Leadership Across the Organisation Question 1             Kelvin could have trusted his employees and give them more responsibility to decide on the new services which could have helped them grow and plan for their future through suggestions on the provision of the original services. Including his employees in decision process could have controlled quitting of employees from the business hence helping them understand the needs and value of his business with their contributions incorporated in the decisions made. Question 2             Kelvin’s employee could have had a chance to bring out their suggested ideas, which could have articulated their issues of change in their job descriptions. Hence, this way, Kelvin could have designed proper decisions that could have retained his employees. Question 3 In an organisational change, Kelvin could have defined the new service provision by aligning it with the business goals. From there, he would have determined the impact of introducing the new service and consider the affected employees in the process. After that, Kelvin could have developed a good communication strategy that could address the changes to the…

Best Styles of Leadership The transformational leadership style would best suit me if I were to play a leading role in a public profession or community health position. Transformative leadership entails fostering change in an organization by influencing the concerned persons to strive for higher ideals (Van Wart, 2017). My choice of this style of leadership is based on the fact that managing public institutions comes with a unique set of challenges that I believe would be best addressed through a dynamic and firm approach. For example, public institutions operate in the interest of the communities they serve, and are thus to keep adapting to changes in that community. Besides, people expect constant improvement in such organizations and thus only a transformative leader can keep pace with such demands. Thus, I believe that I would be more effective as a leader in the public sector by adopting this mode of leadership. The second reason why I would adopt this approach is because it is the one that best matches my personality. To be a transformative leader, one needs to have…

Practicing Leadership Principles and Applications by Arthur Shriberg and David Shriberg Chapter 1 – Introducing leadership and beginning to form your personal leadership model Leadership is about guiding and transforming the lives of others. This entails nurturing your skills so that you can lead others. Leading is all about influencing, motivating and inspiring others to achieve certain goals. A leader must have the ability to influence others to follow a particular direction. This is followed by motivating them towards a particular vision so that they can achieve their objectives. The second concept is the importance of transformational leadership. Through transformation, a leader creates a change in the mind of followers. He gives them a new vision and inspires them to follow it until they achieve success. The third concept is the attributes of a good leader. For a personal leadership model to be effective, integrity, hard work, discipline and motivation must be exhibited. I would use the above concepts since they are the basic foundation of good leadership. I would succeed in leadership if I practised integrity and hard work.…

Ethical Leadership in a Business Introduction The ethical standards and the culture substantively set by the senior leaders are frequently used to define the ethical behavior in the business. Ethical leadership is the practice of normatively proper behavior through personal practices and relational interactions, and the advancement of such behavior to the junior staff through two-way communication, strengthening, and decision-making. Ethical leaders focus on long-term outcomes, weaknesses, and strengths of the decisions they set in a business forum. Ethical leaders are accountable, make progress toward reasonableness, think about business success, and demonstrate respect for every staff in the business. Ethical leaders develop high ethical guidelines and display them in practice. Ethical managers serve as models for their junior team and show them the conduct limits set within the business. Background leadership In my last occupation, I was accountable for overseeing a team of five, monitoring their schedules, training them, and mentoring them about the limits of the business conduct. I appreciate the leadership and am pleased to state that two of these five staff were promoted to better positions while…

Options For leadership and Work Design Maintaining and building a capable virtual team in a business organization has become the trickiest part, especially in balancing apartness and togetherness. However, the virtual team has developed various methods of best addressing apartness and togetherness organization balance. In essence, the workgroups are the most imperative building blocks of every business enterprise. In most of the traditional business corporations, the workgroups were most functional in engineering, sales, and manufacturing departments. Recently, business companies have, however, begun to develop a business style that is somewhat cross-functional explicitly. These business firms are mostly built upon some flatter structures of the organization. The modern business structures have adopted the team-based business structures leaving behind the traditional hierarchies and functional areas (Malhotra et al., 2007). Some of the groups in these modern organizations are responsible for specific corporate deliverables. The paper will explain the options for leadership and work design of the virtual teams and how the characteristics of the team and task requirements affect the choice of direction and work design. It will also assess the effectiveness…

