Meaning Of Freedom, Equality, and Justice in the U.S. Constitution Introduction The promise of the United States, according to the founding father’s ideals was to promote equality and offer liberty to the great people of the United States. The constitution embodied principles of freedom, balance, and justice in the natural rights that were ideally to remain unchanging through time or cultural changes. The USA is a diverse country, justice, freedom, and liberty are major unifying factors for the people of the United States. Liberty and equality have stood out to be the most dominant dimensions of quality in the American constitution with liberty being held as the first principal to emerge and it was commonly shared amongst the founding fathers of the nation (Dworkin 27). For instance, the 14th Amendment has overtime stood out as the representation of equality. Despite being protected in the initial constitution, it took the United States a long time to achieve actual equality and freedom. Through the amendments that actualized the liberty and balance within the 14th Amendment as the cornerstones of the American constitutional…

Islamic Law, Theology and Philosophy Defaming a person to lower their self-esteem or to gain fame among a group of people is against Islamic law, theology, and philosophy, as stated in the Quran, chapter 49, verse 11. More specifically, Islamic believers should never engage in acts of belittling others, such as calling fellow believers a sinful or wicked. Though the Quran offers those involved in such immoral acts to repent lest they become wrongdoers before God. Islamic law, theology, and philosophy encourage believers to assist in the conversion of people from other religions to Islam. Quran Chapter 16 verse 125 states that the believers should use a combination of wisdom and word of the Lord from the Quran to reasonably argue with non-Islamic people. Furthermore, believers should guide other Muslims on the proper ways of the Lord, for God knows those who are innocent of their wrongdoing and those under guidance. Additionally, Quran chapter 53 verse 32 encourages believers to remain pure and fully committed to the ways of God. More specifically, the Quran discourages believers from committing adultery, and…

NEW ZEELAND CRIMININAL JUSTICE SCHEME The court, which included the judiciary, police, which include traffic safety service. (Penal division, psychological services, and community corrections) of the justice department. Together this set is comprised of 3 government sections. It is the obligation of 4 cabinet ministers, which include the judiciary. Each department at current has their management strategydecided with the suitable ministers and doesn’trequisite to policy in combination with other sections affected by its productions and rules. There seems to beno essential for articles or ministers or certainlyorganizationalstrategies to subsidizeanacknowledged and prearranged set of purposes and aims to be attained by all portions of the structure. Each one of the three departments also incorporates non-criminal justice purposes, which strive for scarce capitals with criminal justice responsibilities.The three sections are generally acknowledged as resounding out the actions of crime deterrence, crime detection, trial sentencing, captivity, and the management of non-custodial verdicts. These actions follow a similarorder in all the same authorities for the deterrence of criminality and the bid of legal procedures and authorizations to those detained for criminal crimes(Brown, 1997). The…

Restorative Justice for Domestic Violence Author credibility             Marilyn Fernandez has portrayed a high level of skills by addressing the controversial nature of restorative justice system and family violence. The author has revealed a high literacy capability through the main ideas and analysis of the agenda displayed in the book. Moreover, Marilyn Fernandez has shown her credibility through this article that assembles an immense feeling of acknowledgment that presents critical principles that cannot be compromised in the process of restoring domestic violence in society. Methodology             In this particular book, Marilyn Fernandez has used two data collection methods: observation and interviewing throughout the findings and analysis of the article. Several studies on the nature of restorative have are known to be conducted, which therefore means that this research cannot be classified as scientific. Summary of the book Over many years, the application of restorative justice with people who are believed to suffer from domestic violence is highly criticized. In this book, Marilyn Fernandez explains individual point out to the risk of re-victimizing the victim because these people usually have little…

The Little Book of Restorative Justice by Howard Zehr Summary of the book In the book, Restorative Justice emphasizes the stakeholders’ transformation that has been found guilty due to their offense. The book identifies the offense and addresses the harm that is likely to occur, and lastly, considers the need and the obligation that needs to be paid attention to put things right in a legal way. The book provides the cases that are minor crimes and the brutal crimes all put together to find a solution in addressing justice in those areas. Howard also extrapolates the relationship between restorative justice and other forms of justice. Generally, the main aim of restorative justice is to reduce future uncertainties by reducing future offenses, bringing transformation and justice to both parties, and ensuring authoritative decision making is portrayed in the hands of those impacted by the offense. The book provides different forms of results, especially justice, through providing information about the offense and truth-telling about the repercussions of the offense hence bringing transformation to the people. The offenders are transformed by being…

