Healthcare law and Ethics Introduction Narrative of the Situation It is a health centre; man suffering from terminal esophageal cancer .because he does not understand English her wife has been accompanying him to a hospital for treatment and translates everything taught in a hospital. Now at this time his wife is not explaining everything. She hides some information about the seriousness of Mr. Nunez s condition. She claims she does this because she does not want her husband to know that he is dying of cancer. She cheats him that he instead has a growth on his esophagus but no cancer. Mr. Nunez has been recently enrolled to phase I cancer research protocol, consent for which his wife has given him. This lady is adamant that her husband not to be told about his diagnosis or prognosis. She knows that if the man finds the truth, he will do violence to himself and her. Despite being told that patients benefit from knowing their condition, she insists that nothing can be gained even by telling him the truth she cited an…

Compare sources and types of law in the U.S Compare sources and types of law in the U.S. Identify the four elements of negligence. Apply ethical decision-making models to healthcare ethical dilemmas. Action Items Answer the Theory to Practice 1 questions. Answer each question accurately and completely, following the directions given for length. Type your answers in a Word document. Use the following naming convention: LastName_FirstName_HCM442_AssignmentName. Edit your work for clarity, style, punctuation, grammar, and spelling. Submit your assignment to Turnitin at least 48 hours prior to the due date. For more information, please refer to the About Turnitin object in the Course Communications and Toolbox container.[unique_solution] Compare sources and types of law in the U.S. Identify the four elements of negligence. Apply ethical decision-making models to healthcare ethical dilemmas. Action Items Answer the Theory to Practice 1 questions. Answer each question accurately and completely, following the directions given for length. Type your answers in a Word document. Use the following naming convention: LastName_FirstName_HCM442_AssignmentName. Edit your work for clarity, style, punctuation, grammar, and spelling. Submit your assignment to Turnitin at…

Canadian and International Law   Independent Study Unit   Objective:   Students are to write a well-developed essay on a current legal issue (whether it is Canadian or International in nature) of personal interest   You will need to take a stance on the issue and convince the reader of the merits of your argument.   The position paper should be 6-8 pages, double spaced, 12/Times New Roman font   This essay is ​10%​of your final mark ( 5% Mock Trial)[unique_solution]   Success Criteria:   Part 1:​Selection of Topic- All students are required to select a topic from the list provided and must be approved by teacher.   Part 2:​Research- The purpose of research is in order to collect effective and accurate evidence to support your position on the issue in your paper. Evidence collected must be taken from scholarly and reputable sources. (MPSJ school websites-library- GALE password- Trojan)   Part 3:​Essay Outline- students must ensure that an outline for their essay is properly planned, a strong thesis is constructed and appropriate evidence is selected to support their argument. Some…

medical- malpractices and its lawsuits                 Medical malpractice refers to omission or negligence by act by a doctor or health officer, in which medication provided is below what is stipulated by the medical results in death or injury of an individual .in most situations, it involves medical errors. Claims on medical malpractices when presented in the court, for instance, in the United States, they are said to be civil torts. Sometimes it regarded as a criminal act, for example, as it was with Michael Jackson’s death. A medical professional can acquire professional-liability insurance, which offset lawsuits costs regarding medical malpractice. (Thesis) the purpose of this essay is to give a piece of detailed information concerning medical- malpractices and its lawsuits. In Medical- malpractice claim, Statistics from records in the United States, states show that about 40000-90000 people lose their lives in hospitals due to medical errors by health officers. People like authors have done a lot of work. For instance, center for disease prevention and control, says that currently, about 75000 individuals die every year, from infection only. And…

Gun Laws and Regulations Gun laws in Colorado follow the ‘Shall Issue’ principle, which means the licenses aren’t for the non-residents. However, if a good cause is a reason for owning the same, permits are issued. The most obvious reasons include property in Colorado or instances of frequent travelling. The local sheriff of the concerned country issues gun law permits in Colorado. However, the sheriff only issues the resident permits. In the case of non-residential licenses, all the permissions and licenses are granted by the Department of Public Safety. The best thing about the Colorado Gun Law is the fact that applicants trying to get a permit must demonstrate firearm handling competence. For individuals looking for historical relevance, Colorado gun law changed to Shall Issue from May Issue, way back in 2003. Another aspect that needs attention is the permit renewal. Colorado laws state that the concerned individual must be at least 21 to get the permit renewed. Most importantly, handgun competence needs to be established beforehand. The person must be a resident of Colorado and shouldn’t have been accused…

