Excessive Use of Force in Criminal Justice Introduction: According to Worden, the issue of excessive use of power in criminal justice, particularly by community policing officers, has developed to toxic levels (149).  There have been numerous cases where different officers have been caught on camera assaulting suspects when conducting an inspection or arrest. Ethically, this issue is unacceptable in criminal justice.  Instead, the officers are expected to ensure that they deeply discretion when conducting their duty or arrest or any probe.   However, ones the officers decide to act against the discretion requirements, their legitimacy among the people they serve is lost, and therefore, collaboration with community members is broken down. This issue leads to the affection of criminal justice service delivery.   The issue affects the community in that; there is increased insecurity following the rising fear and lack of trust towards the criminal justice officers.   Based on the impacts of the issue on criminal justice delivery, a remedy ought to be implemented to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of various criminal justice strategies in community policing. This paper will…

Justice analysis Key Term: Justice Definition Justice refers to the behavior or the treatment and the state of being fair and just. The concept is widely applied in many places. For instance, in a company, employees perceive fairness as the state of fairness within their workplace. Summary Many organizations define justice in various ways, and the term occurs in a different way, as well. The article analysis the relationship and the results between the company justice and to analyze the demographic factors impact on study variable amongst the workers in Egypt. There are many things which influence justice. The article offers some insights into whether the demographic factors got some impacts on the organization’s justice. The authors of the article explained the interactional justice as the primary variable that can be applied to predict employee’s intention to leave. Justice got positive impacts on the company, like retaining the employees. Justice can be implemented among the employees to reduce their tendency if leaving through interactional justice and spatial justice. The authors gave a precise analysis of the age as among the…

Criminal Justice – Police & Community   Discuss racially biased profiling. In the U.S, there is high discrimination towards non-white(mainly black ). Non-whites are questioned irrelevantly, summoned,  arrested without committing a crime, and also beaten and injured.  These are the reasons why criminal justice policy came about to bring justice to all races without discriminating against white or non-white. (Kochel, Wilson, and Mastrofski, 2011; Lytle, 2014) Discuss the evolution of American policing.   The policy has gone through three ages: the political, reform, and community; and consists of four different forms of policing: traditional, community policing, problem-oriented, and zero-tolerance. The movement towards advancing the domestic security made America move into a new way of policing, that is “homeland security policy.”(2019)   Discuss the concept of community-oriented policing and problem-oriented policing.   Due to increasing crime and disorder, police came up with a policy of creating a good relationship with the society through socializing with local leaders and public members, establishing partnerships, and plans for reducing crimes and violence. The introduction of problem-oriented policy came to give the right way of…

justice as a value and its application at work The growth of a company is primarily associated with its belief sThe growth of a company is largely associated with its believe system and values such as dissent judgment, and justice among its employees. Justice as a value is moral obligation to act on the fundamental basis of fair adjudication between competing claims. Justice is always linked to states administering fairness when giving a verdict or providing equality when sharing certain resources. it is easy for us as human beings to compromise on this crucial value in our daily activities. in this paper we are going to discuss justice as a value and its application at work. One of the things that I have always believed is that every individual deserves to be treated with fairness in case something has happened that is against the normal code of conduct or it has interfered with company productivity. During my working career, there was a time when I had to use the principles of justice to solve a problem. There was this time…

harder side of prosecution in criminal justice The term the harder side of prosecution in criminal justice refers to when a prosecutor is taking a strict approach to criminal cases. For instance, in no-drop prosecution, the prosecutor has to pursue the case of a domestic violence offender even if the victim is not pushing forward with the case. The softer side of prosecution is when the victim has filed a lawsuit again, an offender and the crime is clear. Here the victim desires the suspect to be prosecuted. Plea bargaining in criminal justice is the practice of negotiating between the defense and prosecution, where the defendant pleads guilty to the lesser offense when he is charged with multiple crimes. His plead is usually in exchange for more lenient sentencing and the dismissal of the other more considerable charges. While the supporters of plea bargaining believe that it speeds up court proceedings and guarantees convictions, those against it believe that it prevents justice from being served. Due to overcrowding in the criminal courts, judges and prosecutors feel the pressure to move…

