The courts and administrative structures are founded on the law The courts and administrative structures are founded on the law that has been in existence for centuries. The rule holds that criminal liability is significantly dependent on a person’s capacity for moral judgment, which is not very distant from what is considered legal. A person’s moral capacity is used to determine an individual’s culpability to comprehend and choose between right and wrong. It is for this reason that the insane cannot be charged for the lack of moral judgment because they lack understanding. This law has been held in over forty jurisdictions, but Kansas does not consider moral capacity when making decisions in its criminal code (Garrett, American Justice 2014). Instead, the state applies a more modern interpretation of morality knows as the men rea, which is a strategy used to eliminate the means previously used to assess whether a defendant possessed the mental intention to commit a crime. The argument we intend to make using different mechanisms is to show that Mr. Kahler’s judgment was not intact and was…

John proctor admits to the adultery claim Writing prompt 1 John proctor admits to the adultery claim because he disdains hypocrisy, and to defend his wife, who faces witchcraft charges. Mary warren, one of the girls who work with Abigail, confesses about using fake witchcraft fits, but the rest of the girls deny the allegations. Proctor opts to admit committing adultery with Abigail and explains it as the reason his wife, Elizabeth, fired her. Abigail and the girls use witch trials as an attempt to avenge against john for ending the affair.she also targets to discredit Elizabeth. At the end of the play, john protocol refuses to admit to the witch charges. He minds about his reputation and self-image. Confessing to adultery is a lesser crime than confessing to witchcraft. People agreeing to lechery receive a jail sentence while those that admit to witchcraft receive a death punishment.   Writing prompt 2 Reverend hale is tormented by guilt for instigating punishment for witchcraft in Salem. He feels responsible for the breach of justice in Salem and the death of seventy-two…

Understanding Civil Liability for Criminal Justice Managers   READING Chapter 1 (Fundamentals of Risk Management) and Chapter 2 (Intentional Torts) in Girod, R. J. (2014). Police liability and risk management: Torts, civil rights, and employment law. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group.   OTHER READINGS   INSTRUCTION While the actions that give rise to a civil liability claim arise long before they are brought to court, the legal action itself normally starts with the filing of a lawsuit.  The steps generally required to commence a civil action are set out in Chapter 1.  This first assignment involves a little bit of research but will help “personalize” our discussions based upon the state you reside in (Virginia). [unique_solution] **If a plaintiff seeks to file a lawsuit against a law enforcement officer, the plaintiff must commence the lawsuit.  Each state has specific rules that govern how a lawsuit is commenced, what court the lawsuit must generally be brought in, and how the defendant is to be served with the lawsuit.  For example, a lawsuit is commenced in federal…

Criminal Justice Reforms Criminal justice in the United States of America experienced reformed during the ruin of President Barrack Obama. President Obama assumed power when the United States had a severe crisis of increasing the number of inmates in federal prisons and rehabilitation facilities. In his law review on criminal justice, Obama put it clear that the senior officials in the executive should use their designated roles and power to influence reforms in the criminal justice and ensure the systems are effective. In his stay in office as the president of the United States, improvements in the criminal justices were his main focus, something he had admired to performed even during his time in the university. His desire was triggered by numerous inequalities that he had witnessed in the criminal justice facilities. His mission of reforms started when he was a legislator in Illinois, where he collaborated with leaders and law enforcers to agitate for reduced sentences, police interrogation in front of a camera and legislation against racial profiling. Through is, the entire time of leadership used an array of…

Book Review: Out of Control Criminal Justice The book of interest has a black cover page with the title written in whitish greyish cover in capital letters. The subtitle then follows in lower cases, after which is the author’s name in capital letters. The remaining part of the cover page has caption words, some in capital letters and other small letters, which preferably demonstrate a decay in the society, preferably from the words shocking and hate crime. The title of the book is out of control criminal justice, and the subtitle is the system improvement solution for more safety, justice, accountability, and efficiency. It is written by Daniel P. Mears and published in the Cambridge university press. The focus is going to be on overview of the review for this book to ascertain what the author was intent on providing to the society. Written by Daniel P. Mears, the Out of Control Criminal Justice book is intent on revolutionizing systems for providing solutions to better safety, justice, accountability, and efficiency. It depicts a broken system of justice and out of…

