Humanitarian aid in the third world countries Introduction Conflicts adversely affect civilians in third world countries in both straightforwardly, and indirectly, through the subsequent “complex crises” that extended clashes make. In the quick zone of contention, the essential point is avoiding human losses and guaranteeing access to the nuts and bolts for survival: water, sanitation, nourishment, safe house, and therapeutic services. Far from the first battling, the need is to help individuals who have been dislodged, keep the spread of contention, bolster alleviation work, and get ready for recovery.   Amid the previous decade, the compassionate group has started various interagency activities to enhance responsibility, quality and execution in significant activity. Four of the most known events are the Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP), Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP), People in Aid and the Sphere Project. Delegates of these activities started meeting all the time in 2003to share common issues and harmonies activities where possible they have come up with some strategies very useful to third world countries. Humanitarian organizations have maintained a somewhat ambiguous…

Women in human trafficking DiAngeslo ENG 111/ ENF 3 16 June 2016 Women in human trafficking Introduction Thesis: Human trafficking has been increasing with the ongoing wars in most parts of the world. Western countries should accept refuges to avoid the growth of human trafficking in prostitution, organ removing and selling, and forcing women to be sex slaves. Human trafficking is defined as a form of deception, abduction fraud and coercion. Approximately 4,100,000 people are exploited by human traffickers every year. According to European Commission 2009 , human trafficking is highly is a serious offense and gross violation of human rights and minimizing human trafficking is highly polarized in many countries. Governments and legislative arms throughout the world view trafficking in human as a component of organized crime and the average punishment for committing this crime is comparable to other types of transnational crimes. Women trafficking and prostitution are sexual violence that results in an economic profit of the perpetrators of the act. Prostitution provides traffickers constant sexual access to women and girls. Women abduction can take place in escort…

United States Supreme Court Case The Supreme Court is the echelon of the judicial system that handles new cases and cases that appear to be complicated that require a more in-depth interpretation of the constitution to come up with a neutral decision. In re Gault is one of such claims. The case discusses the right to procedural rights to juveniles to ascertain the fair trial process. Part A: Description of the Case In re Gault is a case that involved a 15-year-old boy (Gerald Gault) as the defendant and Mrs. Cook as the plaintiff. Mrs. Cook filed a complaint against Gerald for having abused her over the phone. Following the suit, Gerald and his friend Ronald Lewis were arrested and detained in one of the Children Detention Homes in Arizona. At the time when the arrest was conducted, Gault (Gerald) was still under a probation of a case in which Gerald and another minor had been accused of stealing a wallet from a purse that belonged to some woman. During the second arrest, both parents to Gerald were out for…

US and China and the COVID-19 pandemic Despite the tremendous global disturbance from the COVID-19 pandemic, the US and China have committed themselves under phase one trade deal. The two make the world’s largest economies, and their agreement is expected to raise US gross domestic product and, at the same time, create millions of jobs. Chinese have taken meaningful steps concerning their phase one agreement between the US and China to address non-tariff barriers to trade that they have had in previous years. According to the chief economist at the Americas Farm Bureau, John Newton, around five hundred beef plants have been allowed to export their product to China. He added that they are enhancing and streamlining the approval processes that require more US agricultural products into China. According to John Hopkins University and Medicine’s latest news, the virus which originated from china has infected two hundred and eighty-six thousand people and nearly killed twelve thousand people worldwide. The pandemic has caused governments around the world to lock down populations, cancel non-essential travel as well as recommending social distancing. China…

  Student’s name Lecturer’s name Unit name Unit code Date of submission The Underground Railroad chapter   Cora is happy that there will be a meeting where the blacks and whites will attend. The African community will be able to express their grievances. He establishes a relationship with women at the Hub, and they can share their experiences. Personally, I think her journey of healing occurs when she discovers there is a way out she can run from slavery, and this gives her hope. (Gara) Lumbly says to Cora, “if you want to see what this nation is all about, I always say, you have to ride the rails. Look outside as you speed through, and you will find the true face of America” Cora realizes the freedom she will get once she moves past the tunnel, and this drove her towards escaping and seeking a freedom she much desired. As Valentine’s approach, there is a huge debate among the legally free African Americans, and their argument is based on “respectability” the argument was Africans to be given an opportunity to…