exemplary leadership Leadership is the ability to guide individuals, teams, or groups towards accomplishing specific goals or achieving a shared vision. There is often a debate on whether leaders are born, or it is a learned behavior. However, exemplary leaders work to make others feel strong, able, and devoted. They strengthen the capability of people to deliver their promises. Exemplary leadership focuses on five competent practices, including “modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling others to act, and encouraging the heart” (Cutler, 2014). Although exemplary leadership is challenging because of responsibilities and pressure that come with it, successful leaders possess effective skills and qualities. From my professional career as an accountant in one of the real estate companies in the state, the organizational manager is one of the exemplary leaders that I have come across. First, his behavior is relative to exemplary leadership style because he possesses leadership skills and innate qualities; thus, a born leader. The five leadership competencies of an exemplary leader behavior make a considerable difference in his devotion and work performance. His…

Models of Leadership Introduction The paper seeks to address the different models of leadership, which are commonly used in the new business scenario. The paper would critically evaluate the new forms of leadership in the context of traditional models. The new models of leadership that are specifically highlighted in the paper are transformational, authentic, ethical, and followership models of leadership. The conventional models to be used in the paper are trait, style, and behavioral models. It has been argued by many researchers that the new models of leadership have been transformed versions of the traditional models of leadership. Therefore, the paper would propose arguments based on the modified version of the leadership models in light of the conventional models. Discussion Critical Evaluation of the models of leadership The traditional leadership style is also referred to as leadership of command and control. This is because a conventional leadership style is used when the company hires, trains, monitors, and deploys people from a pool of homogenous resources. It has always been believed in the past that coercion and dominance are useful traits…

Examining Leadership Issues with Veteran Agency President Reagan constituted the veteran agency. It was an agency aimed at offering soldiers the support they needed after coming back from combat. It was also meant to be a sign of goodwill to the soldiers. The State felt a need to honor their courage and determination in defending the nation. This agency provided services like health, compensation programs, and any other assistance these soldiers may need. The department as well is supposed to offer education and rehabilitation programs to the veterans as they struggle to fit back to society. However, this department has been met with severe critics. Some veterans have raised claims regarding their lack of support. They hinted negligence from the department towards their needs. In a sense, one would attribute ignorance to the agency. However, the main challenge is based on the leadership of the agency. Poor leadership and management have depicted a tinted picture of an agency that was supposed to be a reflection of the country’s gratitude to the veterans. This paper addresses leadership issues within the veteran…

Nursing leadership and management New York’s Mandated Reporter Statute Section 413 on New York state law provides vital information about mandated reporting on suspected child abuse (Russell, 2019). The state’s law provides reporting that should take place if there is a reasonable basis that child maltreatment or abuse is taking place. People entrusted with the care of the children should report in their professional responsibilities. Volunteers and employees with organizations that offer support, care training, education, coaching, counseling, coaching, among others, should report. The law requires that organizations train employees and volunteers. All employees and volunteers in childcare centers are mandated, reporters. School teachers, social workers, counselors, and psychologists are mandated, reporters. Steps in Reporting the Issue Contacting child support helpline is an initial step in reporting mandating reporting issues. national organization helplines ensures instant help during a crisis, and hence assistance is provided (Johnson, 2014). Child help support telephone lines have staff operating for 24 hours daily and would offer necessary assistance to overcome the problem. It would also be required to make the call to the local child…

My Leadership Style I have always embraced a transformational leadership style for quite a long time, and in almost all the leadership positions I have held in the past. To some extent, I can describe my leadership style as inborn and success-oriented because it has been hard to divert attention. I credit my internship program supervisor for triggering my inspiration towards the practice of transformational leadership, something that I have been unable to change for quite a long time. Significantly, I would describe my leadership style as one full of inspirational motivation. I like leading by example, whereby I get involved directly with the tasks assigned to my team. By so doing, I try as much as possible to inspire them through working hands-on with them to achieve the best. At the same time, I mentor, coach, and guide my juniors in their assigned tasks to promote creativity and innovation. To make the process effective and efficient, I reward their hard work as well as offering the necessary support required in making the right decisions. I encourage new ideas from…

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