Contract law – scenario assessment In the given context, Sally had made an oral agreement with Lisa and promised to pay her $500 every month to support her. Oral agreements are equal to agreements made through writing. Such agreements can be said to be a valid contract and are enforceable under the Canadian contract law (Yates, 2012). However, Lisa had no recording or any other evidence or witness of the conversation about the agreement. Suing someone for contract breach is only possible if the concerned party can provide evidence in support of their claim in the court of law. Due to lack of evidence, this agreement can be considered as a casual one, and the appeal of contract breach may be turned down. In case Lisa could have provided evidence that meets any of the mentioned criteria, the agreement could have been treated as a legal binding. In the current situation, the court may reject Lisa’s appeal due to lack of evidence. Contract law has quite a few elements. Consideration in case of a contract states that both the parties…

Elements of Contract Law- A review of scenarios QUESTIONS/SCENARIOS An oral agreement is considered as a contract and it is similar to any written agreement. It is enforceable by law in Canada because the contract is valid. However, in order to sue someone for breach of oral contract, the other party should provide legal evidence or any proof in front of the Court. Sally promised Lisa to pay $500/month in order to support her financially as she was worried about the medical school expenses. The agreement might be considered as a casual one because both the parties do not have any evidence of the agreement. Therefore, if Lisa wishes to sue Sally, the appeal might get rejected in the court. It would have been beneficial for Lisa if she could have recorded their conversation. The contract could have been considered as legally binding if it met any of the criterions of contract law. Lisa might not receive justice as she lacks evidence. Consideration is one of the key elements of the Contract Law, and it ensures that both the parties…

Hughes and Coleman injury lawyers   If you’re looking for compensation for a full a reckless accident and also the person who harmed you be brought to Justice. You are in the right place. We strive not only to get your case settled but also in the right way.   When you have an injury, you find it challenging to work. Also, bills and expenses may pile up against you since you’re no working. Being out of work means you can not fulfil your family obligations due to lack of money. You need to worry no more; here at Hughes and Coleman, we will take a care injury case. We have served injury victims with similar claims like yours in the Kentucky and Tennessee area. Fill our contact form and schedule with us a free consultation by our injury lawyer.   Hughes and Coleman injury lawyers, we are part of the bowling green community. We aim to offer unique and compassionate care in personal injury claims that we handle. We have helped thousands of bowling community people pursue Justice. After…


Stark II law

Stark II law Stark II is a law that prohibits doctors and other medical providers from referring to certain health care services to organizations that have a financial relationship with the physician or a relative unless an exception applies. These services are commonly referred to as designated health services (DHS). Anti-Kickback Statute The Anti-Kickback Statute refers to federal criminal law. The law makes knowingly and willfully exchange of payment or other valuable resources in order to influence referrals of health care services and other programs related to the patient illegal (Hawkins, 2018). False Claims Act This is the most critical tool in the United States. The act allows taxpayers in the nation to recover stolen money from the government’s fraud contractors. The Importance of Stark II to Healthcare Providers According to Olavarria (2016), one’s Stark II is violated; it does not matter if the violation corrupted clinical judgment, impend the patient choice, or affected the referral patterns. Regardless of whether the decision was made willingly or not, the violation must be compensated by a medical refund. As such, the law…

 case of KLM burger’s recent incidence along with the critical analysis through the lens of law Answer Number One (Memo) The objective to write this memorandum is present a case of KLM burger’s recent incidence along with the critical analysis through the lens of law. The trial begins with the customer’s order which took the lives of two people. A customer availed the drive-through services, and unfortunately, there was an accident occurred which caused deaths of parents of three children and the serviceman also suffered severe injuries. This unfortunate incident becomes more critical when it was declared that the deceased persons are not insured; however, Mordor was protected. Therefore, there is no concrete reason observed in this regard. However, the manager suspects Mordor for this incident. Then, the EVP EVP/General Counsel approached manager operations about the demand letter, which clearly stated that Mordor is partially responsible for the event. The Lawyer representing deceased passengers’ children case and claimed that KLM burger is accountable for their parents’ death, and they asked for the penalty/ compensation of CAD 15,000,000.00. It has been…

