Down with Colonialism, Imperialism, and Injustices against Immigrants! Canadian history is tainted with several atrocities that were committed through colonialism, perpetuation, or imperialism and committing a myriad of injustices against the immigrants. From the early 19th century to the early late 20th century, the Canadian government carried massive injustice against the vulnerable people in the society and exploited them as they epitomized the source of capital that the country’s industry much needed. The laws legislations also got formulated in a manner that they propagated imperialist ideas but on the other hand, continued suppressing the indigenous groups and the immigrants in Canada. For instance, the Indian Act and its subsequent amendment prohibited various cultural activities of the Indians sought to socialize them, and pushed them to infertile areas to create settlers. Therefore, the above slogan perfectly aligns to the undertakings in History 204 as it captures the aspects of imperialism, colonization, and discriminatory immigration laws that dented the Canadian history. The following are the issues that the above slogan addresses. First, it highlights the vices that characterized the colonization of the…

Problems of Justice in Policy Justice refers to giving one what they are due. Its measurements are based on equality, fairness, and desire or any other tool that can be used as criteria for measuring justice. In the nursing field, it concentrates on the access to scarce resource allocation and access to equitable care. Ethical values are a fundamental aspect of any healthcare provider here. They ensure one makes the right decisions over the wrong ones. Ethical values are the worldwide code of conduct that gives a practice the basis the kind of motives, intentions, and actions that are valued. Ethics surrounding healthcare are vital since nurses have to pinpoint healthcare dilemmas, make good decisions, and judgments based on the values they hold and adhere to the laws which govern them at the same time.  However, this comes with a lot of problems in policy justice (Baker College, 2007) as evident in the case of a community health nursing agency in Midwestern County. In as much as equitable access to care in nursing is well described, sometimes the nurses who…

What justice is as described in The Republic and Crito? Plato gives a crucial platform of justice concept. He used Dikaisyne” which is a Greek word for justice, which is a closer term to righteousness and morality. It is surrounded by the entire duty of man. It more also includes the subject of personal behavior as far as it touches on others. Plato asserts that justice is soul worth, as an aspect in which people get rid of irrational needs to taste each pleasure, attain selfish achievement from each object, and fit themselves to the release of one function for universal gain. Cephalus asserts that justice is talking about the truth and returning debt. He thus associates justice with good conduct. On the other hand, according to Polemarchus justice includes issuing what is good to him. This implies that justice is acting right to friends and wrong to your rivals. Thrasymachus, who stands for the critical and new perception, advanced the entire concept of justice. He describes justice as the interest of the powerful. Which implies that power is correct.…

Quality and Availability of Ethics Training in Criminal Justice Introduction Many reasons cause integrity, moral, and ethical issues in law enforcement officers. The reasons range from lack of adequate training to stress and depression, to loose morals and corrupt officers and their superiors. This research paper examines some ethical laws and problems and offers some solutions. Ethical Problems in Law Enforcement Like any other profession, law enforcement has its code of ethics that each law enforcement officer must abide by. However, due to their nature of work, law enforcement has its unique subculture. A culture such as loyalty, which they call brotherhood, blue line code of silence, teamwork, safety, and sacrifice are necessary for law enforcement officers to succeed in their work (McCartney & Parent, 2015). However, such culture can become unethical when the law enforcement officers go beyond their obligation to each other and maintaining law and order. For instance, corruption is a widespread practice in law enforcement. Loyalty and code of silence prevent law enforcement officers from exposing such corruption since it is either their friends or someone…

Angel Island; A Haven for Injustice The life of a detainee is neither easy nor enjoyable. We take the freedoms and human rights written in our constitution for granted until they are taken away. Being detained goes against everything the American constitution entails about the rights and freedoms of its citizens. As an immigrant, one feels left out and out of place because of them in a new land and foreign country. The unfamiliar surroundings, the people, and the customs of America are new to immigrants, and it is not an easy task to adapt to life in America. The culture in this new country is different from my own’s. Their way of life is also different from the one back in my hometown. The people are welcoming but at the same time, not friendly. They look at us immigrants like aliens who have come from another planet to take their lives, jobs, and way of life. Even though the country’s constitution protects the rights of every person living in the country, the rights of immigrants are ignored by most…

