Have Smartphones Changed Human Beings Socially? Introduction The modern world is changing rapidly due to the advancing technologies in several areas, starting from the scientific research, education, development of infrastructures, communication and information, food industry, and other disciplines touching the well-being of the human race. Industrialization is shifting from the discovery of engines to smart-technologies, which are using a more advanced and improved design in their machines. Nowadays, computers have moved from enormous devices to very smaller devices that are more effective than their old models. Looking at the cell phones, they have shifted from the box telephone to more advanced hand-size, or pocket-size phones, which performs huge tasks than before. Everything is merely done on smartphones with a click or swipe away. In this report, the focus will be on whether the development of smartphones has made the human race to be antisocial, or not. It will explain why smartphones have not made humans antisocial and give the reasons for picking that specific side. The term “smartphone” is describing a new class of mobile phones which are able to…

VIOLENT VIDEO GAME EFFECTS ON HUMAN HEALTH             Games have been around for years, they can date back to as far as the era of Egyptians. Although, in 2016, games have evolved into virtual video games; Video games can severely impact on an individual. Some players become so deeply involved in playing their favorite games that they might fairly be termed as addicts (Straubhaar, LaRose, & Davenport, 2014). Young people are no different, violent video games affect the young generation. There are a large amount of video games exposing violence that people have access to.  The violence in these video games can lead to an aggressive behavior from them. This research outlines the effects of violent video games on general human health. There have been many studies that have proven that there is a link to violent video game exposure and an increase in aggression and aggressive thoughts in people and hence they should be banned.  Some video games can be worse compared to television, especially where there is a plot line entailing punishment towards evil doers, while in most of…

Humanism Plato in his speeches highlights the inclination of humans towards the goddess of love. Love is a supernatural force that binds and connects two individuals to one another. The speakers used by Plato present the essentiality of having and practicing this virtue. Humanism dictates the placement of humanity above everything else without necessarily drawing in theism. In the speech of Phaedrus, Plato emphasizes sacrifice done by people for their loved ones with the crazy in some instances qualifying as mad which is an illustration of concern, care and living for others. Humans also direct their activities in pursuing love as the speech by Aristophanes illustrates. The two speeches are an affirmation of the responsibilities and rights that humans have in the course of living respectively. In the Odyssey, humanism is depicted by man`s sense for self, a journey towards fulfillment and realization. In this case, there is an emphasis on the human`s sense of control. First, that Odyssey went out to fight in the Trojan War is an illustration of his quest for peace and protection of his kinsmen.…

The gruesome murder of Laquan McDonald The gruesome murder of Laquan McDonald occurred in the hands of law enforcement officers on October 20, 2014, in Chicago, Illinois. The African American minor was brutally murdered through gunshots by Chicago Police Officer Jason Van Dyke. In their initial reports, the police department had indicated that the use of force on him by the police was prompted by his erratic and reckless behavior that promoted the police to fire. In the police report, it was also indicated that the victim had refused to surrender his knife and that he wanted to attack the police. Law enforcement officers are, in most cases, exposed to self-harm as they routinely seek to serve and protect the people. In the case of MacDonald shooting, this would justify the use of force since officers are entitled to protect themselves against bodily harm when facing individuals who are armed and may pose harm to the officers. Further, the police officers have entitled to the right and an obligation to protect their lives as well as the general public against threats of harm, which…

The United Nations Human Rights Council  The United Nations Human Rights Council was created as a UN body in March 2006. Its performance was to be reviewed every five years. The council collaborates with the United Nations special procedures. The procedures comprise individual representatives, experts, and rapporteurs. Together, they facilitate the process of monitoring, advising, and examining the violation of human rights and therefore recommend solutions/options. The composition of the Human Rights Council is a 47 member state. The members are elected by the assembly of the United Nations as required by its statutes. Before this title, the Human Rights Council was previously known as the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. The United Nations Human Rights Council is a United Nations body vested with the role of promoting human rights protection around the world (Bailey, 2016). The organization achieves this by ensuring that individuals, groups, or governments do not violate all persons’ rights. The UNHRC can discuss any human rights violation issue, which might require immediate action during its meetings (Bailey, 2016). Scheduled meetings of this body take place…

