Homelessness as social problem Any social issue could be a significant threat to society. People facing social problems are living a hard and isolated life. Homelessness is among the complex issue that has affected many of the people in the community. Living without a home could make a stressful life in the rest of one’s life. It, therefore, needs an intervention to correct that and make everyone in the society have a happy life. In every community, the effect of homelessness if felt not only by the victims but by all people in the society.Additionally Bach (2019).clarities that we have many social forces which act as motives to homelessness. Mental illness, family breakdown, addiction, weak economic constitution, inadequate affordable housing and insufficient mental health services can be compounded factors resulting in homelessness. The dynamic relationship of the above factors impact the homelessness levels Homelessness is devastating, dangerous and isolating. The issues of homelessness are a painful experience in one’s life. The people living in the streets with no place to call homes are likely to have suffered from violence. They…

Business ethics essay Abstract Modern management practices Human Resource Management (HRM) is perceived to be a department that plays a significant role in the success of an organization. Companies are investing significantly in the human resource department since it is the core driving force of the organization. It is evident from the policies and practices that they have put in place in order for them to have a competitive advantage over its competitor. The ethical culture of any organization tells much when it comes to company values. The ethics code is an avenue used in expressing the real benefits to achieve the set goals. In the recent debates on business, ethics have been mainly centered on the ecological and social responsibility of the organization. In modern enterprises, ethics continues to be an internal concern for organizations. Most organizations have prioritized the interests of the stakeholders at the expense of the workers who are tasked with ensuring the organization’s goals are attained. The human resource department continues to play a pivotal role in the daily running of the organization. In any…

Global Ethics as a field builds on long traditions of ethical reflection about (global) society and discusses ethical approaches to global issues (Khosravi 3) I choose this quote from the introduction part because it has a rich resonate of the critical elements in the book; because, borders symbolize the sovereignty of states. A nation-state can be imagined only through its borders. In the nation-state system, zone, naked biological life, is immediately transformed into bios, political experience or citizenship. The quote from the book illustrates the fact that the boundaries of a nation constitute a natural order in many dimensions of human life. In other words, borders are no longer the dull edges of a state. Besides, boundaries are the essential reference of collective sense, of identity. They are not only external realities but also ‘colour bars’ situated everywhere and nowhere. More so, violation of the border regime is a violation of ethical and appealing norms. If in the nation-state system unidentified asylum seekers and undocumented immigrants represent such ‘a worrying element, it is above all because by breaking up the…

An Investigation of the State of Affairs in Competition and Opportunities in Healthcare Background of the study As technologies in healthcare advance, the business environment becomes more complex. Therefore a prediction of the interactions of different forces in the environment becomes difficult. Further, most people have access to higher education; thus, securing employment may not be as easy as it was in the last century.  The study purposes to examine two forces; competitions and opportunities and declare a profitable path for prospective graduates. Such information will also advise students on the skills needed to be competitive in the contemporary healthcare industry. Hypothesis Null Hypothesis: There is stiff competition in the contemporary healthcare industry. Alternate Hypothesis: the completion in the contemporary healthcare industry is not stiff. Methodology and Results The research will make use of secondary data sources. Peer-reviewed journals, articles, and periodicals will be reviewed to examine the level of competition in the industry. However, the review will be limited to sources published between 2010 and 2020. Market competition There is little competition in the health insurance industry (HHI). Hyde…

Project Congregation Development of Communication Methods While the idea of printing begun initially in China, Johannes Gutenberg’s programmed print machine, alongside progressions in printing process and ink, permitted large scale manufacturing and appropriation of composed archives to a wide exhibit of society and not simply socialites (psprint, 2018). The print machine changed how data was gathered, put away, and advanced Johannes Gutenberg’s adjustment of the print machine was at first disapproved of by the respectable class because of the way toward making the print, mass delivered versus hand-inked. The written words were prevalent among individuals with a lower class standing, and because of the less expensive value, the mechanical progression immediately spread (Harry Ransom Center, 2018). The print machine turned into an approach to spread data to immense spectators quickly and without the cost of a hand-inked book. “Gutenberg’s printing innovation immediately spread from Mainz to Subiaco in Italy (1465), Paris (1470), and London (1476). By the start of the sixteenth century, there were around 240 printing shops in Europe” (Harry Payment Center, 2018). Before the print of content, oral…

