Human rights and Vulnerable Groups; “Women’s rights.” Introduction The phrase “Human Rights” has always been used in a context of fear of a recent past incident where some vulnerable groups suffered the consequences of the failed systems of protection. In essence, the phrase “human rights” has always drawn negative attention since human rights are not as universal as they should be. The existence of international laws, including the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, has almost failed in protecting the rights of the vulnerable groups. However, in consideration of how international laws and the human rights protective laws are framed in the US, it is almost impossible to think of the existence of vulnerable groups. This is because the international laws and the laws that protect human rights in the US were framed to create a sense of equality and to avoid making specific groups feel like they are vulnerable to abuse. However, the truth is that there exist vulnerable groups in today’s contemporary society, and the framing of human rights laws in ways that hide this truth only…

Women as Victims of Human Trafficking in the Philippines Human trafficking is the process of taking people by force and forcing them into situations that have no way out and then exploiting them. It involves forced labor, forced prostitution, forced marriage, forced criminality, forced removal of body organs, forced begging, and domestic servitude. Human trafficking is against the law and is punishable by law in case of arrest. In this paper, we are going to discuss human trafficking and mainly how it affects women, how they are subjected to the different forms of exploitation, the causes of their exploitation, and what has been done about it. The women have fallen prey of people who have taken away their dignity and their ability to make choices, this paper goes to an in-depth of explaining how and why that happens. Studies indicate that between the years 1965-1995, the number of migrants moved from 75million people to 130million. In recent days, it is said to be around 150million people around the world, with between 700,000 and 2million people comprising of women and children.…

Directions for Human Resources Article Reviews   You must select a current event article (within the last 4 weeks) that relates to a human resources topic. The article may come from articles found in the library. Below is a list of suitable publications:   The New York Times The Wall Street Journal The Economist Forbes Fortune Barron’s Investor’s Business Daily, or Harvard Business Review.[unique_solution]   You will lose points if you do not select articles from the approved list of publications or a source the instructor has specifically approved for you.   Include the following in your assignment:   A link to the article   Header Your name, section number and date The name of the article, date published and author.   Article Summary four bullet points summarizing the article Two or three paragraphs discussing the connection to topics relate to the class such as trends in human resources, recruiting, training, employment law, benefits, pay structure, and creating high performing organizations.  Make insightful comments that connect the real world to the textbook information.  Include why you selected this article…

safeguarding and protecting the rights of vulnerable adults Question 1                                                            The most exciting content in the unit EDU 514 is about the established acts that aimed at safeguarding and protecting the rights of vulnerable adults. These acts include The Sexual Offences Act 2003, the Human Rights Act 1998, the Health and Social Care Act 2008, and the Public Interest Disclosure Act, among many others. The Sexual Offences Act focused on individuals with mental disability as well as the offenses involving abusive types of relationships and also the abuse of trust (Johnson, 2016).  The Human Rights Act discouraged treating individuals with no act of humanity, which leads to torture. This act also emphasized the right to liberty for every individual unless under specific legal justification. Additionally, the Health and Social Care Act protected the people using residential care by subjecting them to the Human Rights Act. The Public Interest Disclosure protected all the workers in public, private, and voluntary sectors from being victimized in employment through lack of proper health and safety facilities while in an organization as well as breaching…

Human Resource Plan Sub-Saharan Africa’s economy has recorded steady economic growth over the last decade.  Thereby attracting many foreign direct investments as business opportunities bloom in this part of the world. The company is reaching out to this region, specifically in Kenya, through opening new market outlets, as confirmed by the business viability report done last year. This has necessitated the development of a clear business entry and sustainability strategy based on the company vision of ‘Providing adequate and affordable housing facility for the world through convenient and flexible Financing’ (Baron, 2016). The management has communicated that the market entry strategy will be through with the acquisition of a subsidiary in the name of ‘Housing Finance Company Of East Africa.’ A new, clear, and enhance Human Resource Plan is inevitable to support the Organization strategy. The Human Resource plan is contextualized in a flow chart below and explained clearly. Human Resource Compliance Requirements. Local and international labor laws relatively regulate Kenyan Labour Market. There is an active trade union that lobbies for its members’ welfare, and therefore compliance is necessary…

