why utilitarianism has difficulty accommodating the concept of justice Consequentialist theories of morality are found to be teleological as their purpose is at given goal state ad also assess the actions of morality based on the progress towards the given state. Utilitarianism is one of the commonly known versions of consequentialism. Utilitarianism theory explains the concept of morality based on the maximization, especially on the net expectable utility for the entire parties that are impacted by the particular action or decision. The utilitarianism theory is mostly linked to John Stuart Mill, who created the theory from a plain hedonistic version that was suggested by Jeremy Bentham, his mentor. Actions are taken into consideration as good to the extent that they tend to encourage the significantly greatest good, especially for the greatest number. Both men proposed that the concept of “the greatest number” involved all individuals impacted by the particular action. The theory of utilitarianism is considered simple, with outcomes that are easy to use. The theory offers some extent of right and wrong and that in every situation, the choice…

Criminal justice system Introduction The criminal justice system refers to the agencies implemented by a government and another process mainly for the jurisdiction of crimes. The system involves swaying sanctions or penalties to individuals violating laws. Criminal justice system operation is dependable on the jurisdiction employed in a certain state. Thus, there are differences in the kind of administrations imposed and crime management practiced in various agencies. However, there are two main types of crime systems involved in every state, that is, state and federal systems. State criminal systems deal with crimes that are committed within the boundaries of the state (Raghavan & Mishra,2017). On the other hand, federal criminal justices deal with federal property crimes, usually informing various countries. In each case, the criminal justice system is typically set to practice truth to every civilian. Thus, the systems aim at convicting, punishing, and helping the guilty to stop violating laws. Therefore, the criminal justice systems seek to limit the offending rate in society and protect innocent individuals. The criminal justice system involves various components that ensure proper justice administration…

Lawn Turfing And Maintenance A well-cultivated turf will enable you to enjoy a beautiful lawn and provide you with many years of enjoyment. Remember, a lawn turf consists of a mass of living breathing plants. Applying appropriate attention and care to your lawn will enable it to grow to its full potential. Turf maintenance practices maximize the benefits of lawn areas and minimize the potential impact that can result due to incorrect, inefficient, and irresponsible turf management practices. Turfing It is the application of the glassy layer on an artificial substitute held by the soil beneath it. There are different types of applications, new turf planting, renovation of a consisting turf area, and repairs (overseeding) of established turf. The overall goal is to produce a turf stand that is dense and deeply rooted, which will provide a rapid cover and develop maturity as fast as possible. Special attention is required to help ensure a successful project such as site preparation, seeding, and sodding. Mowing Mowing is the act of cutting down the grass. Mowing is the most basic and integral…

Restorative Justice Process Restorative justice is a process or an approach in which a meeting is organized between victims and offenders of crime in the presence of representatives from the community. The significant goal is to interact and tell what happened, who got injured or was victimized in the crime, and finding the best solution of consensus for what the offenders may be willing to do to repair or mend up the broken gaps after committing the crimes. Payment could be involved, apologies, together with other amends, or a combination of both money and apologies. The aim is to compensate the people who became victims of a particular crime and also restrict or act as a warning to the offender not to repeat the offenses in the future. The restorative justice system was started to respond to the failings of the old, traditional way that never considered restoring offenders back to the community (Richards, 2014). It is a natural way of promoting unity, peace, and trust progressively in society. The process of promoting peace in the community is essential because…

 Theories within Criminal Justice Essential Theories for Success Supervision Theories required for successful supervisory practices can be grouped into three categories: Behavioral Theories Trait Theories Contingency Theories Behavioral Theory The behavioral approach is applicable where the supervisor emphasizes on initiating a structure, and the objectives are attained by structuring the subordinate’s role (Yukl, 2011). Therefore, the activities are carefully communicated and planned. The deadlines are established, and providing the instructions dominates the interpersonal relationship between senior and junior officers. The tasks are scheduled, and rules are adhered to ensure adequate performance (Colber et al., 2012).   Contingency Theory The contingency theory is applicable where the first-line supervisor finds the working environment to be tense and lower interpersonal relationships. The supervisor should establish and implement a relationship-oriented leadership style. Close supervision activities should be eliminated, and subordinates should be involved in the decision-making process. Therefore, the supervisor should do whatever it takes to create a viable and relaxed working environment (Nohria & Khurana, 2010). Trait Theory Trait theory helps in distinguishing characteristics or qualities of an individual when operating as an…