Theme of Isolation Isolation is an act of being left out, making individual experience low self-esteem and loneliness. It is common in the current society with people deciding to undertake certain activities without involving people that are close to them; it may occur, for example, where people are not informed about some functions that will take place, and that concerns them. The leading cause of this is the feelings of different social classes where some feel they are more critical than others. The less privileged, the poor mainly face these challenge that causes loneliness and neglect. It leads to one having low self-esteem about themselves and worthless in the community. Isolation is evident in so many scenarios; school, religious sites, homes, and also workplaces. When not taken positively, it can lead to hatred, violence, revenge, and can be exceedingly miserable and bring destruction to oneself and the community at large. Isolation is a theme seen in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and A Christmas carol. Mary Shelley is the author of the novel Frankenstein. The book depicts the theme of isolation as…

Oinochoe Handle Oinochoe is a wine jug considered as a critical form of the Greek pottery. Despite the presence of many types of Oinochoe handles, Sir John Beazley differentiated ten types. The handle may be decorated or usually undecorated. They typically have one handle located at the back and sometimes may include the trefoil mouth. There is also a pouring spout used for removing any liquid found inside. The size of the pouring spout usually varies where some can be twenty-five centimeters tall. The size can be held comfortably and poured by using one hand. The Greek-speaking people made the handle. Therefore, the oinochoe is one of the typical Greek shapes that are in existence today. The mouth of the handle can be trefoil or round. The body is made slender, and the shoulder made to be offset of the continuous curve from the foot to the mouth. Additionally, the handle can be low or high. The existing small vase usually referred to as a mug, has no foot and one handle. It is one of the main variants of…

CRITICAL CASE ANALYSIS ON SUSTAINABILITY DIMENSIONS AND STRATEGIES OF ROCHE Introduction Sustainable Development (SD) has appeared as the most modern expansion catchphrase. Now a day’s organizations implement sustainability theory in their businesses to meet the modern requirements of the industry, and it assists in crafting an ethical business environment more efficiently (MORI & CHRISTODOULOU, 2012). The theory of sustainable development assists in the assimilation of environmental, societal, and economic factors first, in the process of decision making. It directly influences decision making by focusing on the social and environmental factors intended to craft ethical business. Business sustainability is necessary meant for the long-term success of worldwide organizations. The theory of sustainability is relevant to raise the opportunities and to minimize the unenthusiastic effect of their business operations on the environment, in the society as well as in economies (MORRIS, 2012). The purpose of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to carry out the agenda that all countries were adopted in 2015, aimed to work with an ethical business with high revenue by end scarcity, shortage, protecting the earth and ensure the…

Variations of Socialization Based on Gender, Ethnicity, Class, and Religion Introduction Socialization is an essential issue in the world at large. Socialization is referred to as a process of life that enables individuals to interact with one another (Cole, 2020). This is highly beneficial to them since they gain skills and self-identity through growing physically, mentally, and general growth in all spheres of life. Socialization is also important since it helps people to improve in terms of cultural heritage. Human beings, therefore, need to socialize to know various issues concerning their culture. Religious Socialization Religion is profoundly affected by Socialization. For instance, it helps youth in developing their beliefs on religion and is also referred to as the theory on religious specialization. Parents mostly help the youth in their religious beliefs by encouraging them to attend church activities and committing themselves in studies on spiritual matters (Lisa, 2015). Parents also assist the growth of their children during childhood by living harmoniously and keeping their families together through religious beliefs. Religious specialization works in two ways both parents and children can…

Identity and Access Management Technological advancement has led to contemporary information security threats. The balanced safeguard of the availability, integrity in addition to the confidentiality of data is the critical focus on the information security of Healthscope whereas upholding focus on the effectual policy implementation, entirely without impeding organization production. Consequently, Identity and Access Management technique identify, authenticate and authorize persons utilizing IT resources by associating user rights as well as restrictions with established identities. Implementing IAM enables Healthscope to administer authorization as well as privileges in the entire system to enhance security while minimizing the money and time investment. Therefore, Web Single Sign-On technology implementation allows users to log in using web service with only one set of credentials for authentication comprising a unique password and username. Identity and Access Management The organization’s information security is essential because it safeguards confidential information, enables proper functioning in addition to enabling safe working of application instigated on the corporation’s information technology. Nonetheless, the advancement in technology has resulted in a risk to information security. Information security threats encompass identity theft, software…

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