 foundation of law in the United States Answer the following questions. Your answers should address all parts of the question and be approximately 300-400 words each. Make sure to thoroughly support all answers with accurate details and relevant evidence from the textbook and other resources. What is the foundation of law in the United States? How is the government structured, and what are the roles of the three branches of government? Hint: Your answer should include the following terms: Federal government, state government, constitution, legislative branch, executive branch, judicial branch, separation of powers. A nurse on your team has been sued for negligence by a patient . The doctor had ordered that a medication be administered to the patient via IV. The nurse prepared the solution using a drug with a similar name but a completely different formulation. As a result, the patient went into cardiac arrest, but was revived and is recovering. Four elements must be present to prove a negligence action. What are they in this case? Name and describe each. Find a healthcare-related case that has been…

Gun shooting incidences and stricter laws in the US Gun control is any legal framework intended to restrict or prevent the possession, and use of firearms. The gun control laws in the United States are getting looser every year regarding who owns the guns whether licensed or not. The topic of gun control has elicited debates across the states in the US following the rampant cases of unprecedented public mass shootings. There are existing federal gun laws that regulate gun ownership. Besides, each state in the US has its own set of laws that regulate the firearms. The second amendment to the constitution of the US provides the right to keep, and bear firearms. The second amendment makes gun control in the US to be one of the most divisive issues in the current American society. In close to 60 percent of the states in America, victims have been killed indiscriminately making the gun control argument antagonistic. The mass shootings in the US do not spare children either. According to the statement released by the BBC News correspondent on December…

environmental law See the Townsville Port Expansion Project additional information to the environmental impact statement document: Appendix 2: Townsville Port Expansion AEIS Hydrodynamic and Advection- Dispersion Modelling Technical Report. How did the hydrodynamic impact assessment assist in determining the likely impact of the proposed port expansion at the Port of Townsville (POT) project? Explain the numerical modelling tools to assess the range of potential hydrodynamic, water quality and coastal process impacts from future port expansion. Consider and describe the results of the Dredge Plume Assessment. What primary mitigation measures did the proponent suggest will be adequate in the main dredging operation? Does, or would, the implementation of offsets to compensate for any significant, residual impacts on Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) and Matters of State Environmental Significance (MSES) appear to you to be an appropriate manner of dealing with the dredging issues? [unique_solution]See the Townsville Port Expansion Project additional information to the environmental impact statement document: Appendix 2: Townsville Port Expansion AEIS Hydrodynamic and Advection- Dispersion Modelling Technical Report. How did the hydrodynamic impact assessment assist in determining the…


Confucian Law

Confucian Law In China, the legal system is based on the schools of thought, namely legalism and Confucianism. The Confucian law is highly criticized, and it’s majorly focused on the submission of the humans to what they do and thus ignoring human rights. On the other side, the rule of the land emphasizes the consideration of human rights and minus that no activities can go on, or the people will not abide by that law if it violates human rights. The youths, according to this law, while at home, they are expected to be filial and respectful to the elders. The human rights are not prioritized in the Confucian law, and this is why it is quite contrary to the western modernization and laws. The laws are formulated based on the deep influence of China on building the state, for example, the legal and moral traditions. It is the law of the tradition that governs social control in China (Yao, Hsin-Chung, and Xinzhong, pg. 50). The philosophy of Confucianism was developed by Confucius, and his followers and the law plays…

The Federal Law That Protects Employees Against Hazards in the Workplace   OSHA, an acronym for Occupational Safety and Health Act, is a federal law that ensures the rights of the employees are not violated in the workplace. According to OSHA, employees should work in a safe and hazard-free environment. This federal act guarantees employees several rights, such as the right to read the OSHA safety guidelines provided the employer and the right to report to the OSHA or employer about possible hazards in the workplace. Also, workers are free to file a claim with OSHA within 30 days and the right to their medical reports alongside records to any exposure to hazardous substances.   Who is covered by OSHA?   The objective of OSHA is to ensure employees are working in a healthy and conducive environment, especially in the private sector. The federal act does not cover employees employed by the government; that is, OSHA does not cover all employees working in the public sector. This also includes individual contractors working in homesteads.   What does OSHA expect from…

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