leadership approaches Introduction Historical analysis of the origin of different leadership approaches helps in understanding the development of the society. The study of leadership as a phenomenon can be traced to the beginning of civilization (Management Association, Information Resources, 2016). Leaders were authoritarians who ensured that employees worked as expected to enhance productivity. According to the Management Association (2016) the Industrial Revolution and accompanying new technology caused a paradigm shift in leadership roles (p 39). Common people endowed with requisite skills, ascended into positions of authority, and brought with them new ideologies on steering organizations. There are three main leadership approaches: transformational, transactional, and Laissez-Faire which prescribe varied roles to leaders based on their historical background. Transactional leadership was first mentioned in Max Weber’s discussion of the socioeconomic considerations f the organization (Nikezić, Purić, & Purić, 2012). Weber observed that mechanization of industries resembled bureaucratic leadership in that it established a routine(Management Association, 2016). His assertion motivated the rise of two contrasting theorist groups: relationship-oriented classical management theorists and task-oriented scientific management theorists. Transactional leadership is founded on classical principles…

Reflective essay on My toxic experience with toxic leadership My toxic experience with toxic leadership is with Mr Ricardo, my previous manager. Ricardo was not the most comfortable person to deal with. Mr. Ricardo had angry outbursts, manipulative, and unethical. He used to criticize everything that his subordinates did. Although he had won many accolades and rewards due to his excellent technical skills, his unpredictable behavior and culture of fear were disgusting. He was very authoritative and used to compel people to adhere to his instructions. He was a dictator in a way such that his commands had to be adhered to by whatever means. He did not listen to any opinion other than his own to be heard. He demanded others to follow his direction without questioning. He was so egocentric that he could not listen to the views of his subordinates. He had a domineering character, always disrespecting his juniors. His juniors often felt humiliated due to his random commands, threats, coercion, and foul language towards them. He used to abuse power by bullying and exploiting the juniors.…

Leadership Style             Leadership is a broad discipline that is based on the study of an individual’s or organization’s ability to lead other individuals or organizations. Leadership is rated according to the successful or unsuccessful application of leadership styles. A leadership style is a method that a leader employs to provide direction, implement plans, or motivate subjects. Several leadership styles exist, which include transformational, transactional, laissez-faire, and paternalistic. The choice of a leadership style could be deliberate as a consequence of the circumstances surrounding a particular organization. The transformational leadership style involves a leader deciding to rule by aiming to transform his or her followers. In using the transformational leadership style, a leader is not limited by the followers’ perception. The transformational leadership style is the best to apply and can be easily incorporated into the nursing field. Transformational leadership requires an effective leader. According to Larson (2015), an effective leader should have a passion for a cause larger than they are. Also, the leader should hold life-giving values, be visionary, creative, and a holder of intellectual drive and knowledge.…

Leadership: Solomon             In the Old Testament, we witness a transition of rulers in Israel. These rulers were kings chosen by God. After the reign of King David, God picked his son Solomon to be the new king. He was one of the greatest rulers of Israel characterized by his love for God which he expressed through following the instruction given to him by his father, David. His leadership attributes well exhibited by his selflessness where he had a chance to ask God for riches and long life for himself, but he instead chose to ask for wisdom to rule and judge his subjects. One day, two prostitutes came to Solomon with a case where both were claiming the same child. Solomon being the king and the judge of the people presided over the case. He decided to cut the child into two where each lady would go with one part of the baby. One lady overwhelmingly accepted the decision while the other decided to let the child go rather than see the baby get split into two. King Solomon,…

ethics of leadership The week’s coverage centered on ethics and transformative values and some of the essential considerations towards becoming an ethical leader. Ethics play a critical role in influencing the levels of success realized not only in the economic but also in other facets of life. The coverage, as reflected in the textbook and the video used as a learning resource, pointed on some of the fundamental ideas and concepts associated with the ethics of leadership. The coverage about leadership competencies formed critical coverage during the week. Arguably, the reflection on leadership competencies was one of the most informative lessons during the week. Various concepts associated with leadership competencies that were covered during the week are essential not only in facilitating my educational success but also shaping my life as a professional. As a high school program director, understanding the concepts associated with leadership concepts is critical towards enabling me to succeed in all life endeavors. Concepts related to the creation of a compelling future, inspiring others, sharing knowledge, delivering exceptional performance, and having a passionate approach when connecting…