Extreme or deviant case sampling and Criminal Justice Criminal Justice 1. Extreme or deviant case sampling – this type of sampling selects specific unusual cases considered special based on their levels of success or failure (Seawright, 2016). intensity sampling focus on distribution range whereby the evaluator selects cases with the specific phenomenon which is considered to be intense (Seawright, 2016). Maximum variation sampling uses the maximum variation, whereby it selects an extreme range of participants to have a wider variety (Seawright, 2016). Homogeneous sampling involves choosing identical traits; for instance, people sharing the same age,location or employment status (Seawright, 2016). Purposeful random sampling involves selecting sample sizes based on the characteristics of a specified population (Etikan, Musa & Alkassim,2016). Sampling politically and significant cases this sampling method selects examples that attract or avoids any attention involves including or excluding specific sensitive claims. Typical case sampling consists of picking up sample sizes based on profile agreed the profile are those who are unfamiliar with the program (Seawright, 2016). Criterion sampling involves selecting specific cases that meet specific predetermined criteria of importance.…

Social and Economic Justice Justice refers to a set of universal values that assists in guiding an individual to judge what is wrong and right, regardless of the society or culture in which they live. Social justice is, therefore, the manner in which the manifestation of human rights happens in an individuals’ everyday lives at any given level in society (Jackson & Usher, 2019). Clerk argued that that social justice constitutes a concept of a just and fair relationship between the society and individual and can be gauged by how opportunities for personal activities and wealth, as well as social privileges, are distributed among people (Jackson & Usher, 2019). Furthermore, Clerk maintained that social justice encompasses values like equal wealth to every citizen as well as the rights of meeting their basic requirements. On the other hand, economic justice, which concerns social order as well as an individual person, entails moral principles which assist us in designing a good economic institution (Lombard & Twikirize, 2014). It is these institutions that help in determining how every individual earns a living, exchange…

European Model of Restorative Justice In the European model of restorative justice (RJ), the aim is to incorporate the best interest of the offender in the justice process. One of the best ways to apply the European restorative model of justice is by creating mediation services that are voluntary to the people. This will attract people to this form of justice. The United States should ensure that the services that are offered by the mediation groups are uniform all through so that the process does not face resistance or contestation due to the discrepancy (Kinnunen et al., 2014). The services should also be available to all people who will give them the opportunity to decide the route to follow (Drost et al., 2015). Additionally, in the United States, there should be a determination of the cases that can be mediated since not all cases carry the same weight and introduce complex cases slowly (Kinnunen et al., 2014).  The US should create legislation that will make room for the victim-offender mediation as well as provide the required finances to ensure the…

Essential IV – VI In essential IV, the main focus is on how information management and information technologies are used in healthcare (AACN, 2008). In the modern world, technology is involved in all aspects of society, and health care is no option. In health care, the use of technology is associated with several positive outcomes, especially in information management, contributing to the whole concept of improving patient safety. The inclusion of technology in information management is credited with the reduction in medical errors like medication errors that have harmful side effects. However, though the use of technology in information technology has proven to be very useful in nursing, it is also associated with adverse effects. One such adverse side effect is that technology is increasingly encouraging laxity among the nurses. According to Powell-Cope et al. (2018), in as much as the use of barcoding in medication administration helps in reducing medication errors, over-reliance on the mechanism is believed to be one of the reasons that have led to the reduced tendency in nurses to review the accuracy of medication accuracy.…

  The Exclusionary Rule Justifications for the Exclusionary Rule (3) The Exclusionary rule demands that the evidence gathere d via the violation of privilege be excluded at the trial since the privileges are justified by the United States constitution. While the rule is controversial, there are three justifications in its defense. The justifications for the Exclusionary rule are Deterrence, Judicial integrity, moral justification, and constitutional justification. The constitutional justification is based on the terms of the fourth amendment. The amendment highlights that persons are secured off against unreasonable searches, secure in effects, papers, houses, and in person. Additionally, warranties are to be issued only upon an affirmation of oath on probable cause after clarification of the thing, person, and the place to be searched. The judicial integrity in, on the other hand, based on the role of the court in ensuring admissible administration of justice. It thus aims at keeping both the prosecution and the police at toes in obtaining legal evidence. Deterrence is eventually aimed at preventing the police from getting evidence through either force statements or coercion. As…

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