Sustainability Strategy Organization Sustainability In light with what has been happening to our company, especially after the fall out with Adam Neumann, the company needs to find strategies to avoid its collapse. WeWork, which is a company that provides services, especially in the hospitality department, needs to have an excellent image to the general public. The organization should have enough finances to enhance efficient service providence to its clients, that is, providing the best services to the clients and being able to cater to their needs. The management needs to layout strict measure to its employees.  Employees might be many considering the current financial status of the organization; therefore, the need for a layover to some. The management needs to train its employees adequately on how to deal with harsh conditions and approaches of the clients to protect the company’s image. The employees also need to be sensitized on how to respond to comments arising, especially after the fallout. For the company to acquire funding mainly from the Saudi Arabian Public Investment Fund (PIF), it would be wise for the…

JUSTICE: MIND YOUR MOTIVE The lecture is focused on Immanuel Kant, a philosopher, who explains that the consequence of the decision should not influence our actions. A person ought not to do something right merely because if he does not do the right thing, it will negatively affect him. A person ought to do the right thing because it is right. Immanuel Kant is also opposed to utilitarianism. According to Kant, utilitarianism equals to using an individual. Say, as an example, a person will only hang around you or be kind to you because they benefit in one way or another from hanging around you. If you were to stop giving them the advantage, they get from you, and then they would stop hanging around you. This, in simple terms, is using a person. Immanuel Kant emphasizes that human life is of great value. Therefore, no one ought to use a person for their selfish gains. An individual is sacred and deserves to be accorded some form of respect. Individuals are rational beings, which means that human beings can reason.…

Confession evaluation criminal Justice As a defense attorney representing Mayo in his case with the plaintiff,  I would try to negotiate for a plea agreement or bargain for his claim on his behalf. This is due to the fact actual cause of the death of Basil Scowen through an act of self-defense. The advantage of pleading for an agreement for this case would help me to be able to have the charger reduced to a less severe offense. In this case, taking a plea for an agreement for the defendant would help him as the prosecutor of this criminal case can reduce the charges from the possible murder to manslaughter whose specific sentence might be less compared to death if he decided to go for trial (Kassin, 2008).  Following the fact that there is no bright piece of evidence on the case to justify the element of self-defense claim that the defendant is likely to make, going for trial might implicate the judgment and have the defendant charged with murder for a more punitive sentence. As a prosecutor, I would…

Global justices The three books, Hobsbawm’s “Age of Extremes,” Castells “Networks of Outrage and Hope,” and Harari’s “21 Lessons for the 21st Century,” explain global justices and technology from different approaches. In the book “Age of Extremes,” Hobsbawm depicts the twentieth century as a revolution tempest, genocide, economic exploitation, technological error, total war, and political illusion. Although Hobsbawm and Harari explain technology and globalization, castells in his book “Networks of Outrage and Hope,” provides the best analysis on global justices and technology.   Castells argues that through the internet, there has been a creation of space autonomy purposely for exchanging information as well as sharing feelings of gathered outrage and hope (Castells, 2015). Harari argues that, as technology tends to advance faster than people’s understanding of it, hacking emerges as a tactic of war. In the end, the world feels more polarized than ever before, which is contrary to what Castles records. On the other hand, Hobsbawm claims that in the short century, communication becomes a messianic faith, and it collapsed ignominiously as castles say that it is through the…

Should Criminal Justice Agencies maintain a social presence? I strongly agree that the Criminal Justice Agencies should do so as the media have time and again been on the ground and assisted the law enforcers fight crimes and do thorough investigations. They are, therefore, able to share information about the suspects with clips and photos of offenses committed, should the Criminal Justice Agencies have an excellent working relationship. Should the Police Departments have a dedicated social media Unit? Here, I do hold a double-opinion. By having police media, it will weaken the freedom of other public media houses. It will result in the police only reporting what the deem fit for public consumption while at the same time covering up for some crimes against humanity and social injustices committed by the police departments. They may also have it to communicate within their channels about criminal activities but be independent of the public and private media, (Oliveira, & Welch, 2013). How have social media sites assisted law enforcement in fighting and investigating a crime? Social media has always played a key…