Review and contribution of the film to the field of CyberLaw The entertainment industry in the U.S. has always discussed real issues that people face, and hacking and cybersecurity-related issues have also gained importance. The documentary “Terms and Conditions May Apply” shall be reviewed, and its contribution shall be highlighted as well.   Review of the film “Terms and Conditions May Apply” The documentary “Terms and Conditions May Apply” was released in 2013 in the U.S. and the director Cullen Hoback’s main focus was to express the issues that users face after agreeing to click on the “I Agree” tab presented by various corporations and the government bodies (, 2019). In this age of smartphones and the internet, people prefer online services, and while purchasing goods and services, they often come across that tab. Once they click on the tab, they are giving access to their personal information to the government and company sites. Data of users should always remain confidential, and organizations, whether government or private, do not have the right to use that information for personal gains. Nevertheless,…

The factors that have limited local law enforcement efforts against digital crime Digital crime has presented distinctive challenges for local enforcement agencies. It has been observed that local law enforcement efforts against digital crime have been limited by various factors. The first factor is the inconsistent digital crime patterns making it hard for local law enforcement agencies to address these offenses. Further, there is no standard definition of the term digital crime and accurate statistics to inform the law enforcement agencies about the type, nature, and frequency of the offenses. The second factor is the possibility of concealing digital crime. Local law enforcement agencies experience difficulties in establishing the individuals behind the digital crimes that have resulted in framing in the past (Brenner, 2019). The third factor is the physical constraints that are associated with digital crimes due to anonymity, the speed at which cybercrimes are committed, and lack of a trail to determine the offenders (Brenner, 2019). The final factor is the extensive nature of digital crime that makes it difficult for local law enforcement agencies to address the…

Response Paper Requirements:  Family Law & Values   One of the most difficult areas of family law involves studying and evaluating legal rules that are intimately tied to moral, religious and ethical concerns.  In this paper, you will be forced to address a specific legal issue that arouses serious moral responses.  While morals are extremely relevant, it is important that a student of family law learn how to review legal rules that are potentially inconsistent with their personal beliefs.   Assignment: Write a paper addressing the following question:  Did the majority of the United States Supreme Court reach the correct conclusion in Obergefell v. Hodges?  Do you agree that the 14th Amendment Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution require states to recognize same-sex marriages as valid?    While many people have strong moral and religious views on the subject, I want you to make sure you specifically address the legal and constitutional arguments relevant to the issue.  Your personal beliefs are relevant, however, I do not want the entire paper to be simply a synopsis of your ideas.   You…

The Elizabethan Poor Law One of the influences of the Elizabethan poor lows is due to the creation of jurisprudence that fails to fit within the current provisions in the legal framework. Interpretation of both the existing legal structure and the extent to which the law is interpreted fails to enhance adequate legal framework. Within the confinements of the Elizabethan law, proper jurisprudence that improves efficiency, legitimate dissemination lacks (Daly, 2017). In the long run, a crisis within the Elizabethan law regarding the practical legal manifestation within the current provisions arises. The law fails to allow for a diversified examination of the legal injunctions and makes it hard for proper dissemination of facts and arguments. Additionally, the law fails to enhance a collective legal bench that checks on the credibility of the current provisions (Ross, 2017). Within the confinements of the law, there lacks a substantial existence of an enhanced methodology to monitor the worthiness of evidence presented. Ultimately, the level of inadequate legal provisions come along, and that breeds improper legal verdicts that thwart the legal framework. Alongside that,…

SOCIETAL FLAWS IN GREAT GATSBY             The Great Gatsby written by Scott Fitzgerald is set in the early 1920’s, a period in the history of America also known as “Roaring Twenties”. The book has its theme centered on the extravagant lifestyles adopted by the rich people in New York during this period of peace and prosperity. The story has been narrated by Nick Carraway, an enthusiastic salesman who has just shifted to a flashy but unfashionable West Egg society. Despite of lavish and wealthy setting of this society, the author manages to expose many social problems which are facing the inhabitants of Long Island. The author has used techniques of realistic writing, symbolism and first person narrative to convey his message successfully. Societal setting can conform anybody into whoever they want the person to be. Throughout the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, there is an outstanding theme on the flaws of perception within the society (Fitzgerald et al, 56). This theme has been conveyed based on various characters in the book who seem to have their personal perceptions as…

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