The different types and scope of business organizations The major types of organization include: Sole trades Partnerships Limited companies Franchise Licensing companies Joint ventures The sole trader This is the most common type of business ownership and has a wide range of activities (e.g. plumbing, electrical work, catering, construction).No ambiguous paper work requirements to start a sole trade business. Decisions can be made quickly and close contact can be kept with ones ‘customers and employees. All profits are enjoyed by the owner who has the responsibility and mandate to build up his business enterprise. It has some disadvantages .As a sole trader one has to make all decisions by himself, working long hours to achieve the business needs which can be even risky if one gets ill. You also have to provide all the finances by yourself. As sole trader you need to act a jack-of all –trade. This may be unrealistic in that one cannot have all the business skills required just because they are electricians for example. The partnership An ordinary partnership is formed by two…
Communication with family Barriers to effective communication between staff and family Availability of good communication between the staff of care providers and the families is very essential. This is because it will ensure various goals such as providing quality care, the engaging of family involvement which in turn leads to satisfaction and reducing complaints are reached. Despite the need to achieve effective communication between the two parties to various challenges emerge. One of these challenges is the inadequate training of the staff of the institution. Most of the staff members are not well trained on the various communication means and ethics which they should use when interacting with the families (Majerovitz et al, 2009). This will hence mean that these staff members will follow the wrong means of communication hence delivering the message in an appropriate manner which will lead to misunderstanding and misinterpretation on the side of the family hence making the two parties differ. In addition to this, some institutions have designed work schedules which do not offer the staff opportunities to meet the families. The institutions hold…
My identity I am a person who believes that a background greatly shapes the character and behavior of an individual. Childhood experiences and lessons shape a person’s personality in many ways. I was born in a family of an African American origin and brought in a way that discipline was a necessity. My parents saw it good to bring up children with high discipline as it is one way to shape up personality with great leadership skills and a good character. As I grew up, making things right became part of me. I was obsessed with perfection in every way and always wanted to be on the right side of things. When it came to school, I was a sharp student; I did my work perfectly and ensured that I did not brush shoulders with the authority at school. I undertook my roles as assigned in school and also performed my chores well at home. I liked it when other people did the right things. I could not understand just why others had to break simple school rules and…
INTEREST GROUPS INTRODUCTION Interest groups are associations of organizations or people that have equal interests or common concerns and are organized formally in order to influence the public policy towards to their favor. These groups vary in terms of purpose, size and tactics, the essay however focuses on political interest groups that try to influence the public policy through their representatives to states. They engage in processes such as lobbying to influence legislation. Political candidates obtain their funding from different sources; amongst them are interest group that contribute largely to their finances. Focusing on finance, insurance and real estate sector; they have been in the lead in funding campaigns of federal candidates in the recent years. Insurance companies, securities and investment firms, real estate interest and commercial banks offer huge amounts of money to parties and candidates(). This sector initially contributed equally to both parties but as from 2010 it tended to bias the republicans. In the year 2014, this industry contributed half a billion dollars to political parties and candidates alike. Out of all the contributions 62% were given…
The Chinese culture The homecoming and other stories book written by Han Shaogong, many different themes are covered in the book to reflect today’s people living styles. For instance in the Rong Cai’s analysis of the book basing arguments on the “Pa, Pa, Pa” where language is the main idea. Han Shaogongs bases his writing on such themes as; the potential of Chinese culture, the lagging behind and the underdevelopment in china, evil of socialism and cultural revolution in china, Chinese myths, magical realism and others. The above themes are mainly based on the Chinese culture and how the culture works. It also covers the impact of the culture on the life of the people. Potential of Chinese culture Han is basing the argument on the present and past culture of china. The culture is facing a lot of challenges and many threats but struggles to fit. He is concerned with the continuation of the culture and also the importance the culture has to its people and even the surrounding. The other issue is the challenges and how these…
