IDENTITY IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM                                                  Identity describes who or what we are. It bases on psychological, biological, or physical elements of life. Cultural identity represents our everyday behaviours related to how we speak, dress, move, or act based on our cultural environments. The need to have an identity is common to every human being. It is, therefore, essential to evaluate how popular cultures shape one’s identity based on who they are, in particular. We answer the questions of how different elements of culture, such as race, gender, sexuality, social class, influence our identity. We also evaluate how behaviors such as dress codes, modes of expression, or some actions tell of who we are. In the past, cultural identification was based on defined gender roles. Cultural behaviors were categorized for the two genders, males and females. Aaron Devor, in his article “performing gender,” describes that being male or female dictated what expectations, based on their cultural standard. He goes on to explain that males were perceived to be masculine, aggressive, and egoistic, while females were seen to be passive, submissive,…

: COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA Introduction The banking sector has been in existence for quite an extended period. Even though it began in the 14th century in Italy, the notion had already been practised during the past periods of the Babylonian civilization, whereby farmers used to borrow grains from the wealthy merchants so that they could trade goods in other towns. Nonetheless, banking, as we all know currently, actually started in 1472. during this time is when the Monte dei Paschi di Siena, which is the oldest bank presently, was established. In the not long ago, decades, technology was merely accessible in the banking sector. It signifies that banking clients had no control over electronic dealings or transactions that generally took place amid the banking institutions themselves. The ATM machines, as well as the credit and debit cards, are some of the remarkable inventions in the current decades that revolutionized the banking sector (Brunnermeier, 2019). However, their impacts are less remarkable as compared to the current technology experienced today. Loans A bank can assist in optimizing growth, minimizing risk, and assist…

How Hinduism and Buddhism differ from Jainism. In the lives of many people across the world, religion is essential. Spirituality in the Eastern part of the world started as a result of others—for instance, Jainism begun as a reform movement of Hinduism and later became a religion. Buddhism started as a result of opposition to Hinduism. The three faiths built their foundation by opposing each other, and thus there are some unique differences between the three. The discrepancies between the three religions range their principles of gods, goals, souls, and rituals in death. Hindus believe in the existence of god and goddess. Hindus recognize god and goddesses as the creator, preserver, and destroyer of the world. Jainism does not believe in god and goddesses. According to Jains, the world is an eternal phenomenon. Jains believe that the universe was never created and thus, it cannot be destroyed. The Hindus and Buddhists accept the philosophy of Karma. Jains do not accept Karma; instead, they describe it as substances that poison the soul. According to Jainism, for a soul to attain moksha,…

How are the Flaws and crookedness of capitalist society explored in the play? To what ends? The Threepenny Opera remains one of the outstanding works by Brecht. The “play with music” was first performed in 1928. The work finds its origin in the old works of John Gay “The Beggars Opera.” The intriguing masterclass piece relays some of the pertinent issues that impact society. Brecht also uses the piece to express his expertise in drama, whereby he enriches the abilities of the characters using the same aspect. The play highlights the issue of capitalism and how it impacts people. Brecht goes to extreme lengths to display how capitalism has affected the way of life of both the rich and the poor. He also focuses on how the moral concepts of society are impacted by capitalism. The idea of capitalism, in this case, is viewed from the perspective of the rich having the power to control the economic way of life as well as the legal limits of the people. The paper then focuses on how Brecht explores the flaws and…

How did the fear of the Soviet Union affect American culture and society?             During the cold war, the American people had just experienced an era that they deeply regretted that had an impact on their economic and social way of life. It was then something that they could live to remember with both sides of being a good thing and a bad thing. Among the things that make it a good thing, including the fact that they had won the war, and the bad thing was only that they were in a traumatic moment that would not only shape their way of life but also give them fear. During the cold war and especially since the United States has come from a war, they were convinced that the war was not over, and there could be a war anytime, and possibly the United States would not be ready. It was a season for the United States that although they had fear, they still needed to be strong for each other. The main context of fear is explained by the…

