Definition Essay  on my life as a law enforcement officer Introduction The definition is an essential aspect of writing and helps an individual to understand another person. For instance, it is challenging to understand an individual’s life and characters by looking at them. Therefore, definition writing elaborates better about a person beyond judging by the looks. I am a government officer that is, law enforcement officer, a job in which I encounter different individuals who might harm me. As a government employee, there are some responsibilities and duties I am expected to meet, which has shaped my life to who I am today. The job of a police officer has made me be an individual who embraces humanity, integrity, courage, and professionalism. The essay will evaluate my life as a law enforcement officer and how the job has made me who I am. Discussion I did not grow up wanting to be a law enforcement officer but wanted to serve my community and country in some way. However, it has been a long journey in life for me to become…

Labor Relations Laws The Great Railroad Strike of 1992 The most popular means of transport in the 1920s was by rail. Furthermore, railroads were significant to the nation during that period of World War 1, and the then-president Woodrow Wilson made the whole rail of America national to facilitate war effort. He even instructed the United States Railroad Administration, USRA, to overlook the system of the railroad. Under the supervision of USRA, the rail employees benefited a moment of prosperity, as there was an increase in their salaries, and they worked eight hours a day (Howell, 2017). However, when war came to an end, the government ordered the return of railroads back to their private owners as it is under the Transport Act of 1920. After that, a nine-member panel, Railroad Labor Board, began supervision of the railroads during their return to private control. The companies were then ordered by the RLB to reduce the salary of workers in 1921 due to the drop in postwar productions and increased quantity of labor force. In the following year, after a lot…

Cons of Mandatory Seatbelt Laws Mandatory seatbelt laws require the installation of seatbelts to motor vehicles and the wearing of seatbelts by the people occupying the motor vehicle. Research by road safety authorities indicates that seatbelt laws have reduced the number of deaths in road accidents. Studies of accident impacts suggest that the rates of fatality among motor vehicle occupants are reduced by 30% to 50%. However, the mandatory seatbelt laws have been opposed by several groups and individuals who claim that the rules requiring the wearing of seatbelts infringe individual freedom and liberty. The number of people saved by wearing belts is overrated, and they fail to account for additional risks imposed on other road users. Mandatory seatbelt laws infringe on the rights of road users and are against libertarian principles. Mandatory seatbelt laws violate the road users’ right to personal freedom, and they take away the liberty to decide whether or not to wear seatbelts. Several groups and individuals who oppose the enforcement of mandatory seatbelt laws argue that the laws violate libertarian principles. Compulsory seatbelt laws are…

The U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) on violations of securities laws The U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) reported in an alert to investors on 14 January that Initial Exchange Offerings (IEO’s) may be in violations of securities laws, and investors must exercise caution while choosing to invest in them.       Initial Exchange Offerings are similar to Initial Coin Offerings, but instead, they are initial offerings of digital assets to raise capital. The IEO’s have been on constant rage since 2019 as cryptocurrency exchanges took it upon themselves to directly offer the tokens from various projects on their platforms. They have recently seen a lot of development in the digital assets sector. They have been called a reformation over ICO’s since they directly take the offerings from companies and allow for immediate trading opportunities through trading platforms. As the SEC details, the risk posed by IEO’s happens when purported “exchange” platforms are not registered with the SEC and fraudulently behaves as if it complies with SEC standards and regulations.   The SEC states that if the IEO offered involves…

Benefits Of Hiring A Criminal Defense Lawyer All my Houston fellows I want to ask you a question, are you guilty of a crime you know nothing about? Or, your friend is charged with driving while intoxicated? Or you want to claim insurance money, or maybe someone you know is a sexual assault victim? Whatever the case, you need the help of an attorney who is best at this job, after all, yours or your friend’s reputation, family, education, degree, career, basically everything is at stake, and to save yourself you need best Houston criminal defense lawyer. What Is A Criminal Defense Lawyer And How Can He Save You? A criminal defense lawyer fulfils the duty of proving his client’s innocence by speaking on his client’s behalf. You can hire your own criminal lawyer or government will give you one. It’s his duty to investigate, research, gather proofs, analyze proofs, speaks for you, take care of the paperwork, and fight for you during the trial. Benefits Of Hiring A Criminal Defense Lawyer: Your lawyer’s connections, knowledge and expertise is the…

Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer When you have been in an accident, there are a lot of things that change in your life. Some of the things that happen when you have been in a truck accident are damage to your vehicle and, in worst cases, serious damages to your health as an individual. For that reason, the first step that you need to take when you have been in a truck accident is finding the nearest health center for you to get medical care for injuries. If you have been in a truck accident as a result of another person’s negligence, you deserve compensation.   The money that you get from the compensation is important since you may need to spend some amount paying for the medical bill and the repair of your damaged car. In addition, you would need the offender to compensate you for the time that you would be nursing injuries at home without going to work. In most cases, the offender would be reluctant to pay you for the damages that they have caused you.…

Drug laws Assignment Introduction Drug abuse has risen significantly in recent years. This is due to the increase in demand by the users and the increase in accessibility in the market. Heroin and cocaine are among the highly abused drugs currently. Reasons for increased heroin use in recent years It is true that currently, heroin is not just available in the earlier presumed dark corners. In the united states, for instance, it is finding its ways from the alleys no urban environment to the rural and suburban areas. It means that heroin use has cut across all the demographic groups making it one of the most abused drugs among the current population. Increased heroin availability is the first reason for the increase in the use of the drug in recent years. With the increased demand from the growing number of heroin users, the availability is easy since the manufacturers try to match the demand. The increased availability of the drug in the market results in upsurge use by a fourfold. When the drug is readily available, there are high chances…

Are You Dissatisfied With Your Lawyer? In most cases, people require a lawyer because a situation has become complex to solve on their own. But what happens when the lawyer hired screws them up. How can one prove malpractice since these cases are very hard to win? It becomes very frustrating when you don’t know what to do. Suing an attorney for negligence is the only option you can have to get compensation for your losses. If you have lost confidence in you lawyer and the only thing in your mind is to look for justice, you are not alone. You’re among the many who are pondering on the question, “can I sue my lawyer for legal malpractice? Challenges involved in proving a legal malpractice can push you even further to ask this question, “How do I sue my attorney. Don’t be afraid to take action, there are some strategies that you can use to know when to take action   3 Common Problems That Can Lead To Legal Malpractice Some individuals choose to remain silent because they are not…

Laws of heat loss in cylindrical pipes Heat loss refers to the net heat that is lost during the transfer of heat by an object to its immediate environment.  Therefore, heat loss in cylindrical pipe is the total heat lost during the transfer from the warm pipe areas of the pipe to the cooler environment until equilibrium. At this state of equilibrium no more heat transfer happens since the pipe and its environs are at equal temperature hence no heat loss occurs. Laws of heat loss in cylindrical pipes Different physics laws have been used to discuss how heat is lost in cylindrical pipes. Conduction being one of the laws, discusses how pipes lose heat as they conduct heat using conduction. Conduction is the transfer of heat from the warm pipe and its content to the cooler environment through direct contact.  The law of conduction explains how heat is lost when heat is being transferred through direct contact. In addition to this, the law of convection also is used to discuss how heat in cylindrical pipes is lost. According to…

. Accountability in the IoT: Systems, law, and ways forward Singh, J., Millard, C., Reed, C., Cobbe, J., & Crowcroft, J. (2018). Accountability in the IoT: Systems, law, and ways forward. Computer, 51(7), 54-65.   The ARTICLE points out the main reason behind the massive lack of privacy in the IoT system is the lack of user control. This promotes the direct consequences of centralized cloud computing. The other key point that comes out very clear is that there is a connection between cloud computing and the Internet of things. The article proposes a framework and solution that will necessitate the module users and the domain.  The solution presented necessitates the logical point of every organization using the Internet of things concepts.   The other portion of the paper puts forth the view that there is more concern over data privacy that comes from centralized IoT systems. This data promotes a critical obstacle to the growth of such an organization. There is a profound reluctance of the exposed row material to the IoT entities. The Internet of things typically in…

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