Analysis of Criminal Justice Associate’s Survey Human trafficking is defined as the process of subjugating people, forcing them to a no-way-out state, and manipulating them. It involves enrolment, conveying people into a situation of mistreatment via violence, and enforced to work against their will. Some of the reasons behind human trafficking are prostitution, domestic enslavement, and forced labor (Jaclyn G,2019). After reviewing the result of the survey through the questionnaire, I have found that most of the youths in the United States are typical in the human traffic issue. The agency within Florida has little information about the human trafficking and violation protection Act. They have inadequately trained personnel who can deal with human trafficking cases. According to the survey, it was noted that during the year 2018, girls below 17 years were forced into prostitution, and most of them are non-US citizens. Drug trafficking is at a lower peak according to the number of cases reported according to the survey. On the contrary, human trafficking occurs often and has been on the increase yearly in Florida and the United…

Restorative justice v.s. retributive justice In a two- to three-page paper, complete the following: -In one strong paragraph, explain what aspects of retributive justice contribute to offenders not having accountability and not taking personal responsibility. -Then, in a second strong paragraph, explain what there is about restorative justice that would lead an offender to be accountable for his or her actions that is missing in the retributive justice system. -Briefly (one to two paragraphs) discuss your understanding of incarceration as a tool for offender rehabilitation. -Incorporating your understanding of retributive justice, discuss how “rehabilitation” under the retributive justice model is almost destined to fail. -Finally, close your paper with a discussion of how the concept of accountability under the restorative justice model could change the “myth” of rehabilitation into a reality.[unique_solution] Restorative justice v.s. retributive justice In a two- to three-page paper, complete the following: -In one strong paragraph, explain what aspects of retributive justice contribute to offenders not having accountability and not taking personal responsibility. -Then, in a second strong paragraph, explain what there is about restorative justice that…

Restorative Justice vs Retributive Justice paper What aspects of retributive justice contribute to offenders not having accountability and not taking personal responsibility? Retributive justice involves punishing the offender. According to this notion, an offender, having violated rules or laws, deserves to be punished and, for justice to be reestablished, has to be punished in proportion to the severity of the wrongdoing (Michael, Tyler, Norman &Michael, 2008). Retributive justice holds the idea that wrong doers should be paid back for their bad deeds and make them feel what they made others feel. However, the retributive justice system does not ensure that the offenders take personal responsibility of their actions. This is because it is a form of vengeance. it more centered on making the offender feel the same way he or she made others feel rather that rebuilding their character so that they know how to interact the society. Punishments based on vengeance neither satisfy the principles of proportionality or consistency nor impact positively to the society. Retributive justice does not ensure offenders take responsibility of their actions, as long as…

When does Hume think issues of justice are non-applicable? Hume proposes that the idea of justice is non-applicable to all circumstances where problems of distribution are in question.  Because the objective situations of justice concern the supply of products are at issue (David Hume 476). Also, the sense of each person can have much desire without minimizing the quantity. What is the difference between hypothetical imperatives and the categorical imperative? A categorical imperative is one the stands for a deed as objectively essential in itself apart from its connection to a further end (Kerstein 43). On the hand, the hypothetical imperative is founded on inclination or desire that demonstrates the practical need of potential action as a way to something else that is willed. What distinction does Mill make to greatly improve Bentham’s original formulation? Mill improved the formulation of Bentham by denoting that the act is best when it causes about the maximum amount of balance, pleasure for the greatest number (MILL 65).  He noted it was unreasonable to anticipate each person to attempt to evaluate the balance of…

 understanding of social justice Many Americans find it quite challenging to reconcile their understanding of social justice with the fact that at least 35 million people, both dependents and employed, are unable to access primary healthcare. It is commendable that the government and health agencies and individuals are trying to keep up with the increasing requests for the services amid the budget constraints. Not only are Americans losing their insurance coverage due to the restraining policies, but the size of the vulnerable population of Americans is also growing. One big challenge in the endeavor to ensure justice is realized in the country is the poor access to healthcare. Barriers to access to healthcare include the high cost of care and no insurance and coverage as well as the poor availability of services. This jeopardizes the principle of social justice that is one of the ethical principles of health service delivery. Besides, the size of the workforce is also quite variable in relation to the size of the population. Notably, the size is quite unreasonable in the care for the older…

