causes of injustices in our world stem from materialism ignorance and capitalism In today’s world there is much suffering occurring such as war, famine, unequal opportunities and treatment of people, disparities between rich and underdeveloped countries. The problem in today’s society is there is a lack of justice globally .In society justice make the world just and bring equality for all. It is important for business and society to help other countries and treat them equally. Business can work relatively together to achieve the goal of global justice, this is a common dream, it results to democracy. Moreover, global justice allows countries to be united under a legal system. In this reflection essay, I will demonstrate that the causes of injustices in our world stem from materialism ignorance and capitalism where richer nations exploited poorer nations.  Most institutions are failing to show equality and moral worth of all humans and a shared economic system. Similarly, Institutions of global justice fight to achieve moral equality and wellbeing of people throughout the world. It is a process of reconstructing the world with…

Criminal Justice Research and Methodology Question One In the research One Year Longitudinal Study of the Psychological Effects of Administrative Segregation inmates involved were at a risk of developing an array of psychological symptoms associated with the security housing unit (SHU) syndrome (O’Keefe et al.,2010). The authors did identify the potential harm of the research to the subjects since their objectives for the research coincided with the potential harms. All the subjects who were approached were informed on what the research entails. The subjects were informed to subject their consent to participate in the research (O’Keefe et al.,2010). Out of the 302 inmates approached 55 of them refused to participate in the research or withdrew their consent later on (O’Keefe et al.,2010). Patients were tested at a 3-month interval along the year and this allowed the researches to monitor and manage the inmates so as to prevent aggravation of mental illness in inmates who were already suffering from the illness (O’Keefe et al.,2010). Despite inmates with no mental illness being involved the main focus was on the inmates who had…

Research Proposal: Restorative Justice Introduction   In criminal justice, restorative justice gives victims an opportunity to meet and communicate with their crime perpetrators to explain to them the magnitude of their crimes impact. It empowers victims by giving them a close relationship with the suspects and a voice to participate actively in the process of justice. Moreover, it holds offenders into account and legally helping them take responsibility of their crimes. Research in the legal field by the government provides that restorative justice have an 85% victim satisfaction rate. Besides, it reduces criminal activities by 14% annually. It is about the communication between the victims and the offenders in a restricted room; they speak about the harm caused and possible ways of amending it. For the offenders, this is a challenging process because it confronts them with the impact of their own crime. On the other hand, victims also find the process frustrating because they find it hard meeting the people who harmed them. This proposal seeks to understand the experience of both freed offenders and victims of criminal situations…

Roles of punishment in justice According to Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound, various achievements can be accomplished by punishing the offenders. The lawmakers have come up with various forms of punishments according to the crime committed. According to the perspective of Zeus in the Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound, his monarchy needs Prometheus and obedience by punishing any human who has broken the law. Offenders should be given punishments that will bring positive outcomes in a society. Usually, a clearly defined form of punishment will lead to clear conclusions about what form of punishment best fits that particular goal. Punishment is the imposition of pathetic outcome upon a certain individual which is given out by the authority as a response of breaking some law which may include a fine or confinement. Punishments do play important roles in justice. These roles include deterrence, rehabilitation, restoration, among others. Deterrence is one of the most important roles played by punishment. According to Andenaes, deterrence prevents people in a society from committing crimes (Andenaes, 1966). There also exist two types of deterrence, which include specific deterrence and general…

The Little Book of Restorative Justice Summary of the book In the book, Restorative Justice emphasizes the stakeholders’ transformation that has been found guilty due to their offense. The book identifies the offense and addresses the harm that is likely to occur, and lastly, considers the need and the obligation that needs to be paid attention to put things right in a legal way. The book provides the cases that are minor crimes and the brutal crimes all put together to find a solution in addressing justice in those areas. Howard also extrapolates the relationship between restorative justice and other forms of justice. Generally, the main aim of restorative justice is to reduce future uncertainties by reducing future offenses, bringing transformation and justice to both parties, and ensuring authoritative decision making is portrayed in the hands of those impacted by the offense. The book provides different forms of results, especially justice, through providing information about the offense and truth-telling about the repercussions of the offense hence bringing transformation to the people. The offenders are transformed by being made accountable for…

