factors that influence how individuals and MNC positioned themselves to the tax law As described in the theoretical and conceptual frameworks, the stud identified three factors that influence how individuals and MNC positioned themselves to the tax law. Consequently, the study measured tax compliance and non-compliance as well as analyzing the relationship between tax avoidance, planning, and evasion. In view, it was evident that the tax planning has zero correlation with the tax compliance that is; r(330)=0.064, p=0.243. On the other hand, tax avoidance shown a negative correlation in relation with self-reported and MNC compliance r(330)=-0.298, with a probability of less than 0.001. Tax evasion and avoidance indicated a negative association with tax compliance; hence, they signify that they are forms of non-compliance. Importantly, tax evasion portrayed a stronger negative correlation with compliance as compared to tax avoidance where z=6.695, the probability is less than 0.001. These results suggest that tax avoidance and tax evasion are perceived as non-compliance practices. According to the findings, profits shifting induces a negative association between stated profit and tax differentials. Nonetheless, sources of data…

Canadian Law – Contract Law Dear Ms.Cloverdale, RE: Discharge of severance contract This letter of opinion constitutes my professional opinion on what you can and cannot do as far as a discharge of severance contract is concerned. There is no need of discharging your severance contract since you have already received your payment. Every employee in Canada, except a construction worker is entitled to a severance pay despite how long you have worked for Bell Mobility or how big that company is (Duton, n.d). This is because every employee who works in Canada is entitled to the common law severance (Duton, n.d). If you had an employment contract with a termination clause, it provides information on how much severance pay you ought to receive and the plan for its payment. Upon signing the severance contract, you gave up your rights to sue the company and discharging that contract does not mean you could receive a better package compared to the $259,000.00 in compensation you received. Despite how much you are currently struggling for money, you might be required to pay…

Recommendations Pertaining to Cardigans Law Case   According to the State law and first amendment, the Cardigans have a right of their commercial aired. I support this from the Court’s decision that radio and television broadcasters cover the side of their public issues in their stations in the case of Red Lion Broadcasting Company versus Federal Communications Commission. The First Amendment required  The sanction of radio stations for airing profanity programs. Still, I oppose it because it keeps adults and the older minors off from listening to a nonobscene speech at their wish. The first amendment law that the court had approved was not good. It was the enaction following a motion for the dismissal of subject matter jurisdiction failure. It involved no profit Massachusetts of a particular public interest corporation, FCC and individual members of the corporation, following a minor television viewer parent. The action that followed injunctive relief that the court-mandated the commission to make decisions based on reasonable alacrity proceedings in the docket 19142. It concerned the plaintiff’s petition for the children’s television enacting rules for television…

Labor law and industrial relations in Canada Introduction   1              In the first decade and half of the 20th century, before the turn of twentieth century a new model of unization was emerging that would dissolve distinctions among laborers and unite all workers in the same organization-industrial unionism. In Canada the impetus for this new style of unionism came from three kinds of industries (Arthur et al 2004). Workers were concentrated in large numbers and faced more aggressive corporate employers, industries where key groups of workers still had some independence from their employers and industries where distinctions between crafts were traditionally limited or were dissolving in the second industrial revolution. Many of these communities had a high percentage of immigrants. Often the workers who become union leaders had recently arrived from us Britain, or Eastern Europe. Many were socialists who became leaders in part because of their strong commitments to both a labor and political ideology (Arthur et al 2004). Socialist organizers opposed Canada’s commitment to capitalism, and this opposition led them to reject the notion of dividing workers into…

Jacob Lawrence- Migration Series Social stratification is an issue that society has grappled with for a long time since the onset of the modernization era. Members of the community tend to settle in areas where there are other people with whom they share similar socio-cultural values such as; race, socio-economic class, ethnic orientations, among other social distinctive grounds. In his work, “Migration series” that was initially referred to as “The migration of the Negro,” Jacob Lawrence shed more light on the role of the above socio-cultural values and how they affect the society in various ways. The artist focused on the migration of the African-American members of the American society migration from regions down south to the northern industrial areas of the U.S. there are various factors that the author has managed to present as the leading causative reasons for this migration. Some of these factors include; pursuit of better living conditions, search for employment, access to better social services, and active participation in nation-building activities. The series of paintings are a clear indication of the social stratification and the…