THE FAILURE OF MULTICULTURALISM & SOCIAL DIVERSITY IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Diversity is a primary concern that seems to influence all the spheres of human lives significantly. Research has revealed that diversity in the social aspect, as well as differences in cultures, affects human social, cultural, and political spheres (Mishra, & Kumar, 2014). Multiculturalism and social diversity are facts of life that no human being can evade. The world is increasingly enhancing intercultural contact, which occurs as a result of easy communication as well as immigration. The primary effect of multiculturalism and social diversity is the influence that it has on how people view themselves in comparison with others (Benet-Martínez, 2012). One of the social spheres in human lives that feel the effect of multiculturalism and social diversity is the criminal justice system. This system encounters a great deal of the social difference and multicultural impact; the effect comes about as a result of diversity and ethics elements. This effect is more prevalent more so when compared to the rest of society. Multiculturalism from the organizational perspective Organizations are…

Components of Criminal justice system Introduction The criminal justice system is the agency implemented to a government mainly for the jurisdiction of crimes. The method involves swaying sanctions or penalties to individuals violating laws. The criminal justice system operation is dependable on the court employed in a specific state. Thus, there are differences in the kind of administrations imposed and crime management practiced in various agencies. However, primarily, crime systems take inform of two ways, such as federal systems and state systems. State criminal systems mainly focus on crimes occurring at the boundaries of the state (Raghavan & Mishra, 2017). On the other hand, federal criminal justices deal with federal property crimes, usually informing various countries. In each case, the criminal justice system is typically set to practice truth to every civilian. Thus, the systems aim at convicting, punishing, and helping the guilty to stop violating laws. Therefore, the criminal justice systems seek to limit the offending rate in society and protect innocent individuals. The criminal justice system involves various components that ensure proper justice administration to all. The three…

Racial minorities in the US Criminal Justice system             It is known historically that minorities in the United States of America are put in jail more frequently than White Americans. It all started with slavery and how African Americans were enslaved for almost a century. Black people were seen as barbaric and living without civilization, so white people believed they should take matters into their own hands. It then expanded into a Black versus White controversy. African Americans were enslaved with no rights and liberty, as opposed to White slave masters who were seen as royalty and held power within their communities. After the abolition of slavery, the hatred towards African Americans continued with discrimination and segregation. Black people were being thrown in jail at alarming rates at this time since there were many protesting against the laws and situations occurring because of the new laws being put into place. Even today, this still stands true. Racism is still a hot topic in present-day American society. Many White Americans would beg to differ since they do not have to experience…

The history of the criminal justice system in Ukraine and the United States The judicial system in Ukraine is unified. The criminal justice system in the country is based on the adversary and inquisitional justice principles. An inquisitional scheme is often followed by a preliminary investigation which dominates any criminal case that is on trial. The law on judiciary, the code of criminal procedure, and the criminal code are the ones in practice since 1993. The criminal justice system became effective in Ukraine after the October revolution in 1917, which forced the soviet administration to make a decree for the abolishment of the old judicial and were replaced with new local courts which were mandated by the Soviet government to make decisions on criminal cases due to the revolutionary legal consciousness. Other institutions that were created during that time to aid the new courts in the administration of judicial services included the federal and district attorneys, court investigators, and the public and private attorneys. In the event of criminal investigations, there was the creation of a three-member investigatory committee. However,…

The framework of evidence-based policing and how it can be beneficial to the criminal justice field. Abstract This paper focuses on the literature review on the framework of evidence-based policing and how it improves the field of criminal justice. Most of the police departments and other law enforcement agencies have embraced the use of evidence-based policing to improve the efficiency of the criminal justice system. The literature shows there is great interconnectedness between evidence-based policing and advanced technology. This is because evidence-based policing leads to the evaluation of scientific methods and information to base their evidence. Policies use evidence-based in conducting an investigation, evaluating physical and forensic evidence, and connecting with offenders, which is beneficial to both policing department and field of criminal justice. Another scholar has established the link between criminal justice and evidence-based policing practices by ensuring there is substantial evidence presented in the court. It has led to a more effective way of conducting an investigation, presenting evidence and store of evidence for future relevance and retrieval. Other scholar focuses on the integration of evidence-based policing in…

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