Theories of social work Social work is a profession based on practices and educational ventures that encourage social advancement or change, societal integration, freedom of people, and their general progress. Human rights and responsibilities, canons of social justice, and social responsibility are the backbones of social work (Craib,2015). This kind of work focuses on assisting the less fortunate in society. There are several theories for social work; these theories are backed up by scientific evidence. Arguments of social work illustrate the behavior of humans by explaining the way human beings interact and respond to various stimuli. Social work theories include the systems learning theory, the psychosocial development theory, and rational choice theory, among others.  The social work theories have numerous benefits hence their great importance. Theories of social work are crucial in the actual working of social work. The approach makes a distinction of social work from the methods that lack scientific support. Theoretical parts give social work professional that provides workers with the ideological and tools that enhance competence (Doel& Shardlow,2012). Application of theory to practice in social work…

SCM and Sustainability Question 8-A             The most critical environmental and social impacts of cocoa production and harvesting include deforestation and child-labor. According to Aboa and Angel (2019), deforestation happens as there is no more land where people can plant cocoa trees. Therefore, the farmers result in cutting down trees from the rainforest, a phenomenon that causes soil erosion and thwarts rainfall production in the region. This scenario is similar to the message in “The Story of Stuff,” as Leonard (2009) maintains it involves poor disposal of waste. Therefore, farmers in cutting trees demonstrate the inability to rehabilitate land for cocoa production. The other challenge stems from the increase in the number of cases concerning child labor. In this connection, O’keefe (2016) argues that even though chocolate producing companies had committed to end the practice, they have not been successful. O’keefe (2016) adduces children below fifteen years of age work at the cocoa farm. The majority of those kids are not offered the correct compensation that matches their input. Question 8-B Big brands such as Nestle, Mars, Unilever, and Starbucks…

Why Euthanasia Should Not Be Legalized Introduction Euthanasia is discriminative to the effects of the law and therefore is legal. In as much as scholars, authors, or prominent members in society would want to legalize it; it raised a lot of concerns, especially when looking at the impact it has on the victim as well as the beloved ones (Koodamara, Navin Kumar, et al., 963). Euthanasia denotes elements of ambiguity while applied in the current laws and as per the life safeguards, despite members such as Kailash Chand, in his article, “Why we should make euthanasia legal,” explaining why it should be legalized should be opposed as much as it can. Euthanasia has severe side effects that disrespect the Human Rights Law of Prevention against Cruelty. The core objective of this essay is to discuss why euthanasia should not be legalized, no matter the cost! While regulatory control, among other explanations, has been initiated as to why euthanasia should be legalized in addition to other “end life choices, euthanasia is immoral. Even if the patient is willing to die, an…

Russian-American relations after 1991 introduction The United States (U.S.) and Russian relationship is a major discussion topic in today’s American foreign policy.  Currently, U.S. is the largest world military and economic superpower despite the fact that some economic problems like 2008 economic depression.US is the most influential North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member which has grown despite the conclusion of the cold war. On the other hand, the dissolution of Soviet Union considerably weakened Russia. However, the country as powerful military and is an important regional nuclear weapon. Moreover, Russia lost its global superpower status to both the U.S. and China. The two countries maintain both trade and diplomatic relations. The relationship was stronger in between 1991 and 1999. However, it has significantly deteriorated since 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia federal republic. The U.S. has unsuccessfully worried about Russia for over 20 years, and today relationships are still not good. Relations from 1991 to 1999 In 1991, the dissolution of the Soviet Union ended the cold war. As a result, the commonwealth of independent states (CIS) replaced the union of…

Return to Work Assignment- Written essay Part I – Introduction Overview of the company XYZ Enterprises operates in the environmental services industry. The company has offices in Canada, and at present, it employs nearly 2500 staff. The staff are employed in various roles, including field staff, office staff and laboratory staff. The worker situation The workers are assigned particular areas, and they mainly work in field positions. It implies that workers need to drive under harsh conditions and often carrying a loads or equipment of about 23 kilograms. The workers in the laboratory positions work with chemicals and use equipment and chemicals. Similarly, the workers employed in offices include the customer service representatives and other support staff. They work with computers and mobile devices. Laws and Acts applicable to the company In the given workplace situation, the Occupational Health and Safety Act is applicable. The purpose of establishing the Act is to ensure workplace safety and health (Wright et al., 2019). The other legislation applicable in this case is the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act or WSIA. It mainly deals…