Criminal Justice: Annotations Tyler, Tom R., ed. Legitimacy and criminal justice: An international perspective. Russell Sage Foundation, 2007. This particular book was written by Tyle Tom to provide analysis on the most debated the legitimacy in criminal justice.  The Author believes that achieving law-abiding and cooperating prisoners and citizens, particularly as described in the procedural justice approach needs character of legitimacy. Therefore, drawing from various philosophers, sociologists and political analysts, they argued that criminal case goes beyond the procedural framework, that legitimacy is necessary as it inter-link power-holder and audiences. Shared values and legality are two essential fundamentals based on audience creative reflections and legitimacy. The book has demonstrated the necessity of legitimacy dialogic-based approach within the criminal environment. This particular book has answered important questions about legitimacy in criminal justice. Therefore, it has given hope to criminal justice, where there exist power imbalances so that they can conflate actual legality and dull compulsion. However, the book does not offer a significant approach that coincides with police-based training and strategies to the changing diversified world. Though they do agree that police…

Identify the problem, noting its relationship to equity, access, affordability, and/or social justice in health care. Before the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, the United States faced a lot of problems, especially when it comes to equity, access, social justice, and affordability. There was a high rate of health disparities, mostly on racial and socioeconomic factors. Furthermore, the lack of fair affordability of healthcare influenced the lack of enough and quality care in areas or communities that are poor. Once affordability was affected, all the other aspects like accessibility, social justice, and equity were also affected and became poor as the years went by (Shi & Stevens, 2005). The outcome and satisfaction of the patients were poor, and healthcare spending and cost were only continuing to raise The Insurance companies made it hard for the poor patients and those who have poor health conditions to afford cover (Hoffman & Paradise, 2008). A year before the Act was implemented, the statistics analyzed showed that around one-fifth of the patients. The number of uninsured Americans was predicted to continue increasing if…

government agencies that enforce CRIMINAL JUSTICE CRIMINAL JUSTICE Criminal justice involves giving justice to individuals who have perpetrated crimes. There are various government agencies and social and legal institutions that enforce criminal laws according to laid down procedural limitations and rules. The goals and objectives of the criminal justice system include preventing the occurrence of other crimes, rehabilitating the law-breakers, and offering moral support for the victims. I do not believe that the justice system is working. The primary functions of a criminal justice system include enforcing the law, fair adjudication, retaliatory or retribution punishment, restoration, rehabilitation, and deterrence of other future crimes. In the case of Michael, the system has failed, primarily to rehabilitate, restore, and prevent future crimes. The provided article reveals that Michael has been to the juvenile court previously as well as has served a detention period before. Furthermore, people are wondering why authorities have done nothing to stop Michael from stealing. Therefore, the article clearly shows the failure of the justice system. Michael should serve in juvenile detention. In juvenile detention centers, youthful offenders receive…

Justice for indigenous people in Canada The indigenous people have been discriminated upon for years, which has affected them to date, with some people still viewing them as second class people. The colonization of the indigenous people was meant to assimilate them into the Canadian system and dispossess them of their values and cultures. The indigenous people interpreted this as an injustice and rejection of their personhood and humanity. Due to their refusal to cooperate the state could not make a life for them and in an attempt to make a life for themselves in such an environment live has been cruel to most of them. For example, there is high unemployment among the indigenous people, high school dropouts, and dissolution of family units, among others. As a result, it has led to top offences and criminalization, with high rates of suicide among their youths. Four explanations have explained the four explanations for indigenous overrepresentation in justice systems. One of the reasons is differential justice processes and discrimination of racial basis. Some people believe that some of the people in…

REGULATION FORMS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. ABSTRACT. Quite a considerable change has occurred in the strategies used to control crime within the last few decades of the 20th century. These changes have caused the emergence of a new penology system, thus replacing the old penal system. Crucial debates have been opened by analyzing techniques, objectives, and new discourses over the cast of nature of risk community and the current trend in criminal justice. In this paper, we will show the difference between the old and the new penology and analyze areas where the new penology has spread that are not covered in the article read. Also, we shall evaluate whether risk assessment fits comfortably into the criminal justice system and what should be regulated in a particular order. We will also explain whether the problems in risk assessment are practical or theoretical. The disparity in the old and new penal system The old penology was mostly focused on the establishment of guilt and evaluating the appropriate treatment of the accused, which is not the case with the modern penal system.…

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