Pros of Restorative justice Restorative justice is a vital rehabilitation method dealing in crime that brings together a lawbreaker with the families of their victims to discuss the aftermath of a crime incident (Lobster, 2010). Most importantly, restorative justice focusses on the necessary steps that can be taken to amend any residual harm that an offender has left to the family and community of a victim. Restorative justice program is mostly practised in developed countries such as Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, New Zealand and the United States. Primarily, any restorative justice program is aimed to deal with any harmful conduct or wrongdoing on the offender’s part, which is not classified as a felony or criminal act (Lobster, 2010). Essentially, restorative justice is substantial is reducing high rates of recidivism which focusses on punishing an offender as opposed to attending to the general harm experienced by the family and community of a victim. Moreover, restorative justice is aimed at preventing an out-of-control correction system in the society that severs relationships in a society and may lead to even higher crime rates.…

Juvenile Justice in the Twenty- First Century Introduction The Fourth Wave: Juvenile Justice Reforms for the Twenty-First Century Cover Overview of the Juvenile Justice Reforms The 21st century has seen various changes in the Juvenile justice systems. Initially the focus was on the ways to be tough on crime, rather than being smart-on-crime. The principles of the justice systems followed a tough on crime approach; there by generating a series of unwanted outcomes. The transformation from a nominally rehabilitative institution to a lenient offender-centered justice seeks to address their socio-psychological behavior. However, there is still need to ensure that the systems in place comprehensively address the prevalent issues that exist within society. Social research statistics paint a different picture on the part of the Juvenile systems. There is need to engage the stakeholders and the community based welfare organization to come up with a way that addresses the existing challenges facing the 21st century justice systems. Key among them is the issue of repeat offenders, unequal treatment of child offenders, personal accountability problems for the offenders and advancing public safety…

  John Rawls concept of “Justice as Fairness.”   Choose three of the following topics:   Hume, Bentham and Mill all argue that emotions play a significant role in our moral judgments.   What role do emotions play in each one of these philosophers’ ethical views? How do these philosophers define terms such as “good” and “evil”; “right” and “wrong”? What is the standard of morality for each one of these philosophers? How do these philosophers arrive at their standards? Critically evaluate these philosophers’ ethical views indicating their strengths and weaknesses. (Give coherent arguments in support of your answers.)   Discuss Kant’s Moral Philosophy.   What is the source of morality in Kant’s view? Are there absolute moral standards in Kant’s view? If so, what are they? If not, why not?[unique_solution] Is there a relationship between Kant’s moral philosophy and his retributivism? Critically evaluate Kant’s moral philosophy, indicating its strengths and weaknesses. (Give coherent arguments in support of your answers.)   How are Psychological Egoism and Ethical Egoism related to each other?   What are the similarities and differences between…

 criminal justice system In the criminal justice system, the court decides on matters between the complaints and the defendant, according to the law. Although the court is the arbiter charged with the responsibility of serving justice for all, criminals and lawyers use the existing loopholes to defeat justice. Judges and magistrates in the judicial systems play an essential role in sentencing criminals. In the entire criminal justice system, the courts determine whether offenders respect the law, victims get justice, and reintegrate imprisoned offenders into the society as law-abiding upon completing their sentence. While the courts have been charging several people who commit crimes, only a small percentage are incarcerated. The remaining group of offenders escapes trail because of bureaucracies and technicalities in the court processes. The courts enforce the law that safeguards the rights of the accused and the victim. The assertion that the courts have given criminals too many rights is false because charging a criminal follows a due process. According to the American Government (2019), criminals have civil liberties. In the case of The People vs. O.J. Simpson,…

Analysis of Canadian Criminal Justice As Canadian criminal justice law is revered worldwide for respecting and upholding the right of the accused, people have revived the debate on whether the biasedness of law court judges affects the verdicts given by the courts. There are many ways in which a judge’s biasedness comes out.  Judges make their decision based on the seriousness of the case, race, class, and gender. Class affects courtroom decisions profoundly because judges base their case on mannerism and first physical impression of the accused as they appear in court. Proponents of the idea believe that sometimes judges get clouded by a personal attitude towards the accused rather than basing the judgment according to the established laws. There point that 100% of poorly dressed accused were sentenced to jail term while only 50% of well-dressed accused persons were convicted for jail term. A significant factor in which fingers are pointed at judges is Bail. The concern is that presumption of innocence, a cornerstone of the legal system, is being undermined and that the total number of “legally innocent”…