Need for Servant Leadership in the Public Sector Introduction Leadership plays a significant role in determining the success or the failure of any organization. Effective leadership in an organization ensures that employees remain focused on the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives. However, a recent Gallup study has revealed that the current image of leadership could be missing something. Results from the study revealed that out of four employees, only one employee believes that they are served with meaningful feedback from their leadership. The results also show that only twenty-one percent of employees confirm that they are managed in a manner that supports them to do an outstanding job. In most cases, employees are not allowed to participate in the running of the organization, for example, through decision making. Instead, the management makes decisions on their own and then pass the resolutions to the employees for implementation. In some cases, employees are not given an opportunity for clarification whenever changes occur. Leaders in some organizations avoid interacting with their employees. The lack of interactions between the leadership and the…

Theodore Roosevelt’s Principles During His Leadership Theodore Roosevelt is one of the greatest leaders in American history. He ascended to power in the year 1901 and ruled until 1908 (Brinkley, np). He rose to power was because of the assassination of William Mckinley. Theodore Roosevelt is known for the establishment of a strong army and navy and also his leadership principles. This paper will discuss the principles of Theodore Roosevelt as displayed during his time of presidency. One of the principles of Theodore Roosevelt was that he put teamwork first ahead of yourself. During the war between the United States of America and Spain, Theodore led his army. His was in the frontline during the war despite being the president. He put himself in great danger which shows that he placed those people he was serving before himself. Theodore’s act of risking his life proved that he cared more about his army and the security of the country more than he did care for his life. His actions won the commitment from the military, which survived the war for the…

Interprofessional Organization, and Systems Leadership   Introduction and purpose statement – No Level I Heading – Tips on writing an effective introduction http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/writingprocess/introductions APA rules around an introduction: http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2009/07/five-essential-tips-for-apa-style-headings.html Your purpose statement must be comprehensive and inclusive of the criteria for this assignment. See grading rubric for requirements to achieve full points for your introduction and purpose statement. Ethical Conceptual Framework Provide an introduction to conceptual frameworks of the ethical constructs of ethical, moral, or legal standards. Identify a moral, ethical, or legal issue or dilemma in which YOU were involved and had to act or react to a situation. Clearly identify the ethical conceptual framework which applies to this situation. Remember to define new terms and apply appropriate citations for these terms. Support with appropriate references and resources. Analysis of the Dilemma Provide a detailed description and analysis of the moral, ethical, or legal dilemma in which you were involved. Maintain anonymity of patients and colleagues. Why is this a moral, ethical or legal dilemma? Analyze the implications in this case. Ethical – Clearly identify the ethical principle(s) at…

Nursing Leadership In the presented scenario, 20% of the nurses are new to the organization and also in the Emergency Department. On the other hand, the organization has experienced nurses in the emergency department. As a result, this has led to a workforce with mixed experiences and expertise amid the implementation of the new system. As such, the leadership of the ED would require a change of both the physical environment as well as the beliefs and practices of the nurses. In this case, I would ensure the participation of every unit in the Emergency Department (ED), including the newly recruited nurses. As such, I would involve a representative from each unit to create an implementation team. The primary objective of leading the ED team is to promote collaboration among all the nurses and therefore ensure uniformity in the performance. The involvement of employees from all the units in the implementation process would create a sense of team-work and therefore enhance the success of the whole team in general. The central idea of involving the unit representatives is to develop…

Positive Leadership Theory In the discussion about positive leadership focuses on the leadership style of nelson Mandela.  The positive leadership theory implies that a leader executes their duties dynamically and powerfully with the determination of realizing the organizational goals. Mandela (1918-2013) is one of the most admirable leaders in South Africa whose leadership qualities enabled him to become the first black president of South Africa. Mandela made a tremendous contribution to the success of the ANC party. The ANC party is the largest and the oldest organization in South Africa. Mandela joined the African national congress in 1944, where he served as the president of the party from 1991 to 1997.  Mandela becomes the first black president of South Africa on the ANC party by winning the 1994 Presidential election. Mandela had numerous positive attributes that helped him demonstrate ethical leadership qualities as a member and as a leader of the party. Mandela’s most outstanding characteristic was defiance; Mandela would actively stand for what he believed was right of the people of South Africa demonstrated by his active stance against…

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