Last Mass Shooting Emma Gonzalez survived a school shooting that led to the death of 17 students in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, located in Parkland, Florida (Entenmann, 2018). There has been a significant rise in the number of cases reporting gun violence within learning institutions in America over the years. The provision of assault rifles to mentally challenged individuals has prompted the growth of gun violence in learning institutions. Stricter gun policies would help alleviate armed crimes and promote a better and safer environment for all persons. Subject and the Intention of Writing the Speech Emma Gonzalez wrote, “We call BS”, which championed stricter gun control policies in the United States of America to challenge the “adults” (Entenmann, 2018). Besides, the initiative would help prevent another mass shooting. As time goes by, more people continue to succumb to gun-related violence. Something needs to be done to avert the current trend. Reasons that Support Gonzalez’s Argument One of the arguments that support Gonzalez’s point of view is that 19-year-old Nicholas Cruz, a former student that opened fire on students, had…

The right to die The right to die or what is commonly know as euthanasia has many controversial when it comes to human rights, religion as well as government. The right to die is a challenging topic to understand since this subject holds many stances when making decisions. In this context, many ethical considerations arise, more particularly when family members and the patient make a decision regarding the kind of care they will not accept or accept. Values and morals of nurses become conflicted with what patients or family morals and values. Thus, a nurse should have a clear understanding of ethical considerations when making such decisions and how to handle such a situation. Therefore, this essay will highlight nursing ethical responsibility as well as accountability to aid with patients’ right to die and also moral issues surrounding such decisions decision.   As discussed in many articles and journals, patients’ goals in health care are considered what a patient or the family of the patient values more and also what they expect or hope to gain in regard to the…

Immigration and laws related to Immigration Immigration Background Immigration has increased over the last years in the U.S. Measures have, as a result, been sought to curb the rising numbers. Strict measures have been instituted since President Trump took office in 2017 (Bachega, 2018). The debate, however, exists regarding the strictness of the immigration measures as regards due process and equal protection. Human rights activists, for example, have been against the detaining of immigrants for undefined periods. It is important to note that illegally crossing the U.S. border deems an individual an illegal alien. As such, the individual is detained and separated from any child or children accompanying the individual. The constitution, under the Fourteenth Amendment, focuses on equal protection as far as the law is concerned (Cornell Law School, n.d.). It, therefore, means that immigrants naturalized in the U.S. have equal rights as any other American citizen. Depriving such a person, life, freedom, and property without due process is equivalent to breaking the law. It is in this regard that the undefined detention period of people is under debate.…

          Immigration     Name Institution Course Code and Name Instructor Due Date                 Immigration Background Immigration has increased over the last years in the U.S. Measures have, as a result, been sought to curb the rising numbers. Strict measures have been instituted since President Trump took office in 2017. The debate, however, exists regarding the strictness of the immigration measures as regards due process and equal protection. Human rights activists, for example, have been against the detaining of immigrants for undefined periods. It is important to note that illegally crossing the U.S. border deems an individual an illegal alien. As such, the individual is detained and separated from any child or children accompanying the individual. The constitution under the Fourteenth Amendment focuses on equal protection as far as the law is concerned   References Bachega, H. (2018). Is U.S. only country to separate migrant children?. Retrieved 21 April 2020, from Cornell Law School. 14th Amendment. Retrieved 21 April 2020, from Hurley, L. (2019). Trump gets a U.S.…

HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES IN NORTH KOREA Abstract This research aims at evaluating the level and nature of human rights abuses in North Korea. North Korea has a repressive regime that promotes activities that deny citizens their fundamental human rights. The socialist constitution of North Korea commits the government to respect and protect human rights. However, the regime is blamed for its poor record on protecting and promoting individuals’ rights and freedoms. A Human Rights Watch report describes North Korea’s state of human rights abuse as the “world’s most repressive” country. The leader of the regime, Chairman Kim, exercises total political control in a state that is characterized by absolute restrictions of all civil and political liberties. Introduction and Background of the Issue at Hand Human rights refer to the liberties granted to all people regardless of their sex, ethnicity, race, or any other status in society. They include the rights to life, freedom from slavery, and freedom of opinion and expression. The international human rights law lays the guideline and obligations for the government to act or refrain from certain…

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