Explain how Kant sees the Relationship between morality, law and human freedom According to Kant, the connection between morality, law, and liberty are that morality condemns restricting of the freedom of innocent law or moral agent and that just as it condemns killing of innocent law and moral agents, it causes pain or instead reduces freedom abilities. In other words, Immanuel Kant discusses how the moral code helps an individual feel free as a person and, therefore, as linked to the notion of autonomy, freedom is conjoined to the law that one has morally created (Kant, Immanuel, 49). Thus, it is a civil commitment that one has to comply with fully. Kant defines freedom as an act of governing one’s action not based on desire but reason according to the law. Therefore, it is crucial to liberate freedom as opposed to the enslavement of one’s desire. The law requires us to be moral, and freedom universalizability should strive to account for the law. Indeed, Kant’s explanation of the relationship between morality, law, and human freedom is a critical piece in…

Identity Formation Process of James Marcia Theory The alternative and commitments made concerning a particular individual and social characteristic are used to determine the identity of the core ideas of senses.  Marcia’s work, in theory, is to consider how much one has decided a specific choice and how much he/she displays a commitment to those choices. Identity includes the assumption of sexual orientation, a set of values and ideas, and the other one is a vocational direction. The identity to be well- developed must provide a perception of one’s power, weakness, and individual uniqueness. Those people with a slighter well-developed identity do not reach a definition of his/her supremacy and weakness and also don’t have a well-articulated sense of self. Marcia managed interviews with young individuals so that he can have a better comprehension of the identity formation process. James questioned the participant in his work whether they had accepted a commitment to activity and beliefs and what they have practiced, or currently encountered in a decision-making time (adolescent identity crisis). James evolved semi-structured interviews for identity research in a…

Capitalist Liberal Democracy and Human Government Introduction The world today is full of liberal thinkers whether we admit or not. Everyone wants equal rights by various constitutions guarding these nations. Some of these rights are subverted due to the emergence of ethnic and religious conflicts which extends into denying individuals their freedoms. This can be witnessed in civil wars which encompasses both blood and cold wars. Many parts of the world witness this type of conflict (Diamond, 2014, pg. 87). We reject racial differences while cherishing the freedom of association and the freedom of worships. Nevertheless, there is the growing sense that liberalism is not delivering its prime purpose as anticipated in the developing world (Jackson, 2017, pg. 15). Liberal democracy, on the other hand, is the form of government which the representative democracy under the principle of liberalism in such a way that it protects the lives of individuals which are enshrined in law. Liberal democracy grants the individuals rights to vote regardless of gender, property ownership or race. Therefore regarding the rivalry, capitalist liberal democracy is still the…

The role of national cinema in cultural identity In recent years, there has been a veritable discursive explosion on the concept of identity in relation to national and personal identity. The concept of national cinema has been used to describe both national and cultural identity as the actors try to bring the sense of a unified community that exists to all members of the state. Considering the war film as a case study, I believe the film is more of a national film that seeks to promote the unity of the nation. National identity starts when an individual identifies himself with the community or social group. Individual identity is the base for both cultural and national state identity. According to the film Waltz with Bashir, the soldier related their memory of the Lebanon war to identify themselves with the nation (Yosef, 2010). The soldiers were hunted by the ghost, even after the war ended, which they can only recall what happened on the battlefield as they fight for the nation. An individual identifies himself in the group due to cohesiveness…

    Student’s name Lecturer’s name Unit name Unit code Date of submission   What are the advantages of disadvantages of the death penalty in Texas?   In the State of Texas, capital punishment is legally punishable by law. The country is said to have executed more than 569 offenders from the U.S. In this State; murder is considered a capital offense. There are various advantages and disadvantages of death penalties in Texas.  Some of the benefits of the death penalty in Texas include it is cost-effective for the government compared to life imprisonment.  Keeping a prisoner for a life sentence without parole is expensive for the government. This cost can be through food, health-related issues, among others. Another advantage is that it deters criminals from committing an offense as they know they will be subjected to the death penalty.  The death penalty is a punishment that one gets after violating the rights and freedom of others. Besides the advantages, death penalties also have their shortcomings.  Sometimes those subjected to the death penalty are wrongly executed. Once one is killed,…

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