argument research paper about a law that infringes on your rights or the rights of someone you know In this assignment, you will write a 750 word, MLA format argument research paper about a law that infringes on your rights or the rights of someone you know. Your goal is to persuade your audience that the law should be repealed, or at the very least, issue a call for research to be conducted on the effect of the law on individuals or groups. Assume the members of your audience are an equal mix of adults who agree, are neutral, and/or oppose your claim. Your essay would appear in an online magazine such as PBS News, so you will need to appeal to the average reader (review the examples from class). You may, to some extent, have to inform your audience through definition and cause/effect in the narration section of your essay. You should pay attention to the skills and writing tips we have been talking about in class and from our readings in Reflections.[unique_solution]   The three components of this…

Law 11 – Offside In the case that one is in an offside position attempts to play the ball after a shot on goal, the goal is disallowed irrespective of whether they touched the ball or not. It is usually known that offside is awarded when a player is ahead of the ball and the last outfield player (Popelazo Fútbol, 2016). However, an offside should be awarded if a goalkeeper is acting as the second last defender, and it follows that an attacking player is beyond the defending outfield player. An offside is given if an attacking is offside and distracts the goalkeeper to give his or her team an advantage upon a shot on goal (Popelazo Fútbol, 2016). No offside is given if a player is inside his or her own half. No player is deemed offside, as well, after a throw-in or corner kick. Furthermore, if the ball is not from a teammate (for example, a back pass, deflection, or rebound), no offside is given. This is despite the player being in an offside position originally. Law 12…

 Use of Force in Law Enforcement Use of force in law enforcement refers to the amount of effort that the police and other law enforcement officers apply to compel an unwilling subject to comply.  . The amount of force used is termed reasonable if it is the bare minimum amount of force that is require to protect oneself from an aggressor. Since different situations call varying amount of force, we consider force reasonable if a reasonable person would have acted in a like manner if they were faced by a similar circumstance. Excessive force refers to efforts beyond what is reasonable for mitigating a particular situation. Use of reasonable force is justified in situations where one needs to protect themselves or other parties from perceived assailants. This means that the defendant has determined that the person concerned is capable of inflicting bodily harm on them or killing them. Such is the case where an aggressor is threatening to use a weapon, toxic substance, or bodily force against the defendant. The law allows the use of excessive force is in some…

The Use of Force in Law Enforcement The use of force in law enforcement refers to the amount of effort that the police and other law enforcement officers apply to compel an unwilling subject to comply. Notably, the use of force in law enforcement is categorized as reasonable or unreasonable, depending on the situation and effort. Reasonable use of force is the one that does not violate human rights, and it can be justified by the law (Conda, 2004). In this case, a victim cannot make claims against the government and cannot recover any damages from injuries suffered. In line with Conda’s (2004) definition, excessive use of force by law enforcement officers refers to the use of force that violates human rights and cannot be justified by the law. The use of reasonable force is justified under the law in situations where the suspect to be apprehended is not complying with the orders. Mainly, this implies that a police officer has established that the suspect is unlikely to comply with rules after numerous attempts (Conda, 2004). For instance, a police…

Business Ethics and Business Law Charles did not fully meet the contract, the primary reason being damage and loss due to storm. The storm is a natural calamity that could not have been avoided. To prevent a breach to the contact, Charles can invoke force majeure to intervene Act of God (Liyanage, 2018). Here, he may be freed from the obligation temporarily or entirely get out of the handshake contract. Although his primary source of defence is a natural calamity, rainstorm, he was able to deliver part of the agreement. He can, therefore, declare the breach as Act of God. Neither party can win the case. The contract is breached, but the plaintiff is not compensated at the same time the defendant, Charles, has incurred losses, and his defence is Act of God. Response to Lucas Glampa I agree that the breach was intentional since it was due to unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, because the contract was binding after the offer was accepted, a breach led sue. Although 4H can terminate the agreement and discharge, John has few options on his…