GENDER INEQUALITY IN TODAY’S SOCIETY (WOMEN) And the questions I chose for the research is about: why are there only few women in leadership? Make extension to that question so to make up your research paper. For example if you use women in leadership, you can ask more questions like why is there few leadership in congress than in companies? Or what is the causes of this phenomenon in congress, or in society, is it because of sexism or education or any other things. So again, think about three questions that are related to that single topic or theory before starting on your paper. **PLEASE USE LIBRARY SOURCES FOR THE RESEARCH AND REFER TO THE GRADE RUBRIC I UPLOADED**[unique_solution] IN APA CITATION STYLE GENDER INEQUALITY IN TODAY’S SOCIETY (WOMEN) And the questions I chose for the research is about: why are there only few women in leadership? Make extension to that question so to make up your research paper. For example if you use women in leadership, you can ask more questions like why is there few leadership in…
Cultures Impact on Communication Introduction Basically, intercultural communication can be defined as the flow of information between people with diversified cultures. Significantly, this can take the perspectives of tribe, country, religion or even the geographical areas. In reality, intercultural communication plays a very significant role in the business set up today. This is revealed through sharing of issues about different ideas. The main emphasize of this memo is to outline some of the ways in which intercultural communication can have a critical impact in the workplace. Moreover, intercultural communication enhances the ways through which efficient and effective methods can be applied in business management. The high context and low context cultures play a big role in the business organizations. The low context culture is the one in which things are fully said out and it is more dependent on what is in written form while high context culture is the one in which things are more depend on knowledge and views. One of the major benefits of encouraging intercultural communication is that it facilitates adoption of new ideas in the…
Nonprofit Leadership and Mgmt The purpose of the research essay is to integrate the legal, governance, and ethical issues found in the operation of nonprofit organizations. You will select an organization that has run into difficulty and research the causes of their problems, the outcomes, and then craft a solution to the problem you have identified. The organization you select should be thoroughly researched. You are expected to do graduateedusson.comlevel, highedusson.comquality, research. Also, please make certain your work includes references to both the legal and ethics material studied in this course that will inform your analysis and conclusions. You must use the course materials and incorporate at least three peeredusson.comreviewed sources from the University library. All citations must be in APA format. You are required to use headings in the format of your paper. [unique_solution]They are: 1. Title Page: Include your title, name, and email contact information in APA format. 2. Introduction: Introduce the paper and tell the reader what will follow. Describe the issue. What happened to threaten the organization? 3. History: In this section describe the history of…
Inhuman practices The answer to the question ‘Are all humans human or others are more human than the other?’ is obvious, they are not human all. This is because when qualities and practices of various individuals all over the world are keenly looked at, it is right to conclude that some are abnormal. The assaults associated with the Rwanda Genocide are a good example to reveal that some actions always happen out of one’s consciousness. Romeo Daillaire poses this question to everybody existing on the planet regardless of age gender and ethnicity differences. There is a long history of violence being practiced at various corners of the globe. Reports about innocent people being murdered on daily basis are ever trading on air. The murders themselves can be used as a good example of humans that are less human than others. In addition, cases of sexual harassment in the society, workplace or anywhere else proves that some of humans referred to as humans are rather inhuman. The worst inhuman practices are carried out by the political leaders in higher positions. They…
Justice and change in global world nursing UNCC300 Additional reading resources for assignment 3 Annas, Julia, ″Living Virtuously, Living Happily″, Chapter 9, Intelligent Virtue. Byron, William, Framing Principles of Catholic Social Thought, 2004, pp.10-15. Rowlands, Anna, Catholic Social Teaching: Not-so-secret anymore? (2013). Hanvey SJ, James, The Big Society and Catholic Social [on subsidiarity and solidarity], 30th March 2011. John Paul II, Respect for Human Rights. The Common Good and the Catholic Church’s Social Teaching: a statement by the Catholic Bishops′ Conference of England and Wales, 1996. Human Rights and the Catholic Church. Reflections on the Jubilee of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1998. Wagner, William J., Universal Human Rights, The United Nations, And the Telos of Human Dignity. Devitt, Catherine, Justice in the Global Economy: [unique_solution]What It Means for Earth-Care, 11 December 2016, Environment, Economics. A Catholic Framework for Economic Life Statement by the Catholic Bishops′ Conference of England and Wales, 1996. To Do the Work of Justice: A Plan of Action for the Catholic Community in the U.S., 1978. O’Hanlon SJ, Gerry, How Much Equality is Needed for…