 Rawls philosophy Based on these reading, I am inclined to side with Rawls philosophy. This decision is informed by various reasons. In a Theory of Justice Rawls recommends a conspicuous and authentic relationship of liberty and impartiality, activated by a sanctioned and democratic belief in individual possibilities. Enraged by the social differences between the haves and the haves not, impartials criticized the traditional free economy of Locke and Adam Smith for dwelling on civil liberties while ignoring the position of the ordinary citizen. Also he proposes a concept which demands that we augment economic presumption for the ordinary citizen. Also, Rawls suggests a conceiving of fairness he calls “Justice as fairness”                                              that devotes to both the human rights we relate with traditional freedom, and to an unbiased perfection of equitability dissemination customarily related to socialists and revolutionary democratic culture. Justice as fairness, Rawls says, that it focuses to impact a reunion of freedom and equality. His work has provided the groundwork for all successive debates about essential interrogation of social justice. Rawls main point is that we should renounce the…

Wrongful arson Convictions For many years or even decades, forensic science has been praised for having important contributions to the world of criminal justice.  However, it has also been highly scrutinized for the documented cases where it was used shoddily or incorrectly. Undoubtedly, progress in fire investigation, which is one of the fields of scientific inquiry, is held by the burden of ingrained mythology. Therefore, like the United States of America (USA) and Great Britain, other nations like Qatar have also exonerated many individuals from wrongful arson convictions. According to Bieber (2014), the wrongful arson convictions are classified in two, namely: “no crime” cases and wrong suspect (pg. 32). For that reason, it will be essential to understand and discuss a few flawed of science previously used in arson investigation (arson myths) and guidelines of the NFPA 921 guide. In the article, Bieber suggested in cases where conclusions are based on Suspicious Burn Pattern, Negative Corpus, Unconfirmed Accelerant Detecting Canines Alert and Unsupported Elimination of Electrical Appliances have indicated a clear violation of the scientific approach (Bieber, pg. 38, 2014).…

importance of individual and organisational ethical thinking and practice and that you can apply ethical decision making Your assessment will take the form of a 3,000 word (you are allowed to go over by 10% making it a maximum of 3,300 words) submission consisting of three parts in total. You will be expected to show that you understand the importance of individual and organisational ethical thinking and practice and that you can apply ethical decision making. You will also need to show that you can think critically about the role of business in society. Further, you will need to show that you have understand the way in which theory can underpin how ethical issues are viewed, but also that you understand that theory offers a guide but not necessarily the answer to practice. The assessment also requires you to show that you have reflected on what makes an ethical leader and manager and what that means in the context of organisational culture. An extensive rubric is provided which will show you how the work is marked and what is required…

Legal obligations to citizens on coronavirus outbreak The Covid 19 virus is rapidly spreading globally. During this critical period, each country’s government needs to be up to the task to ensure the safety of its citizens. The government in their various departments should do reviews on their procedures, strategies, and policies that ensure every person is well protected against the coronavirus pandemic. Without adequate protective policies in the government response, plans may lead to legal-related alarms. Generally, in many countries, there are laws made to protect citizens from physical harm, including diseases. In this article, i will discuss the legal obligations of the governments on the life-threatening pandemics like the current Covid-19 virus. Government’s legal obligation to give accurate information on the virus Information on the Covid-19 disease is crucial in enhancing protection. It is the legal obligation of the government to ensure people get correct and accurate information on the coronavirus epidemic. Many governments have an authoritative source of public health guidance concerning the virus epidemic. It is essential to update citizens on the official recommended and mandated actions…

Modernity What modern ideas (covered in the lecture) do you see reflected in Ira Aldridge, The Black Doctor?  Racial uplift – Ira Aldridge‘s Black doctor outlines ideas that exist to date. Racial uplift or passing, which occurs when a person from a racial group is accepted as a member of a racial group different from their own, is a modern idea perpetuated in the current society. Fabian, despite being a doctor, fails to gain acceptance among the whites because of his race and class. Assimilation– Aldridge also highlights the modern idea of assimilation in the Black Doctor. Fabian uses his strength and medical knowledge, hoping to be assimilated into the white culture (Byerman, 2007). However, he is well aware of the rule of the society, which alienates him instead of accommodating him. Interracial marriage –Aldridge is also keen on interracial marriage, a modern concept that has been accepted in the current society. Fabian saves Pauline from death and falls in love with her. However, due to societal rules against interracial marriages, he isolates himself, and he is eventually forced into…

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