The Civil Justice Reform It is worth noting that the Civil Justice Reform has effectively curbed the adversarial excesses in the Hong Kong civil procedural system. The results of this reform are evident in the area of procedural efficiency and particularly in the defense sector. For instance, the period of time for defense service has been revised from 14 days to 28 days, which is perceived to be a more realistic period to obviate the need for many applications for an extension of time. However, this is perceived to slow the time within which the judgement in default of defense can be obtained. The post CJR rules have enhanced the reduction of delay in executing cases. Perhaps, before the CJR, many courts have been reluctant of executing duties, which in turn enhanced delay of procedures of executing cases. The implementation of CJR has quickened the pace of litigation due to the introduction of case management powers, which ensures all the cases are handled at a stipulated time[1]. This has reduced the accumulation of cases and waiting time for the ceases…

Speech by Martin Luther King Jr regarding racial injustice Introduction Freedom of expression is identified to be essential and a critical fundamental human right that needs to be observed (Article, 2017). Humans need to have the required platform to speak their freely on essential issues that across the globe in both developing and developed states there are still less free societies that still struggle to gain full access to freedom of expression due to several reasons such as discrimination, poverty and cultural pressures. It is essential to highlight often problems that are faced in the community do not have a free expression on the underlying issues that need to be addressed with immediate effect. Instances where there is lack of freedom of expression, there are diverse issues, especially those that affect the minorities go unattended. Speech by Martin Luther King Jr regarding racial injustice Martin Luther King Jr was very convinced on the three evils that created a disparity between African Americans and the whites, namely; poverty, racism and war. Through King’s speeches, he was vocal for America to progress…

Facial Recognition in US criminal justice system Today, surveillance cameras placed on building exteriors, entries, and at intersections are watching and recording the activities of citizen. What are the legal aspects of recording citizen, whether engaged in criminal activity or not, it public places? Is there an expectation of privacy is a public place? If surveillance video/photos are used as evidence in an identity case, to what extent can we rely on the accuracy of facial recognition software? Your assignment is to collect some research papers and use them as references to write your own research paper that answers these questions[unique_solution] Facial Recognition in US criminal justice system Today, surveillance cameras placed on building exteriors, entries, and at intersections are watching and recording the activities of citizen. What are the legal aspects of recording citizen, whether engaged in criminal activity or not, it public places? Is there an expectation of privacy is a public place? If surveillance video/photos are used as evidence in an identity case, to what extent can we rely on the accuracy of facial recognition software? Your…

What is “white privilege,” and do you believe it still exists in the criminal justice system? White Privilege is defined as the advantageous gains that one gets for merely being part of the social group that is often excluded from systemic oppression. White privilege should not be confused with racism, but it can only be attributing that racism, in some way, led to the development of white privilege. Unfortunately, it is regrettable to say that at this age and era, white opportunity still exists in the Criminal Judicial System. If so, how do whites and non-whites experience being labeled a criminal differently? Over the years, the history of the United States has often created the mentality in both the white and non-white communities that the black people’s behavior is associated with criminal activities.  This has been disadvantageous since the law to date still targets the black community, and on the other hand, white people are getting away with similar crimes. Therefore, being a non-white makes someone a ‘more criminal’ compared to the white. Why do you believe white privilege persists?…

The Justice System is Ineffectual in Protecting the Rights of the People The justice system is meant to ensure law and order prevails. Those who break the law are bound to be punished depending on the wrong deed done. Instead, the justice system has been in the spotlight for not offering equal rights, mostly regarding the skin color of individuals and assumptions on the same. Using serial, the podcast, I explain the ineffectual justice system. This paper will highlight instances where police behavior was possibly illegal and certainly justice was not carried out in a fair and equitable way. Joshua risks his stay in juvenile by cooperating with the police. The act makes him a target for his prison mates. The guards are also part of the fights, as they facilitated the fights (PR Staff). With help, his sentence will be increased. The guards participating in illegal activity is a counterproductive practice as inmates are in prison because they have broken the law and are being reformed by force. When the guards act in unison with convicts it shows the…

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