Transgender Inequality Transgender refers to people whose gender identity does not match the gender identity they were given at birth. Transgender people show their gender identities in many ways. Most transgender people adopt an individual style, which displays their real gender and they are comfortable with letting society know about it. Transgender people are different in revealing their gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientation. However, these people are facing discrimination due to their sexual orientation in society. Transgender inequality is the unequal treatment transgender people receive in society. Transgender people experience unequal treatment at work, school or in the society in general due to a misunderstanding of their gender by the public. Inequality has resulted in transgender people unable to access health care services. From the previous years, the creation of awareness about transgender has been developed to make people understand what it means to be transgender. Although awareness is increasing across learning institutions, society, and the nation at large, discrimination in access to medical attention is still an issue for transgender people (Whitehead,2017). Preconception, disgrace, and unfairness…
Principles of Patient-Clinician Communication Many stakeholders and institutions in the health care sector have acknowledged communication to be vital to the welfare and safety of the patients. Enhanced care coordination necessitates healthcare providers to provide effective communication. Currently, medical errors and patient harm account for the largest share of the causes of ineffective communication. In this paper, the seven principles of patient and clinical communication will be defined. I will illuminate the applications of three of these principles within my interactions with my patients. Next, I will define the three methods used to enhance interdisciplinary communication and explore the one that best applies in my area of clinical practice. Ethical principles that are related to patient-clinician communication will be explored as well as the significance of patient safety and ethics in communication. Principles of Patient-Clinician Communication Patient-clinician communication is vital because it can help save or lose a human life. The seven principles are harmonized goals, mutual respect, a supportive environment, the right information, appropriate decision-makers, and continuous learning. First, the mutual respect principle motivates both clinicians and patients…
Sociological Analysis of Transgender restrooms Abstract The contemporary restroom’s history has been a history marked with consecutive social groups that have proposed the right to gain access to along with a toilet configuration mode fitting the desires and requirements of the various genders. Initially it was the women who commenced the potty politics, particularly the various women groups that fought for their own restrooms. The establishment of lavatories for women in various countries including the United States and the United Kingdom was marked with persistence meant to overcome resistance both the vestry and residents. In countries such as the United Kingdom, the restrooms for women were only build in 1905. At present, the issue of own restrooms for transgender persons has risen and this has been attributed to the lack of safety, gender-based segregations and the sense of non-conformity while using the lavatories. This has, in turn necessitated the need for unisex restrooms to enable the use of such restrooms by members of all genders thereby eliminating the discrimination and other negative vices that might affect those of different genders…
Unconventional Parenting Introduction Many aspects of the fundamental human lifestyle have been affected by modernization. Advances in medicine, telecommunication, language, and socialization seem to be affecting these fundamental processes of human growth. One of the most crucial processes that has been affected is parenting. Naturally, parents subscribe to a conventional protocol where birth is followed by inoculation, weaning follows the emergence of milk teeth, and education as well as learning are predetermined and structured. However, some parents seem to have designed a child-focused parenting protocol where the child’s choices come under consideration in their development process. This essay reviews the parenting advice two articles provide along the child-focused and conventional protocols. Off-grid Parenting The Daily Mail in the UK published the first article in November 2018. It depicts a couple in Brighton with three children who have chosen the off-grid system of parenting that is more child-focused (Corner, 2018). Instead of going to a medical center such a hospital to get advice and assistance with birth, the couple got all their children at home. They even allowed their children shed…
Historical, political, and social idea about gender. Introduction The “sun also rises” is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway in the year 1926 about a group of British and American expatriates who travel from Paris to the Festival of San Fermín in Pamplona to watch the running of the bulls and the bullfights. However, this paper asserts to present the historical gender, political gender relationship both feminine and masculine as well as the characters relationship mainly concerning male-female relationship (SparkNotes Editors 2003). Categorically the running of bulls here expresses the mood of freedom while the bull fighting is a clear picture of Majorly, jeke Barnes implies that he was a soldier in numerous moments in the novel though not direct. This is seen when we clearly notice that during World War 1, jeke bens had a wound hence as a result of injury he has totally lost the ability to have sex. As a result of this failure, jeke experiences masculinity insecurities hence becoming a typical member of what pioet Gertrude stein named the “lost generation,” which was a generation consisting of generation of men and women…
