interrelationship between theory and research There is an interrelationship between theory and research where theory informs research by providing a framework on how the variables and concepts relate to each other. In family research, theory explains family dynamics, and research studies examine those dynamics. Park, Unützer & Grembowski (2014) based their study on the psychosocial theory of depression to investigate ethnic and gender variations in the association between family cohesion, family conflict, and depression in older adults from Latino and Asian communities. According to the psychosocial theory of depression, later-life depression is a result of interactions among physical, psychological, social, and environmental factors and that a wide range of factors mediates the impact of negative life events on later-life depression. The results of the study showed that greater family cohesion decreases the risk for depression among older adults and that the associations vary by gender, with men being more sensitive to family conflict and family cohesion than women (Park, Unützer & Grembowski, 2014). The findings also show that the quality of family relationships strongly associates with later-life depression. Part 2:…
Essay on Tort Law and Case Tort law is a field of private legal provisions that include the legal rules which attribute legal responsibility and compensation obligations or liability for damages and injuries that result from tortious acts. A tort is a wrongful and unlawful act that can injure or affect life, as well as the body and health or property of another individual (The Babcock Law Firm, 2020). Public spaces like coffee stores and grocery stores must protect those who visit them to purchase products from them. These stores owe those injured due to slip and fall accidents a legal duty and compensation since it the obligation of these establishments to protect those patronizing their businesses. In this assignment, the essay discusses tort law related to slip and fall injuries in a grocery store, in this case, Walmart store. Slip and Fall Events in Grocery Stores Slip and fall incidents can happen to people visiting grocery stores to make purchases. As such, the proprietors of Walmart stores must keep the property in reasonably safe conditions. The precarious state of…
importance of individual and organisational ethical thinking and practice and that you can apply ethical decision making Your assessment will take the form of a 3,000 word (you are allowed to go over by 10% making it a maximum of 3,300 words) submission consisting of three parts in total. You will be expected to show that you understand the importance of individual and organisational ethical thinking and practice and that you can apply ethical decision making. You will also need to show that you can think critically about the role of business in society. Further, you will need to show that you have understand the way in which theory can underpin how ethical issues are viewed, but also that you understand that theory offers a guide but not necessarily the answer to practice. The assessment also requires you to show that you have reflected on what makes an ethical leader and manager and what that means in the context of organisational culture. An extensive rubric is provided which will show you how the work is marked and what is required…
social workers role in helping individuals with bullying behaviors to change As multiple incidences of bullying continue to be reported in institutions of higher education, social work can play a critical role in managing the associated adverse impacts. Social work practitioners are highly skillful in evidence-based solutions to meet the needs of individuals, communities, and groups (Masilo, 2018). practitioners in this field can use casework to assist students or teachers in overcoming their problems that could be predisposing them to bully others. As already observed, the effects of being bullied may BE LONG-LASTING, thus making the victims themselves become bullies in the future. Through casework, a social worker can hold round table conversations with students bullying others individually to help them learn creative ways of avoiding such practices (Masilo, 2018). Therefore, social workers have a huge role in using approaches like casework to help individuals with bullying behaviors to change. As agents of HELPING individuals suffering from social problems, social workers can respond to bullying in higher education by organizing support groups. As observed by Masilo (2018), these practitioners can…
Role of Gender in Leadership Leadership provide an essential environment where leaders can be able to integrate critical strategies that are critical in improving organizational performance as well as the existing interaction within a given workplace setting. Organization and planning are important elements, which shape leadership, and thus the underlying level of commitment within a given setting is based on the ability to develop an integrated approach where it is possible to achieve a higher level of performance (Taylor et al., 2015). Leadership has been significantly diversified, especially considering the existing transformation within management. Why the choice of the topic Men have predominantly occupied leadership positions. However, in recent past, women have increasingly taken up leadership positions and excelled. The success of women in leadership has opened platforms for women who are aspiring to become leaders. Increased support and empowerment to women have been integral in helping create a diverse operational context within an organizational context. Leadership is largely complex and is associated with a high level of commitment, stress and critical decision making. Women were previously viewed as being…
