How is globalization related to the illegal trafficking of human beings? Due to the advancement in travel and trade, globalization has led to an increase in the trafficking of human beings. Traffickers have taken advantage of broadband communication systems, transparent borders, and instability in countries. These individuals have preyed on vulnerable people and have made massive profits as they have lured those that seek opportunities of the West to improve their quality of lives into victims. What do the statistics from the Polaris project tell us about human trafficking globally and in the U.S.? In 2018, the Polaris Project highlighted that over ten thousand human trafficking cases occurred in the United States. Other instances involved over twenty-three thousand survivors and almost six thousand potential traffickers that have not been arrested. Human trafficking globally is being underreported due to the massive profits that this illegal business brings in. There are over four million victims of sex trafficking globally, and ninety percent of these are mainly women and girls. What are some of the positive international developments taking place to combat illegal…

Human Rights Implementation in Bahrain Introduction The Kingdom of Bahrain has experienced significant changes in fostering democracy as well as partnership establishment in decision making via the rule of law. This has been witnessed since when King Hamad bin Isa Khalifa raised to the throne in 1999 (Beetham, 1999). It began in 2001 through the adoption of the National Action Charter. It created a way for the restoration of parliament life as well as municipal and parliamentary elections in 2002. This led to the amendment of the constitution in 2012. These amendments have led to the strengthening of both supervisory and legislative powers for the elected House of Representatives. Besides, it has led to the presentation of an action program to the House of Representatives for approval or rejection. It is through these fundamental changes that crucial impact was felt in the Human rights and public freedoms. Besides, it has led to ensuring enjoyment and freedoms amongst the general public in the Kingdom. National human rights institutions are mandated through the legislative or constitutional mandate to promote and protect human…

current  globalization trends plus their influence in future of humanity Introduction This paper discusses the concept of globalization in reference to how the concept is defined in relation to economic growth for various countries. It discusses globalization from general view, its revolution and various aspects pertaining to its trend. It also highlights key developmental trends relative to the subject especially human experience and various elements that support integration. The document highlights concepts in relation to imagination, ecology, communication developments, requirements, struggles and beliefs. It analyses the subject in consideration of present advancements and current  globalization trends plus their influence in future of humanity. Globalists define the condition relating to globalization which is a concept of the trends. It influences the relation between individuals, and definition of the world. The paper scrutinizes the meaning of the subject in relation to elements indicated on the assignment. The term globalization was invented in the 2nd half of 20th century and was first included in American English dictionary in 1960s. the subject exist in other languages where in Chinese it is called “quanquihua”, globalization…

Protecting Human Research Participants The human research participants are one of the most vital aspects of research work. The researcher is tasked with the mandate to protect the identity of the respondents as per the ethical requirements. The protection of the research participants in the research work begins during the recruitment period where the informed consent of the participants must be obtained as early as possible to allow for adequate preparations. In some cases, the respondent may be unwilling to participate in the research while at the same time; the researcher must obtain the required information or the subject of research. In this case, the participant may fear the identity might be revealed to the public who should not get to know the source of the evidence. The respondent may fear retaliatory attacks on him or the family. The researcher must, therefore, quarantine full protection rights to the respondents to syphon the required information. In a medical environment, the respondents always fear for the revelation of their health status which against the ethics of research works. Ethical standards for a…

The United States human rights In the United States, the constitution and the bill of rights provide broad human rights protections. The rights being amended were after the civil wars that occurred in the United States.  Other than that, neocolonialism is a factor that led to amendments to these rights so that everybody could respect human beings in the world. Many of the reasons that are contained in the bill of rights are usually included in the UDHR. This typically allows mostly to the laws that are based on political and civil liberties. Glender explains that, in the United States, the Supreme Court is used in the identification of rights that are not found in the bill of rights (14). They mostly look into the presumption of innocents where they usually look into the rights of those that are innocent and make sure that their rights are wholly given to them. They also allow for freedom of movement in that they make sure that the righteous have the freedom for movement. Elizabeth says other than that, the United States frequently…

