Clinical Health Assessment Decision Making in the Nursing Profession The nursing practice takes place in a setting of constant developments in technology and research. The undefined and active nature of a healthcare environment needs nurses to be experienced decision-makers to meet client’s needs. Nurses must be experienced in the proper use of health information technologies and patient valuation to ensure accuracy and make appropriate clinical decisions to ensure the safety of patients. The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate the factors that influence decision making like a nurse and look into the impact of health information technologies on the quality of clinical decision making and patient health assessment. Nursing education is the recognized training and learning in the science of nursing. It includes the duties and functions in the physical care of patients and a mixture of diverse disciplines that both hasten the health of a patient and how to maintain it. Nursing education plays a vital role in advance of the decision-making skills of a nurse (Johansen, & O’Brien, 2016). The type, manner, and levels of contribution of…
CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAMMES Introduction into the Subject Problem As it has been outlined in the previous discussion of crime prevention, the primary duty of the government is to provide safe and fair justice systems to its citizens. Several factors influence the occurrence of criminal activities. The factors range from social factors, environmental, political, and even individual human characteristics (Oseiet al., 2016). In that case, it is adequate to say that taking care of the above factor could act as a form of protection from antisocial crimes. Any earlier intervention practices that are put in place to deter the occurrence of a crime is the best tool for crime prevention. The issue of crime prevention has been active on debate platforms for quite some time now. It gets to be a challenge to define what to be addressed in the boundaries of crime prevention. Defining the term “crime prevention” is sometimes confusing. The word prevention has been previously used in different contradictory activities. One of the definitions of crime prevention is all efforts, programs, and policies developed from the private sector…
Culture essay Culture is the way of life, knowledge, and characteristic of a specific group of individuals encompassing ordinary behavior, language, social habits, cuisine, moral, and religious beliefs. Culture guides a lot of things from a person’s perspective, for example, an appropriate dress code, views of the world, and language use. The broad concept involves many aspects of our lives, such as the role of gender, and family, employment, and education system. Mostly, you view the world and react to it based on your culture. Based on your reaction, it can be in the form of behavior or influence behavior. For example, Muslim women are required to wear hijabs in front of guests and to go out in the Islam culture, most of the Indian foods are spicy due to their culture, and when going to different regions, the people in that area tend to speak in their language no matter who they are addressing. Another example is Zen Buddhism, which was brought to China from out of India during the 5th century by Bodhidharma. Concepts out of Taoism such…
Culture Awareness Culture has the potential of influencing the management of hypertension and dyslipidemias in various ways. First, it is essential to note that a culture’s behaviors, values, belief systems, and history may define how the medical personnel manages the medical conditions of hypertension and dyslipidemias. Therefore, there should be an understanding between the medical staff and the people (patients) concerning the symptoms, treatment, and management of the abovementioned medical conditions. That calls for cultural competency from the side of the doctors in the management of the ailments. If a patient is from a different culture than mine, I would focus more on building trust and a meaningful relationship with the patient. That is important since the rapport will create a foundation of understanding and will significantly improve the balance of power, leading to a successful healthcare relationship. I would achieve this by portraying the values of understanding, empathy, patience, respect, and trust. That will ensure that the patient feels loved, thereby eliminating any sense of intimidation. Implicit bias integrates undertones outside conscious awareness that result in a negative assessment…
importance of data science and scenic communication Science Communication Background Information Data science is defined as an interdisciplinary field based on the use of scientific methods, algorithms, systems, and processes to extract knowledge and insights from unstructured and structured data. It has a huge correlation with big data and data mining. Typically, data science is a concept that unifies statistics, machine learning, and data analysis so as to analyze and understand natural phenomena Data science employs many skills, which are adopted from computer science, mathematics, and other disciplines. Generally, data science is essential in enhancing the abilities of scientists to communicate with fellow scientists and non-scientists. To show the importance of data science and scenic communication, an article by Stephanie, Xiaolu, and Pernilla will be discussed. The title of the article is “Single-cell tracking demonstrates copper chaperone Atox1 to be required for breast cancer cell migration”. The main research question in the article investigates breast cancer cell migration as a function of antioxidant 1 copper chaperone (Atox1). According to Stephanie et al., copped ions are hallmarks of different types of…