Canadian Justice System And Aboriginal Women Murder Gender discrimination has for a long time being an issue in many countries such as Saudi Arabia and India despite the increased effort by advocates and activists to end the vice. In most cases, women have been on the receiving of the depravity as they have for long been perceived as weak by their male counterparts. Many developed countries have made an effort to reduce women discrimination and gender inequality by enacting practical laws. Among. The justice system of the country has been rigorous in dealing with the issue of gender inequality and women discrimination. However, the recent development of unsolved murder of at least 600 aboriginal women and the claim by the Canada justice system the women are to blame challenges this effort. The issues pose the question of what the Canadian justice system has to teach countries such as Saudi Arabia and India about equal treatment of people. It is in my trust that the justice system has little to offer to countries that facing gender discrimination problems following recent development…

Ethical Dilemma in the Criminal Justice System Introduction The criminal justice is affected by several issues of ethical dilemmas. Every segment and department involve professionals like the judges, the police, the attorneys and even the paroles that make unrealistic decisions putting the integrity of the application of ethical behaviour and principles in question in as far as the administration of justice are concerned (Braswell et al., 2017). The permeation of instances of unethical behaviour and practice in the criminal justice system is rising at an unprecedented rate. From a critical perspective, there are instances where incongruous laws, policy statements and regulatory practices and values that have been formulated and implemented by the criminal justice systems distort the basic concept and understanding of what ethics are and the precepts of their application. The judges, who are charged with a noble task of making essential court decisions have been on a receiving end based on the quality of their decisions and judgements, what guides their choices and how they make those decisions and judgements. This implies that the level of unethical behaviour…

FORMS OF REGULATION IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM ABSTRACT. Quite a considerable change has occurred in the strategies used to control crime within the last few decades of the 20th century. These changes have caused the emergence of a new penology system, thus replacing the old penal system. Crucial debates have been opened by analyzing techniques, objectives, and new discourses over the cast of nature of risk community and the current trend in criminal justice. In this paper, we will show the difference between the old and the new penology and analyze areas where the new penology has spread that are not covered in the article read. Also, we shall evaluate whether risk assessment fits comfortably within the criminal justice system and what should be regulated in the order. We will also explain whether the problems in risk assessment are practical or theoretical. The disparity in the old and new penal system The old penology was mostly focused on the establishment of guilt and evaluating the appropriate treatment of the accused, which is not the case with the modern penal system.…

Prosecutor in criminal Justice Plea agreement by prosecutors is always done to offer a better deal for defendants whop could help them with another famous case. Also A plea bargain prosecutor in avoiding a prolonged criminal probationary and may permit criminal offenders to evade the risk of conviction at trial on an extra severe charge.   For example, the prosecutor can offer a plea bargain to individuals who, though guilty of the crime, is prepared to give testimony about the codefendant or help in solving some pending case. The other reason for such by the prosecutors could be for the prosecutor to move along the crowded calendars. I do believe that plea agreement is good or bad depending on the factor which influences. If adequately looked at, it’s excellent, while it can be harmful if not done for a proper reason. Constitutionally the requirement of entering a plea agreement by the prosecutor is the prosecutor must examine all the conditions by the court and must be done according to the law of the country (Turner, 2013). The important difference amongst a bench trial and…

The criminal justice in USA Introduction The criminal justice in USA   has been of great value and importance based on the fact that it was established on the basis of intentions which were noble from the beginning due to diverse  growing society and moral suitability. I, like, Monroe College as it constantly exceed the expectations of the students by constantly working to explore more limits of nature and this enhances the requisite skills needed by any student for efficient functioning of the work outlined for criminal justice which am so passionate about . Every country shield and protect the properties of its people and people themselves and this phase will equip me for work in the future. The system of criminal justice is required to prove a balance between guilty being punished and protecting those who are innocent and found guilty and this will help me so much in emulating what the system of justice can be used properly to convict those found guilty as this process is not easy. Many miscarriages of justice has been experienced where innocent people…

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