BOSTON MASSACRE Background Boston massacre is also referred to as the incident of king street, which occurred on 5th March 1770. It was a confrontation between colonialist and the British soldiers in which it resulted in the death of five people. Manufactured goods from Britain were brought to the capital of Massachusetts, which was Boston. The town later became a center of resistance as the British had imposed taxes on goods that were shipped from Britain to the capital. The colonialists opposed the rule as it was contrary to the original charter, which was against the power given to the British over the protectorates. The house of Representatives in Massachusetts began a movement to oppose the rule. They wrote to King George III, asking him to denounce the government. The representatives launched a campaign to oppose this legislation and called for other colonialists to join the movement. The then governor, Francis Bernard, declined the letter, and they were ordered to rescind the message which the house declined. As the movement grew, and people started boycotting the use of the products,…

The U.S. Foreign Policy in Venezuela Introduction United States of America Foreign Policies have a high impact on the state of Venezuela and its penetration to Latin America. Despite the fact that Venezuela facing a past crisis such as deep politics, humanitarian and economic crisis, and application of U.S. foreign democracy policy has impacted its success. It not only necessitated social and economic integration in Venezuela impacting in bilateral trading via the reciprocal aids agreements but also quickened their core objectives. The U.S. foreign policies intended to foster diplomatic acts. Arthurs such as Richard Woffe in his article, “The American Gambit: U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East and towards Venezuela has alienated Arab and Latin American Nations and caused problems for President Bush,” discusses the impact of the initiated U.S. foreign Policies in Venezuela as well as Latin America. The goal of this essay provides a literature review about U.S. Foreign Policy in Venezuela to achieve its goals in Latin America. In the article, “The American Gambit: U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East and towards Venezuela has alienated…

codes of ethics in Human service Human service is a field of study whose aim is to meet the different social needs through the use of applied science. Through this applied knowledge, human service can rectify as well as offer preventive measures. Human service also commits to better the quality of life of the service populations by improving their service delivery and accountability. Social technologies are also studied in this process to clearly understand the culture, theories, and models of a particular group. The primary mission for the human service department is to build up a culture that allows all levels to work at the same time. Through this, accountability and accessibility is attained by the service population as their services are more efficient hence turn out to be very useful. This paper aims to discuss the codes of ethics and focus on where they are mainly aligned and how my passion has increased through this profession. Being responsible to the clients is one primary ethical code that one should have. Professionals in the human service department have to identify…

Sustainable solutions What is the relationship between sustainability and human rights? How does this impact the development of new technologies? Consider a key current technological example and apply to readings for this week to create a simple case study to serve as an example of your reasoning. Human rights are those fundamental rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled, often held to include the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law. When people can live peaceful and secure lives with full access to natural resources, a clean environment, employment, education, and social services, they are more likely to contribute to sustainable communities. However, when the basic human needs and fundamental human rights of individuals are not met, the ability to participate in social, economic, and environmental systems that promote sustainability is compromised. However, in the context of environmental ethics and technology, sustainability and human rights has a relationship in today’s world.  Technology has made human life more comfortable as they can sustain a good life; use of the internet makes…

Human Services Profession Part 1 Most Commonly Held Values of Human Services             Human services workers hold a meaningful contribution to society, like bettering the lives of people. Regardless of the setting that one selects to work in, they are expected to adhere to the core values of Human Services. The first value of human services is acceptance. Acceptance helps the worker uphold goodwill and avoid judging those they serve, which makes it easy for the clients to communicate what they feel and be comfortable in instances where they should be disturbed (Baldwin, 2016). The second value is tolerance, where the worker is expected to be fair and patient instead of judging the one that serves and punishing them for the events of the past. The other value is respect for the individuals, where the professionals of human services avoid stereotypes to respect the differences. Respecting the clients shows them that they are themselves self and individuality is respected. The other value is self-determination, whereby the worker assists the clients in the making while letting the clients select the decisions…

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