Hiring Professional Injury Lawyers for Accidents Accidents are prone to occur in regular life events. Your car can be involved in an accident with or without your consent, and that could be not very pleasant to you.  You can find justice when you are involved in an accident and exposed to injuries. Finding law services can be hard for some people, especially when you are new in the field. Thinking of hiring a lawyer could be an excellent idea of getting served the way you want. The lawyers for accidents bare many across the world, and that could be upon you to find the best. The following are aspects of choosing professional lawyers. First, experience counts when you need to hire a lawyer. All the lawyers have a different experience in the field depending on the time they have worked for. Choosing experts will assure you the best services any time you hire them. You can know if a lawyer is an expert if you get to see the time they have worked for. Give priority to be served by…

Starting a Food Truck Business? Here are Some Loan Options Starting a food truck business may sometimes be challenging and intimidating. This is due to the high costs associated with it. Some of the start-up costs include; insurance, commissary fee, generator cost, and inventory. Though financing may be a big deal, there are other, more creative ways to finance and start a food truck business. There are numerous types of loans that a food truck starter can receive. These financing can be in the form of unsecured business loans or asset-based loans. Here are some loan options: Microloans They are the most lenient and most accessible loans to qualify for. They are offered by individuals rather than banks to business-minded people to empower them tobuild and operate a business. You can use a microloan for nearly any purpose, though, you will need to adhere to meet stricter necessities to be eligible for this category of food truck loan. This type of loan is business-friendly as far as repayment terms are concerned. Crowdfunding The crowdfunding campaign is the scenario where the…

Fundraiser Proposal for Acquiring New Uniforms for St. Edmund Campion St. Edmund Campion always strives to develop its students into self-reliant, responsible, and independent citizens. The school values participation in extra-curriculum activities as these are essential in helping the students develop and refine their social skills, enhance their self-esteem, and be responsible individuals who honor their duties (Kelly, 2019). The school is planning to hold a fundraising event with the primary intention of collecting enough capital that can be used in acquiring a new uniform for its football team, St. Edmund Campion Bears. Through this, students will be motivated to participate in extra-curriculum activities and compete with other learning institutions effectively. The estimated cost for the uniform is $1600, which is to be raised through a fundraiser that is to be held within the local fire department picnic grove on 20th March 2020. There are 15 volunteers in total ready to assist and make the event successful. Planning The event is to incorporate both mini-sporting events and an auction later in the day. A total of ten football teams are expected…

GENDER EQUALITY Bennett, S. E., & Bennett, L. L. (1992). From traditional to modern conceptions of gender equality in politics: Gradual change and lingering doubts. Western Political Quarterly, 45(1), 93-111. This book talks about the disappearance of gender difference turnout during the 1980s, which was an essential development in American politics. The book illustrates the various research studies which all showed an improved voter turnout for women by 1987, as compared to the gender parity that existed before the ratification of the 19th Amendment just before the 1920 elections. It also talks about the many changes in women’s involvement in society and politics during the past quarter-century. Squires, J. (2007).The new politics of gender equality.Macmillan International Higher Education. This book discusses the concern with parity of political participation and the resulting emergence of institutional mechanisms to promote the political equality of women, focusing on gender quotas, women’s policy agency and gender mainstreaming as three key strategies that have come to define the increasing widespread commitment to gender equality within the political sphere. It talks about the rising number of women…

Global justices The three books, Hobsbawm’s “Age of Extremes,” Castells “Networks of Outrage and Hope,” and Harari’s “21 Lessons for the 21st Century,” explain global justices and technology from different approaches. In the book “Age of Extremes,” Hobsbawm depicts the twentieth century as a revolution tempest, genocide, economic exploitation, technological error, total war, and political illusion. Although Hobsbawm and Harari explain technology and globalization, castells in his book “Networks of Outrage and Hope,” provides the best analysis on global justices and technology.   Castells argues that through the internet, there has been a creation of space autonomy purposely for exchanging information as well as sharing feelings of gathered outrage and hope (Castells, 2015). Harari argues that, as technology tends to advance faster than people’s understanding of it, hacking emerges as a tactic of war. In the end, the world feels more polarized than ever before, which is contrary to what Castles records. On the other hand, Hobsbawm claims that in the short century, communication becomes a messianic faith, and it collapsed ignominiously as castles say that it is through the…

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