Human Rights Coursework Striking a balance between counter-terrorism measures and the basic human rights of terrorists remains a controversial issue, given the devastating effects of terrorist attacks in various parts of the world. Why would terrorists be granted human rights, yet they do not respect the same human rights that they claim to have? For instance, the United Nations member countries have experienced tragic human loss that has resulted from violent extremism, including the attacks on its Baghdad offices on 19 August 2003 that claimed the lives of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Sergio Vieira de Mello, twenty-one other men and women, with over 150 others injured. It is evident from such attacks that terrorism manifests real and direct adverse effects on human rights. Terrorism denies people the enjoyment of their right to life, liberty, as well as the physical integrity of its victims. In addition to such individual costs, it can weaken Governments, destabilize civil society, jeopardize a country’s peace and security, and threaten its social and economic progress. Collectively, all these terrorism effects also have a material…

LEADERSHIP AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT Introduction Change management is an essential element of leadership that needs to be backed up with a confirmed strong leadership strategic approach. In order to choose the appropriate change model, it is essential to have enough knowledge of the organization in terms of the specific areas that need change (Abbasi, 2017). This paper aims to evaluate models that can be used to facilitate change at Pemancar, interventions to be implemented, and anticipated resistance for change as well as the recommendations of reducing resistance. The two models that can be used in this case include Lewin’s theory of change and the Burke and Litwin change theory. The two primary interventions to be implemented are leadership and corporate culture. Additionally, the paper focuses on the possible resistance to change and recommendations to counter the resistance. Pemancar Case Study Analysis Organizational management entails a critical analysis of the organizational approaches of carrying out activities and formulating the right strategic strategies to solve the challenges (Will and Wetzel, 2017). Lack of motivation among the employees, lack of well-developed strategic management,…

NEW ZEELAND CRIMININAL JUSTICE SCHEME The court, which included the judiciary, police, which include traffic safety service. (Penal division, psychological services, and community corrections) of the justice department. Together this set is comprised of 3 government sections. It is the obligation of 4 cabinet ministers, which include the judiciary. Each department at current has their management strategydecided with the suitable ministers and doesn’trequisite to policy in combination with other sections affected by its productions and rules. There seems to beno essential for articles or ministers or certainlyorganizationalstrategies to subsidizeanacknowledged and prearranged set of purposes and aims to be attained by all portions of the structure. Each one of the three departments also incorporates non-criminal justice purposes, which strive for scarce capitals with criminal justice responsibilities.The three sections are generally acknowledged as resounding out the actions of crime deterrence, crime detection, trial sentencing, captivity, and the management of non-custodial verdicts. These actions follow a similarorder in all the same authorities for the deterrence of criminality and the bid of legal procedures and authorizations to those detained for criminal crimes(Brown, 1997). The…

Animal and society Questions  Margo DeMello, Animal and society ( Columbia University Press, 2012) chapter 15   This is only a very brief summary of some of the religious connotations of different animals.Pick one example from anywhere in the chapter and ask a question about it’s meaning or how it fits into that culture’s tradition. What does the Jade rabbit represent in Buddhism as a religion? The Jade Rabbit represents legendry and heart of kindness in Buddhism as a religion. The Jade Rabbit has been considered as a popular legend for centuries. The animal has significantly defined the Buddhist culture’s tradition. The legendary story of the Jade Rabbit has been story passed from generation to generation. The animal was also viewed as a solution to various plagues in society. For example, the Moon Rabbit could be consulted to save the society in case of different disasters such as pandemics. Many of the Buddha believers believed that Chang’e always sends the Moon Rabbit to earth to pay a visit to every family and save them from disease and return to the…

Impact of Using Robots on Society Abstract – Robots are automated devices that help people to execute their daily activities with ease. Today, automated machines are prevalent in all sectors. Their continued use increases the reduced cost of production and increased efficiency. People enjoy these benefits due to the enhanced quality of products and health services. However, some of the evident expenses include loss of jobs and erosion of social morals among citizens and corporate managers.   Index Terms – throughput, efficiency, state-of-the-art, INTRODUCTION Robotics has been a part of the daily routine in human lives for several decades. People develop robots to improve the overall level of efficiency in industrial production, the performance of social duties and interactions, and the enhancement of leisure activities. These functions make automated and intelligent devices useful in revolutionizing social lives. Although the continued use of robots leads to positive solutions like reduced cost of production and increased efficiency, they lead to problems like loss of jobs and erosion of social morals. BENEFITS TO SOCIETY The continued use of robots reduces the cost of…