Workplace Rights Employment laws and regulations cover the rights of both the employee and the employer. It is evident that in the modern days, most of the controversy and legal disputes within an organization revolve around misunderstanding between the employer and the employee rights and regulation (Albiston, 2006). The complexity and diversity of employment relationships, there is a high possibility of misunderstanding among the workers; hence employment laws are very crucial in any workplace to ensure that duties are carried as expected with the aim of achieving the goals and set objectives of the organization. The essay focuses on various workplace rights that .have to be prioritized. Firstly, workers’ rights are designed freedoms and basic human rights, which ensure that there is fairness, respect, dignity, and equality at any workplace despite the geographical location. The right to health and safety ensures that workers are free from illness injury, depending on the type of job. The right to equal treatment helps to mitigated discrimination issues based on either sex, religion, age, and race (Albiston, 2006). Moreover, the right to fair pay…

SOCIAL IDENTITY QUESTIONNAIRE ANALYSIS Think about the number of social groups or categories to which you belong. Following are some broad categories to consider as part of your social identity: Race or ethnicity. Religion, spirituality, or personal belief system. Ability or disability. Sex or gender roles. Sexual orientation. Age. Social class. Physical attributes. Other. Complete the My Social Identity Questionnaire and ask a person from a different cultural background to take the questionnaire. After considering the responses carefully, write a short analysis (2–3 pages of content plus title, abstract, and reference pages) organized as follows: Title page. Abstract. Introduction. Desсrіption of how your responses to the social identity questionnaire were similar and different. Possible explanations for these similarities and differences. Application of concepts from the course readings and/or other scholarly material to further analyze both of your responses. Reflections about what you need to learn, think about, and/or do differently to increase your cultural competence. [unique_solution]Summary and Conclusion. References. Additional Requirements Include at least 2 scholarly resources. Follow current APA style and formatting guidelines throughout; an APA paper template is…

Where does responsibility lie for violations of IHL? Hannum, Chapter 4, pp. 254-259: Where does responsibility lie for violations of IHL? Compliance with IHL is the responsibility of individuals. This is why we often see an attempt to shift responsibility from inferior troops to the most senior and responsible. The question of the defense of superior orders is answered in Article 8 of the Charter of the International Military Tribunal: one is not freed from responsibility for actions taken following the orders of their government or superiors. Yamashita Supreme Court Case: Court decided that a commanding officer is responsible, to some extent, for the actions of their troops → “command responsibility” Interview with Guy Womack by Chris Matthews (Abu Ghraib): Womack argued that soldiers have a responsibility to follow all orders and that soldiers cannot be held responsible for debating the legality of orders during combat. Hannum, Chapter 11, pp. 957-998: Efforts to bring the International Criminal Justice Process to Bear upon Human Rights Violators Creation of the IMT and Nuremberg trial marked a crucial turning point: Two new categories…

Is International HR law really law ? How can we tell ? I .“Human Rights as Politics” By Michael Ignatieff Human Rights and Moral Progress The development of HR can be seen as moral progress, “an increase in our ability to see more and more differences among people as morally irrelevant” → a response to WWII abominations (may be eurocentric). HR as a restoration of agency → giving individuals the juridical resources to stand up against the state when it orders them to do (or does) wrong. The Juridical, Advocacy and Enforcement Revolutions Juridical Revolution: articulation of HR norms and treaties by states that believed there was a need to create such instruments to encourage compliance. HR as a “condition of entry” within the international community → complying gives states reputational benefits + allows to avoid retaliation/shaming by other states. Enforcement Dilemma: Human rights do not have a preventive effect (HR has not stopped the villains) BUT has empowered bystanders and victims. Advocacy Revolution: emergence of a network of non-governmental HR organizations → keep state signatories of HR conventions on check…

PHYSICAL OBJECT “Caste is not a physical object like a wall of bricks or a line of barbed wire which prevent the Hindus from co-mingling and which has, therefore, to be pulled down. Caste is a notion; it is a state of the mind” by B.R. Ambedkar. So keeping in mind the remedy of social injustice in modern India are as follow: So firstly deal with the biography of Ambedkar as Ambedkar was born at Ambegaon village in Ratnagiri dist. Of Maharashtra and was born an untouchable Sakhpal Mehar community. Because of his having a place with lower caste, he faced a great deal of separation in his educational time and in his early stage of career, he realized the plight of untouchables. He dedicated his whole life for socio economic upliftment he was so impacted by the standing framework in Hinduism religion that he changed over into Buddhism as Buddhism religion has confidence in the head of freedom and society while it has certain principles which are near life. . He criticized the caste system in such a way…

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