Law enforcement Law enforcement is integral in the prevention and mitigation of crimes on soft targets such as malls. Based on my experience as the director of security, the lack of enough security personnel is the most vulnerable aspect regarding the mall. A majority of malls have been identified as targets since the government is focused on securing hard targets such as military and government institutions. According to Hesterman (2018), attacks on crowded areas have led to an increase in the number of casualties. The mall is a source of entertainment for numerous individuals in the community. The presence of three security officers in a large mall makes them vulnerable and attractive to terrorists. The latter will easily access the building using the various blind spots where there is little surveillance from the officers. Additionally, the lack of surveillance cameras around the mall exposes the visitors the terrorist threats. In this case, cameras in different areas around the mall will allow the officers to monitor movements and identify unusual activities. As the director of security, a realistic approach would be…


 Contract Law

 Contract Law The question is concerned with Contract Law. It deals with the aspects of offer and acceptance. This theory becomes legally binding when the parties involved are of one mind. One party lays down the proposal, which he/she anticipates that the other party will accept the terms on offer. Once both parties are in agreement, it becomes legally binding. The question involves two scenarios. Both scenarios include Ada and place her in a difficult spot with her two clients: Kevin and Erick. There was a legally binding contract between Erick and Ada concerning the purchase of the masks. Both parties laid out their conditions, which the other party accepted. Erick went on to fulfil his part of the agreement. He paid the money and sent her a picture of the transfer receipt and stated where he would like to collect the masks. At this point, the contract became binding as he had communicated his acceptance, as in the case of Entorres v Miles. He then waited for Ada to do her part. However, the delivery company informed Ada that…

Contracting Drafting Workshops for Women Lawyers Being able to draft and collate contracts is a highly marketable skill for a lawyer to possess. Unfortunately, most lawyers depend on templates or editing existing drafts. Some even spend a lot on outsourcing such services to third parties. Such methods work for many women lawyers. But, they can result in poor contact drafts that risk the lawyers legally, and this can make their clients and law firm very unhappy. Here are a few ways such workshops can be beneficial for women lawyer : Reasons to Attend Such workshops empower women lawyers with a deeper understanding of contract law. They teach you how to draft contracts that are easier to understand and clear in their delivery. You’ll gain skills that will help you prepare contracts in a shorter time. Such contact will meet all your clients’ business needs and protect them from any legal risks. You’ll also be able to draft more effective clauses to add into contracts. Lawyers also learn practical strategies for drafting contracts. These workshops also help you to be more…

 primary sources of law in the United States of America Laws and regulations are norms of conduct legislated to maintain justice and stability in a society. The government of citizens is, therefore, based on laws and not the instincts of men. For without laws, humans would be but animals. Laws ensure that disputes are solved in a civilized manner, thereby maintaining peaceful co-existence within the society. Laws are drawn from sources which can either be primary or secondary. The primary sources of law in the United States of America include the U.S Constitution, federal and state statutes, case laws, and administrative regulations. The United States Constitution The Constitution forms the most fundamental source of law in a country that the government and every department draw authority from. The Constitution is the supreme law of the country from which other sources of law draw existence. Any other statute which is inconsistent or violates the Constitution is void to the extent of its inconsistency. The United States constitution provides Bill of Rights which protect the individual liberties of every citizen in the…

Putin signs law that allows him to Rule Russia beyond 2024. The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, today signed the law on constitutional amendments that allows him to remain in power beyond 2024, by granting him the right to run for reelection.   The new Russia constitution amendments open up the possibility for Putin to remain in the Kremlin until 2036 since they have broken the current rules that barred a president from running for reelection after serving two six-year terms. Putin’s two six-year terms come to an end in 2024 Putin, who will be 83 in 2036, has been at the helm of Russia’s Governance since 2000, having held the post of President of the Republic for four terms. But between 2008 and 2012, he held the post of prime minister, in a move that was aimed at avoiding violation of the nation’s laws which allowed him only two consecutive terms, having been replaced by Dmitri Medvedev, a mere political protégé of his. Vladimir Putin signed the law on constitutional amendments after the Russian Federation Council, which functions as…

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