Concept analysis paper-Communication Concept Analysis Paper and Rubric for Grading Purpose: Identify a concept of interest to you in your nursing practice and write a paper to describe and discuss the concept. This paper will challenge you to deepen your critical thinking skills through evaluation of research and theoretical evidence. Method: This paper should be in APA format and include a title page and reference page. All references should be properly cited in the body of the paper and quoted material properly defined with quotation marks and page numbers in the citation. References need to include your textbook and 3-5 other sources. The paper should be well organized with careful attention to sentence structure, paragraph construction, grammar and spelling. The paper is to utilize 12-point font and 1-inch margins. Paper is not to exceed 8 pages in length excluding title page and reference page. Headings and subheading are to be used to organize your paper. Content: 1. Introduction: Begin the paper with a short introductory paragraph expressing the purpose of the concept analysis and why the chosen concept is significant…

The role of the Catholic Church in Formation of Conscience The general concept of conscience is a term that describes self-awareness. In Christianity however, the definition goes a notch deeper. In Christianity, conscience is the internal rational capacity of a person that gives room for the voice of God (Carter, 2014). Some years ago, there was a common trend in films or classic comics where the main character had the trouble of making a significant decision. On each shoulder of the cast would appear an animated version of the figure where the dark one would represent temptation whereas the brighter one would serve conscience. Therefore, conscience is a God-given innate ability that enables the inner self to recognize between right or wrong. The Catholic Church defines conscience explicitly as a judgment of reasons whereby a person acknowledges the best quality of a concrete act that one is about to do in the process of doing or already done. All Christians, regardless of their denomination, have the Holy Bible as their guide. They follow the teachings and rely on it to…

State Laws on Advanced Directives The patient self-determination act of 1990 was developed to ensure that the patient’s right to self-determination in health care decisions get protected and communicated. Compliance with this law is mandatory. The advance directives allow the patients to accept or reject medical or surgical treatment while competent (Showalter, 2017). There are specific requirements set that hospitals must meet for them to comply with the PSDA. The first requirement in the state of Florida is that hospitals are expected to routinely provide information on advance directives to the patient at the time of admission. The hospital should provide a written summary of the patient’s health care decision-making rights. The review provided by the state of Florida covers five areas. The first is general provisions and definitions. The second is healthcare surrogates. The third is life-prolonging procedures. The fourth is procedures in the absence of advance directives, and the fifth is anatomical gifts. The primary purpose of these laws is to allow the patient to plan for their future health care needs with a reasonable certainty degree. It…

METAPHOR OF CULTURE In most organizations, there are always behaviors that are accepted and have a particular pattern. Therefore, forming the concept of culture in an organization. Culture can also be seen where the workforce has a shared understanding of what they think, feel, and believe. Hence culture in an organization leads to the creation of a mini-society in an organization and the have its own culture and subculture. The movement of culture as a metaphor began when many of the scholars had different opinions on the rational model of organizations. Their argument of rationality came because of their belief that most of the decisions, mission statements, and goals in an organization usually have a plan and also follow many considerations. According to Linda Smircich (1983) suggested two concepts on an organizational structure that include organizational culture as a variable and organizational structure as the essence of an organization. Linda believes that culture has a critical attribute that usually influences outcomes. The impact on results is generally seen in productivity and worker satisfaction. Culture, as the essence of an organization,…

HIGH PREVALENCE OF DENTAL ANXIETY IN SOCIETY Introduction Anxieties towards the dental procedures are common difficulties that are faced by dental patients globally. And as a result, most of the dental patients tend to shy away from visiting healthcare centers and clinics for consultations when under less severe dental conditions in fear of what they may have to go through in those clinics, a condition which has been affecting both children and adults as well. With time, the dental health conditions initially considered less severe escalate into major dental problems which cannot be totally controlled or very costly to treat. With a keen look on how this problem gradually proceeds up to the state of being uncontrollable, it’s without any reasonable doubt that the cause is anxiety and controlling it would as well control dental health problems. Managing dental anxiety would imply that dental problems would be noticed early enough and be controlled before they can escalate into severe and uncontrollable states. Relevance As a result of dental anxiety, many patients with dental problems which could have been controlled earlier…

