The relationship between Human beings and the Natural Environment The Earth is an extremely complex and fragile network of interconnected systems that have advanced over the last 5 billion years or so. As a result of the big band, Earth emerged as a huge mass of energy and elements from which structured, dynamic systems of solids, liquids, and gasses evolved. Billions of years later, the evolution of the Earth led to the development of conditions that had the ability to foster life. All organisms on this Earth have a common ancestor, whether small or big (Our Role And Relationship With Nature | Environmental Topics And Essays 2020). Everything on the Earth is in one way or another connected to everything. All living organisms have a certain correlation with each other and with the natural environment. Of all the living organisms on Earth, human beings evolved and emerged as the most dominant and became the dominating species on Earth. As we continue to multiply and evolve, our relationship with the natural environment continues to diminish as our rapid success as a…

Human service professionals 1.     Social justice Social justice is the political and philosophical theory and embraces several values such as equality in citizens and honest relationships among individuals and society. The measurement of social justice is done through opportunities for every individual, wealth distribution, and social privileges. 2.     Standard 16 and requirements of social justice professionals to comply with this standard Standard 16 means that the primary purpose of human service professionals is to reduce and minimize the oppression, ill-treatment, abuse, and persecution. The professionals focus on increasing awareness of the underserved population in a community. We now that communities still exist that do not get enough resources and equal rights of wealth, opportunities, food, and services. So this standard focuses on providing social justice. For example, a community of South Africa does not have proper access to wealth and cannot get social justice as compared to the population of the United States. This professional practice standard allows their clients and customer to live in South Africa to get social justice equally. Social service professional requires a specific management chain,…

Human Dignity             Dignity is the quality of being worthy, honorable, or excellent. It is a conceptual basis in which human rights are formulated and executed. It is thus significant in ethics, law, morality, and politics. Having dignity or human dignity is being worthy of respect and honor of people because of who they are and not because of what they are capable of. It cannot be earned or taken away as it is an inalienable gift from God to humankind. Nonetheless, it is violated through ways like degradation, humiliation, dehumanization, and instrumentalization (Messetti & Dallari, 2018). The present paper attempts to review two articles- Colechi (2015) and Kreeft (1986)—and subsequently reflect on the themes presented by the two scripts. The work of Colecchi focuses on the relationship between the ten commandments and the protection of human rights. On the other hand, Kreeft discusses the four modern cardinal virtues that act as hinges for the other virtues( the virtues will comprise of human dignity, and I will use the two interchangeably). The two articles significantly highlight two themes; protection of…

  Human Resource Practices Introduction The purpose of this essay is to bring about an analysis of the human resource practices persisting in organizations. The analysis will be made based on different variables that play an essential role in developing a change in these practices. These variables are also known as moderators, which act by diminishing or accentuating the differences between domestic and international human resource management. The three significant variables, which will be thoroughly discussed in this essay, are the complexity, cultural environment, and attitudes of senior management. While considering the complexity, the essay will focus on the ways by which the organizations can overcome the complexities of having international operations, citing examples from recent business failures due to practices of human resources. Next, the essay is going to talk about the cultural environment that includes the effect of organizational culture on the business operations of the organizations. This will further shift on to the culture persisting in the international context of the business and the effect of this culture on the employees and employers. In the last section,…

          Human Rights Violation of Non-Citizens in the United States Introduction Fundamental human rights and freedoms of non-citizens in the United States have been violated for about two and a half decades. Human rights of the non-citizens in the United States have received a series of attacks since the passing of the punitive immigration reform bills in Clinton’s administration in 1996 (Almeida, Biello, Pedraza, Wintner, & Viruell-Fuentes, 2016). Liberty, dignity, and equality of immigrants have been assaulted on the US, more prevalently, after the September 11 attacks. Despite successive presidents like Barrack Obama, who tried to strengthen the campaign of equality, there has been a continued undermining of the rights of immigrants. Upholding of undermining executive orders by the supreme court of the US like that made by Trump to ban travellers from predominantly Muslim Countries was views as discriminatory by Human Rights Watch. Allowed detentions by immigration authorities have resulted in detaining vulnerable populations like pregnant women and children – a condition that has been worsened by the removal of legal limits for the detention…