risk and challenges that hinder traditional criminal justice operation success Cybercrimes facilitated by technology, impact computer system and people and proves complicated to pursue using the traditional criminal justice strategies as a result of jurisdiction implications and legal hurdles. Thus, corporations and industries have started to participate in formulating various means of cybercrime. This essay, therefore, analyzes what forms cybercrime and the success and challenges of law enforcement in managing these offenses. The article also evaluates the risk and challenges that hinder traditional criminal justice operation success in moving forward. The emergence of the internet, mobile computing, as well as cellular telephony, has changed the current society, permitting real-time connections anywhere across the globe (Paquet, Décary & Bilodeau, 2018). The access to technology is quite easy in developed countries, turning almost all aspects of life now to rely on internet-enabled devices, including individualized communication, finance, and the maintenance ad management of vital infrastructures. (Holt, Burruss, & Bossler, 2015). Developing countries equally have access to mobile devices and internet connectivity, promoting unparalleled chances for growth and global connectivity (Holt & Bossler,…

Juvenile justice Attorney general representation is essential for young people, for them to obtain justice and for their welfare in every case. The attorney should be independent of any criminal court involving adult, to ensure the maintenance of rights of adolescent and youths. Therefore these Attorneys undergo training on adolescent and their development, to understand the best navigation styles during court proceeding(Jones & Barlett, 2013). They should also know about the consequences of both long and short term involvement of a case in court, especially with the youths. The judicial system should work on the providence of attorney for representation of children despite their age and income of family to ensure welfare and justice is disposed of during the ruling of cases. The attorney should, therefore, have a prior communication with the probation officer and beware of treatment the providers have in their plans. He should also beware of the types of cases he is going to be involved in either educational or administrative to ensure all implementation of strategies is expertly made. In the appointment, only the attorney who…

Write an essay on whether or not the justice system is simply a bureaucratic assembly line that does not promote justice as much as it simply ensures its own survival, with an emphasis on production. Essays should be double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or Cambria font, with 1-inch margins all around. When citing resources, you must adhere strictly to APA style (all papers must include a title page and reference page, although you will not be required to provide an abstract). The paper must have a minimum of 2 full double-spaced pages of meaningful discussion (title page and reference page do not count as part of those pages). The paper must include a minimum of 3 references (outside of the course text), with at least one reference from peer-reviewed academic journals (peer-reviewed references should be highlighted in bold type in the reference list). You must not to write in first person. All papers must be in a .doc, .pdf, or .rtf format. Essays should be double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or Cambria font, with 1-inch margins all around.…

Restorative Justice Is Not Offender Focused Even though restorative justice may seem to lean towards the offender, I disagree with the statement that restorative justice becomes more offenders focused than victims. There has been a lot of research that has been conducted to evaluate the satisfaction of the victims and offenders who are involved in the process. Surprisingly, most of the victims seem to be more satisfied with the process than the offenders. According to Shapland et al., 2007, 85 percent of the victim notes that they were satisfied with the process, while 80 percent of the offenders felt that they were not satisfied with the process. According to this research, the participants said that there was a high level of satisfaction with the outcomes of the process. The high degree of satisfaction with the process was that 90 percent of the victims were pleased by the fact that the offenders apologized. Consistent with findi9ngs above, a server conducted in New Zealand to assess the satisfaction of the victim and offender who amassed restorative justice revealed that   84 percent of…

Fifth Amendment was violated by officers Polanski and Evans. Regarding scenario one, the Fifth Amendment was violated by officers Polanski and Evans. First, the police did not offer Miranda warnings to the criminal Bruce. Secondly, the criminal was subjected to double jeopardy. The act of the police commenting on how devastated they are due to the murder of the four-year-old girl, was the first prosecution the criminal received. Besides, the criminal was emotionally harassed since he wept and confessed to killing the girl. Likewise, in the second scenario, the Fifth Amendment rights were violated. Miranda warnings were not given to Karen. That is, the questioning was done without the criminal being informed, and she had the right to remain silent or even ask for an attorney. In regards to the third scenario, no violation occurred since the suspect Walter knew his Miranda and also decided to stay silent for 4 hours. His confessions were valid to be used since he understood his rights and wished to confess. A remedy to such violation is the implementation of the right to protection…

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