Directions for Human Resources Article Reviews   You must select a current event article (within the last 4 weeks) that relates to a human resources topic. The article may come from articles found in the library. Below is a list of suitable publications:   The New York Times The Wall Street Journal The Economist Forbes Fortune Barron’s Investor’s Business Daily, or Harvard Business Review.[unique_solution]   You will lose points if you do not select articles from the approved list of publications or a source the instructor has specifically approved for you.   Include the following in your assignment:   A link to the article   Header Your name, section number and date The name of the article, date published and author.   Article Summary four bullet points summarizing the article Two or three paragraphs discussing the connection to topics relate to the class such as trends in human resources, recruiting, training, employment law, benefits, pay structure, and creating high performing organizations.  Make insightful comments that connect the real world to the textbook information.  Include why you selected this article…

Discuss how managing communication organisational practices, structures and processes has changed with the advance of post-bureaucratic management approaches _Managing Communication Topic: Discuss how managing communication organisational practices, structures and processes has changed with the advance of post-bureaucratic management approaches You may use the same references from your first essay, however you may not copy and paste any of the text. Structure The work should include the following sections (but please do not include headings – these are just a guide for you): Introduction Set the context by presenting your overall topic, take a position and you may like to mention selected references you plan to use to demonstrate your overall argument. Body Discuss your argument within the context of the literature. [unique_solution]Discuss new insights/practices that have emerged and the underlying assumptions of these insights/practices. Compare and contrast the arguments and assumptions embedded in your different source materials (i.e. managerialism vs. Critical Management Studies or stakeholder perspectives). Approach the topic from different perspectives; whose voices are dominant or missing, what are the implications and what are the new emerging questions? Illustrate…

FEDERAL IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT POLICY BRIEF             While some people view whistle blowing as “snitching,” from a positive point of view it’s an action of bravery and curtailing from loyalty to ethics. All the organizations desire to have honesty and transparent employees which in turn ensures a complete dedication towards the attainment of an organization’s vision and mission. When a culture of whistle blowing is encouraged in an organization, it promotes transparency, effectiveness and clear communication within an organization (Chiu, 2013). More importantly, the culture whistle blowing within an organization can protect its clients. For instance, a hospital which recruits negligent officials, other employees who are ethically inclined would need air out such issues for the attention of the hospital management, protecting such an organization from potential lawsuits associated with unqualified staff in a hospital setting. Now, a dilemma arises in cases where certain officials are sure that they are protected from whistle blowers by a certain law as they are likely to take that advantage and act in unethical ways (Hwang, Staley, Chen, & Lan, 2015). One of the outlines…

How Society Contributes to Stoic Stand in Men I once noticed a billboard that carried my attention. It was a piece of an advert for men lotion. The advert was well laid, and the background was on pink color. The message was very clear. It said that a man should never smell like a woman. He should be in a lotion that is smelling least and hardly noticeable by passersby. I kept asking myself why it should be said that a woman should not smell like a woman. What if I, as a man I am attracted to strongly scented lotions, should I decline from accessing my preferred commodity because I will smell like a woman? Overly, I realized how society had impacted very many areas of our individual lives. The society has created expectations for each gender, which should be confined in; otherwise, one gets disregarded. Those same social constructs have been adversely influenced men. They never get to speak about their inner feelings because they will be regarded as feminine. Societal constructs have created stoic stances among men,…

Crisis Communication (Please note this Bibliography peer viewed scholarly resources and the resources must correspond with the week. There should be two annotated resources for each week 2, 4, & 6. I will provide my coursework documents for you.) Professional Annotated Bibliography: Two or more outside credible resources associated with the weekly topics. For each resource, provide a 2 to 3 sentences annotation of how the resource can be useful in communication praxis. The Annotated Bibliography has to correspond with the weekly topics of the course, for example, I will be using week 2 Internal and External Communication, Week 4 Apology and Corrective Action Plan, and Week 6 Opinion Editorial piece. For Week 2 Internal and External Communication, the citation need to discuss -Communication Leadership -Stakeholder research data -Organizational Vulnerability -Reputation management For Week 4 Apology and Corrective Action Plan, the citation need to discuss -Corrective Action -Apologies -Scenario Building – Media Relations For Week 6 Opinion Editorial, the citation need to discuss How a Crisis Communication professional Manages activists and radical agendas – Managing social media impact.[unique_solution] Crisis Communication…

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