Civil Lawsuit

Civil Lawsuit Jury’s Verdict in Bridal Brawl case both parties, defendants, and the owner of the shop were fighting. There is no clear indicator who was assaulted in the fight, since the defendants also claimed to be the victims. The reason the defendants were in the bridal shop in the first place was due to a phone call by the bride. According to the defendants, the shop owner and his family were the ones assaulting the bride.  The assault charge can thus go either way, with the defendants attacked for defending their relative, who is the bride. This could have made the court to dismiss the charges. Civil Suit The shop owner can file for a civil suit for damages to his body and his shop. The shop owner and his son had several fractures and they had to seek medical treatment. The shop owner can claim for body damage after the three men attacked him and his son (Goguen). Since the fighting was taking place at the owner’s shop, he can file for property loss, which amounted to more…

The New Jim Crow Laws Introduction Jim Crow Laws were structures and regulations that encouraged racial discrimination against people of color. The legal laws that existed for over a hundred years were meant to marginalize African American people denying them the right to education, voting right, and even the right to get a job. Anyone who defied these laws faced the justice system. In the 20th century, these laws still prospered in society, oppressively encouraging violence. There increased riots as such white hate groups, which dominated the landscape, denying opportunities for educated black people. Black lynching increased in the South, prompting migration to the North. The North still did not grant the freedom they wished for with politicians like senator Allen Granbery Thurman fighting reconstruction eras that benefited African Americans. After world war two, there increased civil rights activities in black communities. Integration in the military, ruling out of educational segregation, discrimination against owning and selling homes, and voting rights were all ended by civil rights actions, and then-President Lyndon signed the Civil Rights Acts in 1964. The move led…

 whistleblowing law For employees to be covered by the whistleblowing law, they must reasonably believe that first, they are acting in the public interest and that the disclosure will likely show past, present, and future company malpractices. Also, engineers are expected to display high levels of honesty and integrity (“Code of Ethics | National Society of Professional Engineers,” 2020). My first step would be to confirm the details of the report with relevant people, particularly those involved in the study. Similarly, a clear, easy to use reporting channel promotes transparency and inspires confidence in the service by a whistleblower (Ruggiero, 2012). Perhaps the most widely used and the least formal means will be reporting to the supervisor, and in this case, it is the chief project manager. The chief project manager would confirm if, indeed, he is aware of the accusation. The first choice for a whistleblower is not generally to go to press. Any informant with serious allegations should determine first what their arguments are and how credible is the proof. In this case, if the chief project manager…

What should you ask a medical malpractice lawyer? There can be times when you get injured by the medical provider. Then, you might be thinking about what to do? Well, there are ample laws against a lot of things, and that is why whenever you get injured by the medical provider, always make sure that you ask the malpractice lawyer. In fact, they can come up with ample ideas to assist you in different things. But every time, finding the best medical malpractice lawyer cannot be an easy task, which is why you should ensure that you choose the right one by asking a few questions to them. While going to choose the medical malpractice lawyer, you will have to find the attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced. In fact, make sure that the attorney is willing to try the case. Then, you will have to ensure that the person is simply honest with you. And then finally, ask for the budget and expenses as well. . Knowledge and experience The medical malpractices are quite difficult, but the jurors who…

What are the advantages of choosing the best injury lawyer? If you face any kind of issue regarding personal injury, you will have to make sure that you choose the right one researching the one. As a matter of fact, there are ample personal injury lawyers available, but checking out their skills and capabilities, you will have to make sure that you go for the right one. Do you feel really sad, which you are no longer able to earn the ample amount of money because the personal injuries you have already suffered have made this very difficult for you to work properly? You require an amazing and skilled personal injury lawyer on your side. Knowing about the advantages of the injury lawyer When it comes to choosing the right lawyer, it will help you in getting the financial compensation for the injuries, which you have already suffered due to the fault of others. When you do not realize the significance of the skilled and experienced personal injury lawyer, you have to face a lot of issues. And that is…

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