The Great Migration Series by Jacob Lawrence The story about the African-Americans great migration is familiar to most readers as it is a true story that occurred immediately after the first world war. The story involved a great relocation of more than six million African-Americans from their rural homes to various urban cities in the North, West and Midwest in the United States of America. Driven from their rural homes by poor economic conditions, discrimination and racial segregation, the Negroes decided to move from the Southern States to different urban cities in the North. However, their great movement to the North also contributed to the name, Great Northward instead of Great Migration. Various cities that most Negroes occupied after their move from southern states are St. Louis, New York, Chicago and Detroit among other cities. The story of the great migration is documented in various research papers and books. Many authors have also talked about the story of the great migration in their works. Jacob Lawrence told the most famous work about the story of African-Americans great migration. Jacob Lawrence…


Law 6

Law 6             The choice of property is not only defined by a willing buyer willing seller but also by the principle of property law under tort law. Each decision has an underlying consequence. Mary cannot seek relief for her choice since she is supposed to perform due diligence (Epstein, 2010). In Temloc v Errill Properties, 1987, the court ruled that law does not supersede due diligence. When looking for a property, the buyer must have a clear understanding of the property they are purchasing (Epstein, 2010). Besides, under contract law, they have the willingness to give a counteroffer and set conditions for the purchase. As such, even if Mary found a loophole in the statute to seek relief, she does not have a winning claim. The farm does not have to close and can seek a reprieve from a law court. Section one of the US constitution provides equal legal rights to all US citizens and entities (Cross & Miller, 2018). Besides, the farm existed before Mary purchased her property. However, Mary can seek a court adjudication for specific…

Differences between Law Enforcement and Security On a typical criminal justice system debate, people opt to use law enforcement and security as if they mean the same thing. Hence they can use one term instead of the other. It is no doubt that these two terms seem to refer to the same thing. However, one must note that when it comes to criminology as a profession, one must learn the difference between the two terms (Jennings et al. 2011). For this reason, the profession not only requires but also demands that the learner must know the difference between the two terms, and why such knowledge is vital in this field. To see the difference between law enforcement and security, one must first contextualize both concepts in terms of their roles in the society, parties involved, uniforms, weapons, and many other factors to be considered hereunder (Koubassov, Barachevsky, & Lupachev, 2014). On the other hand, (Hiatt & Hargrave (2016) point out that looking at the roles played by the law enforcement officers and security guards or just considering their ends is…

What The New Hampshire Car Seat Laws 2020 Recommend? The car seat laws are pretty straight forward as compared to the other states of the United States of America. It is the only state that allows the adult drivers or passenger of a moving vehicle to be seated without fastening their seat belt. Furthermore, there is no restriction to place the children in any individual seats. They have just recommended placing the children under the age of 18 to be set such that they are in some kind position that restrain them in a moving vehicle. What Is The Car Seat Laws In New Hampshire For Sedan, Minivan And SUV? The law that drivers or riders above the age of 8 years do not need to fasten the car seat belt. These laws apply to Sedan, family vans, SUV and small trucks. This law does not apply to taxi/cabs limos, passenger vans and public transport. Except for these vehicles, all other vehicles are required to have some restraint system for the children under the age of 18. Once a child…

California Labor Law California Labor Law is an ever changing body of law. It is not uncommon for California employers to accept myth as fact when it comes to dealing with employees and their compensation   While we have found these violations most common in small to medium employers who do not have the benefit of large HR departments or California labor law attorneys, large employers are surprisingly guilty of some of the same infractions. As such, a slew of California class action cases have been filed in the past 10 years or so, making California a hotbed of class action litigation with the extensive protections available to California employees in the workplace.   The four most common mistakes employers make are:   Misclassifying an employee as exempt from overtime. This typically means paying the employee a salary and having the employee work in excess of 8 hours in day or 40 hours in a week without paying overtime. Also, it is typical in this scenario to not permit the employee to take a 30 minute uninterrupted lunch break. Both…

effectiveness of the curfew law at reducing youth crime The discussion The best type of evaluation that can be done towards determining the effectiveness of the curfew law at reducing youth crime is experimental outcome evaluation. It is the third stage of evaluation and involves the experimental research design. The reason why this is the best type of design for the curfew on youths is that it consists of a comparison or a control group that does not receive the intervention, curfew, besides the group that is given the curfew (Elliott & Fagan, 2017). This feature makes this type of intervention to be able to offer more convincing evidence that the curfew on youths can result in a reduction in criminal activities or some other outcome. That is the reason why this forms the best type of evaluation about the curfew on youth crime. In this evaluation, the comparison group considered is that of the young adults who are above age 25 (Kline, 2012). This is an age that is above the curfew age. To determine the effectiveness of the…