Criminal Justice and criminal sentence Criminal Justice The criminal sentence should at least take into account the defendant’s background. This will help the jury to determine whether the victim deserves life imprisonment, death, or discover the number of years to be jailed. (Braswell et al., 2017) There are several factors to consider when looking into the life of a criminal. The first one is whether the defender has little or no history of criminal conduct. The judge has to get to the bottom of why the victim committed the crime it being his or her first time. The second is whether the victim was the main suspect of the crime he did help someone. This. (Braswell et al., 2017) Necessary because some people might commit a crime and set up on another individual. The third reason to consider is whether the defendant was under the influence of something like depressed or stressed out for some reason before committing the crime. This is also a key factor to consider because individuals go through a rough time, and since they have no…

Diversion Programs in Criminal justice             Criminal justice involves sentencing offenders to imprisonment or other forms of punishment for crimes committed. However, the standard sentencing process is costly and does not have effective rehabilitation programs. Diversion programs come in to provide relief for the judicial services by changing the course of punishment to a more effective form of correction of the offender. Generally, diversion programs are done as a cost-cutting program or to help in lowering the intensity of the punishment given to an offender without changing the course of justice. Diversion programs may be formal or informal, and some examples include community service and restitution. Diversion programs aim at avoiding formal prosecution of offenders by the judicial systems and provide an alternative course of serving their punishment. Diversion programs are developed to provide alternative methods of serving justice by offering a different way of punishing offenders. Although diversion programs are seen as a lenient way of punishing offenders, they provide an effective rehabilitation strategy to offenders and serve justice to the victims. Besides, formal judicial punishments only serve justice…

How political influence does affects the criminal justice in the United States of America significantly Hypothesis Bribery affects criminal justice in the United States of America significantly. Political influence affects the criminal justice in the United States of America significantly. Abstract The form of operationalization that the researcher has adopted in the two variables that are bribery and political influence affects federal justice. Corruption is a significant problem in the federal government of the United States of America if the recent events and surveys are anything to consider. This research paper investigates extent rot in judicial justice of the federal government in the United States of America and how it jeopardizes the justice of many of its citizens. This research employs qualitative analyzing to look into the topic This research paper assumes both exclusion and inclusion research parameters that are attached to the nature of the study. The researcher further employed a research string that is the critical words for the thematic search. Specific search strings keenly on the effects of political influence and bribery in the judicial system. This…

Ethics and Social Justice             Equality amongst members of a society validates the element of justice when each of them is subjected to equivalent social, economic, and political opportunities, notwithstanding religion, gender, and race aspects. Ethics and morality boast a relationship that complements one another (Weinstein). On the one hand, ethics is the philosophical perception of the morals by which a community’s behavior accustoms. On the other, morality defines the perceptive differentiation of right from wrong as a code by which the population lives and abides. Strategies for Addressing Poverty Tourism Administrators and public policymakers are obliged to make cautious decisions while handling matters related to poverty tourism using suitable plans to ethics and morality. The ultimate course, however, should be to aid the poor in terms of food and education. Approaches such as engaging and seeking approval of the poor citizens can enhance administrative processes involving tourism. Subsequently, policymakers should develop comprehensible models of amassing tourism resources and channeling them into courses aimed at diminishing poverty. It is, however, essential that administrators establish these policies carefully to avoid injuring…

Criminal Justice Policy Process  The society often experiences criminal issues that need immediate attention, and thus the improvement of criminal justice policy helps in addressing the identified problem. Criminal justice policy leads to reforms in the criminal justice system as well as reducing the rate of crime and recidivism (Ismaili, 2011). Several actors participate directly or indirectly in the policymaking process, and they include members of the society and special interest groups. Their responsibility is to develop and implement criminal justice policy as the overall outcome of the policy affects them in one way or another. If one of the policymaking processes is ineffective, the implemented policy will not have achieved its desired goals. Consequently, it is critical to ensure that the criminal justice policy goes through the processes, and the responsible actors are cautious of their actions. The paper highlights the key actors involved in the criminal justice policy process, as well as the steps involved and the possible suggestions on improving the process. Each step of policymaking involves relevant actors influencing the process, which comprise of six steps.…

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