why it is of importance to use feedback to our advantage, and different communication skills can be employed Feedback is an essential tool in our working environments as it helps us develop our skills and improve on them. Whether it is negative or positive feedback from a manager or a coworker, one gets to know his abilities and where he stands performance-wise. When an employee has behaviors or attitudes that are troubling, it is of the essence to give the right feedback. When presented properly, it can have significant changes in an employee and help in building a positive work environment. Similarly, when delivered in the wrong way, it can hurt a coworker and cause demotivation (Sheffield, 2016). This shows why it is of importance to use feedback to our advantage, and different communication skills can be employed: When delivering feedback to a colleague associated with troubling behavior, it is good to start with positive feedback. According to Maier 2016, recognizing a colleague’s strength will help in balancing your feedback and also boost his confidence. He states that it is…
Electronic Crime Scene: A guide for Law enforcement Introduction Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement main objective is to help local and state enforcement agencies and first responders who are responsible for collecting, safeguarding, and preserving digital evidence. During the implementation of the guide, it is worth to note that crime scenes are unique, implying that the judgment of agency protocols, first responders, and existing technology should be taken into consideration. The three basic rules that should be followed when dealing with digital evidence includes not changing the evidence during the collection, securing the transportation of the evidence, and only the authorized and trained people should examine the digital evidence and all things done during the seizure, storage and transportation of digital evidence should be entirely documented, preserved and be easily available for review by the investigation agencies. This paper aims at discussing the key areas of the guideline that require revision Investigative Tools and Equipment Standard materials and tools are mostly used to collect devices and items that contain digital evidence. Given the importance of digital…
Effective communication between teachers and parents Effective communication between teachers and parents is a positive critical aspect as it influences a student’s performance as well as their quality of life that a student lives while studying. Teachers and parents need to ensure that they actively listen to one another and remain respectful to each other for the greater good of the student. Although this is the case, when it comes to teachers dealing with parents from a culturally diverse community, there are different challenges that these teachers may face. In the end, the teachers have to ensure that they use effective techniques to learn about the family that students come from as a way of learning how to communicate with their parents properly. Cultural differences are one of the primary challenges that teachers experience when communicating with parents. Students come from different cultures and ethnicity, and as a result, this could make it hard for teachers to communicate with parents effectively. For example, while some students come from high context cultures which value close relationships and ensuring every individual in…
Communication Before Death The phrase “Set things in order” has been utilized passively regarding end of life preparations. Many societies adopt a rebellious approach to death, refusing to acknowledge its inevitability until they lose a loved one. Such denial can be characterized by avoidance of contact, reduced verbal exchange, and a general absence of meaningful interactions, thus limiting the opportunities to discuss the concept of death and its implications. However, studies on the psychological impacts of death confirm the worth of final communication and relations for both the victim and relatives. End of life communication can significantly improve the dying process as well as the after-experiences for the grieving. Factors Affecting End of Life Communication Identifying and overcoming obstacles to effective communication during the end of life can improve the lives of relevant stakeholders. Primarily, many cultures, including those of communities in the United States of America, regard death as a taboo or misfortune (Keeley and Yingling 3). Despite the general knowledge that every individual, at some point, must die, people continue to deny death as part of the life…
Conformity and gender Literature review Gender refers to a set to roles that people are be construed towards within human society. Thus one can be considered either male or female. Social conformity refers to giving in to social pressure to fit into society. Most often than not, people’s attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are influenced by their gender group’s son that they can be accepted. Failure to conform to what is considered acceptable often attracts ridicule and embarrassment with an aim to force the person to confirm. Various past studies have shown just how gender influence affects social beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of people. Oosten, Vandenbosch, and Peter investigated a group of 1,467 adolescents in the Netherlands to determine if gender affected their social networking behaviors. The survey was built on a previous study that claimed that gender roles directly affected how males and females perceived themselves and how they presented themselves on social media networks. The participants in the survey were required to support and align themselves with the hyper-masculinity of hyper-femininity. Afterward, the participant’s gender alignment measured whether it…