Justice Argument Justice demands that we treat equals equally and unequals unequally. Perhaps, the introduction of laws governing Uber technology has received mixed reactions based on the issue of justice. For instance, the new regulations argue that drivers should not be paid based on rider fares. Notably, contracts allow rider fares to be relatively higher than what is usually paid to the drivers. It has also been perceived that Uber does not consider its drivers as employees, and it does not recognize their pay as commission. However, Uber has allowed its drivers to keep fare paid to them in the Uber driver app even though the fare is different from what was charged by the rider. This has received a mixed judgment on how Uber treats riders and drivers. However, those who are judging this case should support justice. Based on this, everyone should be judging this case. Unequals should be treated unequally. Thus, to enhance the fair distribution of social and economic benefits and burdens, equals should be treated equally, and unequal should be treated unequally. The situation that…

Identity and Access Management Technological advancement has led to contemporary information security threats. The balanced safeguard of the availability, integrity in addition to the confidentiality of data is the critical focus on the information security of Healthscope whereas upholding focus on the effectual policy implementation, entirely without impeding organization production. Consequently, Identity and Access Management technique identify, authenticate and authorize persons utilizing IT resources by associating user rights as well as restrictions with established identities. Implementing IAM enables Healthscope to administer authorization as well as privileges in the entire system to enhance security while minimizing the money and time investment. Therefore, Web Single Sign-On technology implementation allows users to log in using web service with only one set of credentials for authentication comprising a unique password and username. Identity and Access Management The organization’s information security is essential because it safeguards confidential information, enables proper functioning in addition to enabling safe working of application instigated on the corporation’s information technology. Nonetheless, the advancement in technology has resulted in a risk to information security. Information security threats encompass identity theft, software…

Research Outline:The Involvement of Mass Incarceration in Flaws and Racial Issues within the Criminal Justice System. Introduction The use and the meaning of mass incarceration Connecting the aspect of mass incarceration towards the flaws and racial problems within the criminal system. Addressing the causes and the consequences of The Involvement of Mass Incarceration in Flaws and Racial Issues within the Criminal Justice System. Showing how Alexander considers the involvement of mass incarceration in racial issues and flaws within his judgment a perspective. The rising rates of incarceration mass The historical and comparative aspect based on mass incarceration in the United States The case trends based on jail and prison populations The correctional supervision based on scope increase in flaws and racial mass incarceration The dynamics of crime and penal population growth The crime trend in the United States Linking the crime of trend to the imprisonment trend Raising argument based on the flaw and racial judgment within the disciplinary body. Conclusion Based on personal analysis Imprisonment Racial disparity The aspect of crime and violent Crimes based on drug cases Hispanic…

Criminal Justice and the Rule of Law Why might the government not want to give lawyers to every single person accused of any crime or of breaking any law, no matter how minor? The rule of law requires that laws be adopted in accordance with established procedures, that they are made known to the public, and that they are enforced. Now about a half-century ago, the American Supreme Court ruled out that anyone too poor to hire a lawyer must be given one free in any criminal case involving a felony charge. However, at times the government might fail to provide alawyertoevery single person accused of a crime; this is because sometimes the cases may be too many. Too many cases mean that the government may lack enough funds to hire competent lawyers that would present each and every criminal. How do you think the government should pay for the criminal lawyers that will represent people free of charge? The American legal system was built on the concept of the rule of law, and all citizens are subjected tobe governed by…

Federal and state government criminal justice The disagreements between the federal and state governments have existed in the United States for a long time. The federal government and California have clashed on many occasions on issues related to criminal of the significant disagreements has been on the subject of immigration laws. Immigration is usually controlled at the federal level, and the Immigration Reform and Control act were chiefly formed in 1952 to prevent illegal immigration. The immigration laws are controlled by congress, while the White House is in charge of enforcing them. The jurisdictions over the rules of migration have been continuously upheld by the United States Supreme Court, who has overruled some of the decisions by state governments to single out immigrants. Control, however, the many states, including California, have passed immigration laws that would allow undocumented immigrants to access public funds and that the local police should protect the arrested immigrants who reside in those states. The Californian government stated that their state does not succeed despite their diversity but thrives because of their variety. They make…

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