The Inadequacy of Privacy Controls on Social Networking Sites Contribute to Identity Theft             The Internet, primarily social networking sites, represents one of the most efficient and effective modes of communicating and disseminating information. Chewae et al. (2015) observe that the popularity of social network platforms and the ballooning number of users have focused attention on privacy as an important issue online. The internet space is open for individuals and businesses, but malicious entities also have taken advantage of the digital setting to perpetrate crimes like identity theft. Barth and De Jong (2017) emphasize that the emergence of the Semantic Web presents numerous opportunities related to the unlimited access to information, with the largescale aggregation of data and round-the-clock social networking connectivity. However, observers consider the inadequacy of the privacy and security controls by social media sites a significant contributor to the exposure of individuals to identity theft. The users are also to blame because they fail to take measures to safeguard their data to prevent intrusion on their information. The requirement by social networking sites for the individuals to…

Politics and Government of Japan Japan, developed in 600 BC, is a nation with a protected government styled administration. In the same manner, as other distinct spots, their administration is partitioned into the authoritative branch, official branch, and the legal branch. They are named by an Emperor, lead by a head administrator, and their principal argan is the cabinet. Since 2012 Shinzo Abe has been the leader of Japan, and already, he filled in as Chief Cabinet Secretary, which makes him the longest-serving Prime Minister since the workplace was developed in 1885. The individuals of Japan love what their administration has been accomplishing for them of late. They state Shinzo Abe has caused them to feel that they have all the more voice just as made them feel increasingly ensured in their routine activities. Lately, Japan has demonstrated to be an entirely steady nation with a stable government that underpins its kin well. Shinzo Abe has had the option to make a stable economy just as settle on the correct choices for his country, which is the reason he has…

Technology Instrumentalism             The definition of technology comes up as the knowledge or process put into use by human beings to come up with new products or ideas that assist us in our daily tasks. Most people mistake technology as the tools that result from our technological knowledge, but their definition is utterly misguided. Technology is massively dynamic and is continuously changing. The machines we used ten years ago are unquestionably outdated now. While such change is an advantage, is every new technology regarded as a blessing? Kevin Kelly, the founder of famous magazine Wired, states that technology is ever ultimately out of bounds. He adds that new technology is always an unalloyed good and that it is still better to have modern technology at our disposal and seek to manage it properly. My goal in this paper is to scrutinize Kelly’s statement and derive my decision to agree or not with him. Whenever a new technology arises, there is always some form of excitement that revolves around the unveiling. A great example would be in 2008 when Tesla announced…

The Arrest of Winston by Police Introduction. The novel Nineteen Eighty-Four is written by George Orwell. He goes ahead to refer the secret police as the “Thought police”. The role of the thought police is to investigate and enforce punishment to either personal or political thoughts that have not been approved by the government. In this story, the secret police use psychology and telescreens to conduct surveillance on behalf of the government for close monitoring and observing of anyone trying to start an uprising. According to research, the regime government of Oceania was mainly composed of the Inner Party. This regime was very strict on control of speeches and went ahead to ban unapproved thoughts (Sullivan, 2018). Whereas the novel focuses on the Thought police operations and conduct, Winston Smith’s arrest forms the basis of our discussion. Winston Smith becomes the protagonist of the story while his girlfriend Julia is branded as an enemy of the state. Why do the Thought police arrest Winston when they do? O’Brien is an Inner Party member and also an agent of the secret…

Rights of womens in USA In the United States history, women were not enjoying some rights enjoyed by men, such as the right to vote and to own property. However, women struggled through the formation of movements and protests to ensure that they are treated equally as men. The 19th Amendment gifted women the right to vote, and this facilitated women to have a breakthrough in political struggles in 1920. Before the change, constitution-makers argued that women should be defended from politics, although they protested against it, and this contributed to their political freedom. In United States history, women were viewed as weak members of the community. The American society in the past protected women from anything that seemed evil or that would harm them in any way (). This assertion implies that women were not treated equally as men since they were considered inferior to men. By then, politics was regarded as evil because it involved a struggle for power. Due to allegations that women are weak, and they require protection, the constitution-makers protected them from any political harms.…

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