Why is it vital to have a good Nashville medical malpractice lawyer? Medical mistakes lead to numerous personal injuries in the USA. A good number of doctors and different medical professionals offer premium care to their patients. Yet, medical errors, from inattention or poor communication among health staff, is a common occurrence. Medical malpractice steps in here. Has the incompetence or negligence by a doctor or any other medical professional harmed you? If yes, you have the chance to bring a lawsuit against that individual or the infirmary or facility where they work. Proving medical malpractice isn’t easy and requires a comprehensive understanding of the law. Thus, the importance of hiring a medical malpractice lawyer with the skills to handle it. Nashville residents around the Vanderbilt hospital region who have sustained an injury from medical malpractice will find good lawyers. They will assess your case sensibly and, if they determine that it’s a viable one, will perform all its legal aspects. They always strive to win you the greatest possible sum of compensation. They are considerate and smart when fighting…

bylaws which establish minimum separation distance (MSD) There are particular bylaws which establish minimum separation distance (MSD), which prevent setting up of housing for psychiatric survivors. For example, municipalities in Ontario still enact bylaws for zoning, which restrict the housing for the psychiatric survivors (LeFrançois , Robert, and Geoffrey, p.225). Such enactments and law are likely to make psychiatric survivors feel not cared for and lack the reason for living in a society that cannot allow them to build a shelter to reside in. Such feelings and treatment can make some survivors suicidal, especially those who have no relatives to hold their backs, host, and support them. They feel like outcasts since society fails to treat them as ordinary people. When there is emotional proximity between psychiatric survivors, that is not considered to be integration. Sometimes, psychiatric survivors are discouraged from relating amongst themselves. For instance, in patients who are in hospitals are usually denied permission to visit their friends in the ward the moment they are discharged (LeFrançois, Robert, and Geoffrey, p. 229). Restrictions such as these would make…

Criminal Child Abuse and Neglect Law Introduction Background to the Problem Many psychologists and criminologists have linked child abuse, in its various forms, to adverse psychological and behavioral changes. These changes are strongly correlated with the development of criminal behavior, especially if abuse is consistent and long-lived (Connolly & Woollons, 2008). The forms of child abuse most commonly linked with this unfortunate development include physical abuse, sexual abuse, and general neglect. The general consensus among scholars and researchers is that children who are exposed to various forms of abuse such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, and general neglect, or those exposed consistently to these factors develop behavioral factors that reinforce precursors to criminal behavior such as reliance on violence to solve personal and social issues. The victims not only learn to depend on these precursors to criminal behavior, they reinforce them in their own behavior as well as those around them. Significance Scholars have long desired to understand what effect child abuse has on their future lives. A fact of life is that the manner in which younger children are…

Defence of Insanity in Criminal Law The understanding of insanity as a defence in the criminal law cases has raised a lot of questions on the responsibility of the insane. Therefore, the critical issue is responsibility and the fact of insanity. The defense of insanity refers to justification in criminal case, disputing that the defendant is not liable because of a mental illness when committing the offence. According to English law, offenders who were insane were taken care or from as early as period of Theodoric Archbishop of Canterbury (668-690 AD) [1]when he said, ‘it is lawful to say mass to an insane person who had killed himself during his madness, but for case of suicide it’s not.’ The case that has been used for reference today is that of James Hadfield. The defendant was accused of attempt assassination of George III; however, the jury came to a ruling of not guilty because of insanity (Criminal Lunatics Act 1800). A similar case that ensued thereafter was the M’Naghten case, an attempt assassination of the United Kingdom Prime minister Robert Peel.…

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