Theories of Criminal Justice Introduction It is worth establish that the criminal justice department is associated with a specific set of theories that are used to guide the professionals in the departments when dealing with criminals. Hence, it is plausible to ascertain that the theories provide extensive knowledge of the social phenomenon and natural behavior of criminals. Furthermore, they provide a reference point that is used in the criminal justice departments to study an individual and determine whether they are to be imposed on a sentence or proven guilty. Hence, they are developed to provide diverse perspectives regarding certain instances in the criminal justice departments. They can further be revealed to showcase the importance of using their guideline in practical application in specific incidences. The theories are associated with a higher tendency to portray and shape policies in criminal justice. Moreover, it is worth indicating that the theories try to establish the root cause of a crime. It can only be achieved through extreme scrutiny of human psychological acts and the performance of crimes within the societies that are affected…

my views on why America had to declare their independence from America based on two grounds justice and strategic value Patriots The catalyst for the revolutionary war that led to the emancipation of America from British colonial rule began by the circulation of a forty-six-page document “The common sense roll” detailing indirect language why America should free itself from the British and establish a republic. The document became an instant bestseller across the country because it resonated with the needs of the common folk. It caught the attention of Thomas Jefferson, who had hitherto considered Paine an extremist, inspiring him to draft the declaration of independence. In this paper, I will present my views on why America had to declare their independence from America based on two grounds justice and strategic value. As Americans, we had endured many atrocities from England, as Thomas Paine rightly puts it, “Britain should be ashamed of her conduct. Even brutes do not turn on their young, nor do savages make war on their families.”(Paine,16) He further argues that the tyranny that drove the first…

Issues in Juvenile Justice System There has been a rising number of youth offenders due to a high rate of drug and substance use, peer pressure, depression, and other defiant disorders. The increasing rate of reported cases and issues in the juvenile justice system has created the need to come up with elaborate legislation and strategies to improve the functioning of the justice systems. Numerous challenges are affecting the current juvenile justice systems making it hard to rehabilitate youthful offenders. One of the significant issues within the juvenile justice system is drug and substance abuse among the deviant youthful offender, which is on the rise. The rate of drug abuse among youths is on the rise leading to the many instances of abnormal behaviors and violence (Decker, & Marteache, 2017). Most of the juvenile offenders in incarceration turn up to be more violent even after their release due to exposure to drugs and the development of hyperactivity disorders. The current juvenile systems do not help in rehabilitating the youthful offenders hence they end up growing to violent criminal gangs. Most…

Justice Thomas and The Lost Constitution Introduction             Myron Magnet presents a personal biography of the life and career of Justice Thomas in this book. She recounts the changes that the supreme court has undergone under justice Thomas. When Thomas took on as a judge of the supreme court in 19191, he realized that the judges had personal interpretations of the constitution, which contradicted the desires of the founding fathers (Myron 15). Their interpretations had created a big divide in the nations. Thomas tackled issues such as natural law, natural rights, and had a particular interest in federalism. This paper will review the book by handling the issues the author states he was more passionate about. Since his inception, Justice Thomas has become the new face of an independent, wise, and effective judiciary. Constitutional philosophy Thomas believes in the originality of the constitution. The author states that Thomas focused on the interpretation of the original constitution and not on judicial precedence. He believes that while the US accommodates all people, the constitution must remain as the guiding principle or the…

The Virtue of Justice and Justice in Waging War In this chapter, I have been refreshed on matters that revolve around justice. It is worth noting that justice is a steady disposition in an individual to give other individuals their due. I firmly believe that part of this includes determining what might be exactly due to these people (Mattison III, 2008, p. 136). Over the years, I have pondered more on the teachings of Jesus Christ, especially when I have had to consider justice. For instance, Jesus urges us to love our neighbor as ourselves. This principle ensures that a person is in peace and harmony in their dealings with those around them. It is always proper to be careful to avoid things that are perceived by many as ‘natural’ in determining what is just. As the author argues, some people might be seen by society as natural-born liars hence using this to defend them (Mattison III, 2008, p. 138). We might end up saying that ‘it is not their fault; they are born that way.’ However, it is essential…

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