South Carolina′s Cyber Stalking laws Using the Web or other resources, find out what South Carolina′s laws are regarding cyber stalking. Write a brief essay (300-400 words) describing these laws and what they mean. In addition, provide suggestions or ramifications to improve these laws. Note: Please write your response in your own words and cite your references. Using the Web or other resources, find out what South Carolina′s laws are regarding cyber stalking. Write a brief essay (300-400 words) describing these laws and what they mean. In addition, provide suggestions or ramifications to improve these laws. Note:[unique_solution] Please write your response in your own words and cite your references. Using the Web or other resources, find out what South Carolina′s laws are regarding cyber stalking. Write a brief essay (300-400 words) describing these laws and what they mean. In addition, provide suggestions or ramifications to improve these laws. Note: Please write your response in your own words and cite your references. Using the Web or other resources, find out what South Carolina′s laws are regarding cyber stalking. Write a brief…
Inhibitors to Communication Part I: Workplace Working in a multinational organization has exposed me to various types of communication barriers. Communication inhibitors include cultural barriers, the direction of communication, emotional barriers, organizational barriers, and perceptual barriers. The success of an organization depends on the communication skills held by the employees and the management. Despite the process followed during selection and recruitment, some employees lack the necessary skills for communication. The coordination of employees is crucial, and where communication is limited, the activities of the company are subject to several challenges. Communication inhibitors are common where people are brought together by work and do not hold previous relationships. Generally, communication inhibitors require timely address before they turn to weaken the coordination needed in the workplace. Communication inhibitors tend to increase every time they are overlooked and continue impacting the company slowly until they interfere with the general coordination of activities. Overcoming communication barriers is crucial in ensuring improved productivity among employees. Communication inhibitors include cultural barriers, the direction of communication, emotional barriers, organizational barriers, and perceptual barriers. Part II:…
Taking a Moral, or Ethical, Stand in Today’s Society As a leader there are certain challenges that one should always expect to arise. At some point in the nurse’s career, they will come across a moral, ethical, or legal issue that must be resolved and at that point they will need to decide if it is in their best interests to make a stand or continue to roll with the punches. To take that stance, one must first know the differences between moral, ethical, or legal dilemmas. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate an issue and consider how I would act as a moral agent or advocate, facilitating the resolution of the issue for a positive outcome. Conceptual Frameworks of Ethical Constructs According to Marquis (2017): Ethics is the systematic study of what a person’s conduct and actions should be with regard to self, other human beings, and the environment; it is the justification of what is right or good and the study of what a person’s life and relationships should be, not necessarily what they are. In…
Perspective Walking along the pathway, a farmer’s house is seen from a distance. Attention is, however, drawn by three large bulls that are bellowing either due to aggression or from hunger. The farmer’s boy, who is supposed to take the bulls to their feeding area, has stayed late, and the bulls have grown restless. However, the only obstacle between the bulls and their area of feeding is the little ropes tied on their legs and a feeble-looking fence that keeps them from moving away. When the boy comes home, the bulls are released, and the little boy leads them to their place of feeding. The farmer makes quit an inspiring confession. The bulls have been bred in the same house since they were calves. They were trained to be restrained by ropes from an age when they could not break the ropes. The fact that the ropes appeared strong at a young age when the bulls were weaker created a perception that the ropes are stronger than the bulls. Also, the bulls were always trained to follow the little…
Interprofessional Organization, and Systems Leadership Introduction and purpose statement – No Level I Heading – Tips on writing an effective introduction APA rules around an introduction: Your purpose statement must be comprehensive and inclusive of the criteria for this assignment. See grading rubric for requirements to achieve full points for your introduction and purpose statement. Ethical Conceptual Framework Provide an introduction to conceptual frameworks of the ethical constructs of ethical, moral, or legal standards. Identify a moral, ethical, or legal issue or dilemma in which YOU were involved and had to act or react to a situation. Clearly identify the ethical conceptual framework which applies to this situation. Remember to define new terms and apply appropriate citations for these terms. Support with appropriate references and resources. Analysis of the Dilemma Provide a detailed description and analysis of the moral, ethical, or legal dilemma in which you were involved. Maintain anonymity of patients and colleagues. Why is this a moral, ethical or legal dilemma? Analyze the implications in this case. Ethical – Clearly identify the ethical principle(s) at…