Leader-Member Exchange Theory Discussion The leader-member exchange theory (LMX) is a type of leadership that is keen on establishing and maintaining working relationships between the leader and the followers. It focuses on working in close collaboration with the followers by engaging them in every step of administration and decision making (Day & Miscenko, 2016). It is for this reason that it is termed as a relationship-based approach to leadership because it is premised on a solid bond between the leader and the followers: a condition referred to the as dyadic relationship. It is worth noting that dyadic ties and friendship are distinguishable based on several factors. First, whereas dyadic relationship is a formal engagement between a leader and the subjects in which both parties must execute, friendship maybe informal, for instance, the friendship of a child to the parents where the child has no obligation to the parents, besides, it is imperative to mention that all dyadic relationships are premised on mutual benefits where the leaders enjoy true servanthood while follower expect rewards following their submission and allegiance. On…
Leadership: Discussion Board Question For over a decade, people believed in the underlying assumption that teams are the best way for leadership groups when it comes to solving problems in most businesses. However, with the ever-increasing need to work across geographical and organizational boundaries, and the increasing complexity of the daily business, more business leaders across all levels, are finding it difficult to set up a team (Katzenbach, 2012). They are heading to the call for potentially focused networks and subgroups that can work more efficiently in various modes that real teams. The project network has the advantage of the merits outlined by a team focused researchers, including the dedication and commitment of members and overcomes the risks associated with small groups by crossing team boundary for project feedback. While a team is a small group with leadership that shifts among the team members and is accountable for a specific and compelling performance reason, it has a beginning and end. Unlike the team, a network is a larger, casual, and loosely defined group of participants with diverse expertise who weigh…
Justice and Society Paper Instructions In order to present an argument in a clear, concise, and persuasive way, you must follow a strong structure in the presentation of your argument. Below is the structure that you should utilize in your final paper. For your paper, you should pick a topic that relates to justice (ie. a social problem regarding injustice) and present an argument on it in 5 pages (double spaced). Do not describe the topic, you must pick one side of the argument to prove. Introduction Introduce your topic in an interesting way and present your thesis in a clear way. In this presentation (and generally in philosophy) your thesis should be stated as: “In this presentation, I will argue that ___.” This makes your thesis explicit and clear to the listeners. Definitions Your topic is likely to use certain unique terms. You should define those terms at the beginning of your presentation so that you lock in one specific definition from the start and you clarify the meaning of your terms from the start of…
Do you believe in what you know about yourself or what other people say you are? Looking at what matters between what we think about ourselves and what others think about us, it is a discussion that goes a long way with different people taking varied stands. Mahatma Ghandi’s saying that advises us to look at ourselves in other people’s eyes is an individual’s perspective which is open to criticism. I strongly believe that it is key for one to know themselves and work on what they believe in and stand for, because we are all created to fulfil different purposes separate from other people’s. Letting people tell us what we ought to be or do is a toxic state of being which makes people stretch beyond their ability. As stated earlier, we are created to fulfil different purposes in life. This way, someone may have already identified their purpose and is successfully working towards fulfilling it. On the other hand, if the same person expects you to be exactly like them, you might end up missing the point. Your…
Legal obligations to citizens on coronavirus outbreak The Covid 19 virus is rapidly spreading globally. During this critical period, each country’s government needs to be up to the task to ensure the safety of its citizens. The government in their various departments should do reviews on their procedures, strategies, and policies that ensure every person is well protected against the coronavirus pandemic. Without adequate protective policies in the government response, plans may lead to legal-related alarms. Generally, in many countries, there are laws made to protect citizens from physical harm, including diseases. In this article, i will discuss the legal obligations of the governments on the life-threatening pandemics like the current Covid-19 virus. Government’s legal obligation to give accurate information on the virus Information on the Covid-19 disease is crucial in enhancing protection. It is the legal obligation of the government to ensure people get correct and accurate information on the coronavirus epidemic. Many governments have an authoritative source of public health guidance concerning the virus epidemic. It is essential to update citizens on the official recommended and mandated actions…