Restorative Justice for Domestic Violence Author credibility             Marilyn Fernandez has portrayed a high level of skills by addressing the controversial nature of restorative justice system and family violence. The author has revealed a high literacy capability through the main ideas and analysis of the agenda displayed in the book. Moreover, Marilyn Fernandez has shown her credibility through this article that assembles an immense feeling of acknowledgment that presents critical principles that cannot be compromised in the process of restoring domestic violence in society. Methodology             In this particular book, Marilyn Fernandez has used two data collection methods: observation and interviewing throughout the findings and analysis of the article. Several studies on the nature of restorative have are known to be conducted, which therefore means that this research cannot be classified as scientific. Summary of the book Over many years, the application of restorative justice with people who are believed to suffer from domestic violence is highly criticized. In this book, Marilyn Fernandez explains individual point out to the risk of re-victimizing the victim because these people usually have little…



Trauma Everything in life that brings human un-comfortability is a candidate for causing resilience in humans. Resilience is a process of adapting and the continual change capacity of a person to social-ecological systems. The process of adaptation, healing, and recovery from a set of problems. Some of the people show transient and minor disruption. This is what is referred to as resilient. Others show loss, trauma, and distress, which lead to a state of resilient known as pathological (Bonanno, 2008). Many are the times when people face different challenging situations, and they have to pass through them. How they react to the situation at hand is what matters the most since it helps in the healing process. Some people take longer to recover while some take very little time to recover. Resilience differs from one person to another, depending on how the individual views things. Flexibility, tolerance, buffering capacity, and margin influences the way someone adapts to a situation of disturbance. Trauma is the first thing that one receives after failure, fall or events that were unexpected. Trauma causes a…

KEY CHALLENGES FACED BY HUMAN RESOURCE IN RECRUITING INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYEES Introduction Staffing is one of the greatest problems that have to be overcome by human resource managers. According to Stone and  Dulebohn (2013), it even becomes more complicated if the employees to be recruited are internationally based and come from different parts of the globe. In international development, recruiting and retaining skilled local staff is particularly complicated. The topic of staffing raises a critical analysis of the review of the Key challenges faced by HR while hiring a new employee and especially across borders.  The paper will critically discuss five key challenges that organizations may face when hiring international employees from different countries. Literature notes from Carbery, R, and Cross C., 2019) on International Human Resource Management and globalization, and more comprehensive readings will be highly relied on to support and address this question. Identified challenges in attracting the right person, immigration and visa restrictions, compliance with international policies, language acultural barriers have been identified as key challenges facing HR in the recruitment of employees. In attracting the top talent…

employee miscommunication The best ways of ensuring that employees are aware of what is required of them are through having efficient communication in the workplace. The element of efficient communication entails ensuring that the communication is clear and that the intendedmessage is easily portrayed. Also, it is essential to have direct communication to prevent the distortion of the information in the process of information transfer from one party to another. An example of a case that entailed miscommunication in the workplace,  leading to the employees being unaware of what was required of them was a case of a poorly written memo. The supervisor included slight spelling mistakes in the memo that resulted in the changing of the entire message that was to be communicated. While the warehouse workers had anticipated a communication from their supervisors, the memo that they received detailing what was to be done resulted in a misunderstanding as the spelling mistake made it unclear.. The reason for the occurrence of the miscommunication was carelessness and negligence of the supervisor. The result was that it resulted in a…

Examples of Ageism in the Society The layoff of older workers In Feb 2016, CBC Canada posted an article that highlighted the layoffs of employees aged between 55 years and 57 years in Calgary and St Johns. At this age bracket, these individuals are in the peak of their earnings, and as most employers perceive them, their productivity has also decreased(CBC News, 2020). The article further relies on a statistic that approximates that in the year 2015 alone, over 158,400 employees between the age of 55 and 64 got a permanent layoff in Canada (CBC News, 2020). Such layoffs are one of the typical examples of ageism since it is anchored on the perception that individuals who are nearing their retirement period are a burden to the organizations (Iversen, Larsen, &Solem, 2009). For instance, in the article, one of the reasons for the layoffs is the high payment of individuals who near retirement age. Thus, the organization’s perception towards them as dependent and expensive to maintain marks a typical example of ageism. Based on this example, the negative aspect of…

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