, I will examine gender equality versus equity in the border protection profession of Bahamas. Out of 187 countries ranked by World Bank, Bahamas is ranked position 62 hence showing that men’s and women’s responsibilities, rights, opportunities are not based on whether they were born…

Role of Gender in Leadership Leadership provide an essential environment where leaders can be able to integrate critical strategies that are critical in improving organizational performance as well as the existing interaction within a given workplace setting. Organization and planning are important elements, which shape leadership, and thus the underlying level of commitment within a given setting is based on the ability to develop an integrated approach where it is possible to achieve a higher level of performance (Taylor et al., 2015). Leadership has been significantly diversified, especially considering the existing transformation within management. Why the choice of the topic Men have predominantly occupied leadership positions. However, in recent past, women have increasingly taken up leadership positions and excelled. The success of women in leadership has opened platforms for women who are aspiring to become leaders. Increased support and empowerment to women have been integral in helping create a diverse operational context within an organizational context. Leadership is largely complex and is associated with a high level of commitment, stress and critical decision making. Women were previously viewed as being…

Transgender references Arntzen, M., & Kahrs, K. (2013). De usynlige kjønn [The invisible sex]. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Broosky, E. (2019). What Does It Mean to Be Non-Binary or Enby?. Verywell Mind. Retrieved 1 March 2020, from Encyclopedia Britannica. (2020). Santo Domingo | History, Culture, & Facts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Feb. 2020]. Embassy of the Dominican Republic. (2020). Culture. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Feb. 2020].   Ekings, R., & King, D. (1996). Blending genders: Social aspects of cross-dressing and sex-changing. London: Routledge. Van der Ros, J. (2014). Når kjønn er et valg – Transpersoners inntreden i verden [When gender is a choice – transgenders’ entry into the world]. Fontene Forskning, 1(7), 56-68. GaleaS,AhernJ,VlahovD.Contextualdeterminantsofdruguseriskbehavior: a theoretic framework. J Urban Health. 2003;80(4 Suppl 3):iii50–iii58. Hemmilä, A. (2005). Ancestors of two-spirits: Historical depictions of Native North American gender-crossing women through critical discourse Halberstarm, J. (2005). In a Queer Time and Place (p. 49). New York University Press.analysis. Journal Of Lesbian Studies, 20(3-4), 408-426.   Operario D, Soma T, Underhill K. Sex work and HIV status among transgender women: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Acquir…

Sex and Gender Development in Children The concepts of sex and gender begin to develop from an early age. The book has suggested different theories that attempt to explain the two concepts. One of the most notable approaches is Bandura’s social learning theory. Instead of studying animals and applying on how humans behave and relate with others to humans, Bandura argued that humanslearn by utilizing innate cognitive abilities to imitate others. As children grow up, they are assigned responsibilities based on gender, as determined by their sex. Boys are expected to have “masculine” traits, while girls would have “feminine” traits. Although genetics predetermine some traits, the role socialization plays in this can not be understated. Communities such as the Eskimo taught boys to build houses while girls were not (Crain, p236). The ability to learn from socialization and imitations helps shape the behavior and conduct of children up to their adulthood. Children can gain values such as altruism from adults. In one experiment, children who observed an adult donate to the less fortunate learned to emulate his by giving more…

Gender diversity in Nominations for Nobel Prizes Alfred Nobel is the founder of the famous Nobel prizes who had left an immense fortune to establish the Nobel prizes. Before his death, Alfred clearly stated that the interest from the investment of his wealth should get annually distributed in the form of awards to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the most significant benefit on humanity (Richard, 2000). The prizes have become an important symbol of scientific achievement and discovery and they annually generates enormous interest in the scientific community and the general public (Yves and Mathews, 2009) . Alfred Nobel made it clear for all fields that there would be no favouritism accorded when giving the prices, instead, the most worthy candidate, regardless of their nationality would receive the prize. It is not clear the criteria applied by the Nobel committees when nominating science candidates, but they have seemingly remained fixed over a long period evident in the gender bias. According to Hillevi (2016), an intelligent woman cannot be a real woman because it is only men,…

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