Examples of Ageism in the Society The layoff of older workers In Feb 2016, CBC Canada posted an article that highlighted the layoffs of employees aged between 55 years and 57 years in Calgary and St Johns. At this age bracket, these individuals are in the peak of their earnings, and as most employers perceive them, their productivity has also decreased(CBC News, 2020). The article further relies on a statistic that approximates that in the year 2015 alone, over 158,400 employees between the age of 55 and 64 got a permanent layoff in Canada (CBC News, 2020). Such layoffs are one of the typical examples of ageism since it is anchored on the perception that individuals who are nearing their retirement period are a burden to the organizations (Iversen, Larsen, &Solem, 2009). For instance, in the article, one of the reasons for the layoffs is the high payment of individuals who near retirement age. Thus, the organization’s perception towards them as dependent and expensive to maintain marks a typical example of ageism. Based on this example, the negative aspect of…
Reforming EU Competition Policy and Effective Reform Options Introduction Different government in the European Union (EU) for instance German, Polish plus French jointly recommended ways for modernizing and improving EU competition policy. In 2019, the French Minister for finance plus Economy, Bruno le Maire stated that the move is effective and calls for talks and meetings with various EU member states. Germany through her Economics Affairs Minister, Peter Altmaier also detailed 2030 Industrial manifesto thereby aligning with French’s minister’s idea of the necessity of EU competition policy. Moreover, there are several debates concerning the maternities of EU competition policy. Several challenges facing the policies brought by the rising digital economy thereby necessitating the challenges to be tackled head on. In addition, failures of particular merger schemes for instance Siemens lead to several questions pointed at the EU competition policy. As follows, the EU competition policy needs reformation to align with the contemporary digital market. Meaning of EU Competition Policy EU is a political and economic regional block currently having 27 states as its members located in Europe. EU…
Disney Understanding: Frozen and Frozen 2 Analysis of Frozen Frozen is a fairy tale revolving around two princesses, their desires, self-discovery, dreams, and fears and above all, unconditional love they had for one another. The film portrays princess Elsa as a snow queen who creates snow. Everything Princess Elsa touches turns into ice immediately. The princess believes that she is born with a curse because of deadly mishaps in her life. She, therefore, decides to distance herself from the world because she feels ashamed and heartbroken. Consequently, the princess goes into a self-proclaimed exile. However, Anna, her younger sister, who is vicarious and clumsy, remains in darkness about Elsa’s secret. Emotionally arresting and visually stunning, Frozen is one of the best-animated film of the year. It portrays an incredible journey taken by a brave girl. The girl decides to take a journey filled with uncertainties to find her reluctant ice queen sister. I admire the adorable snowman who tries to help her trace her sister. The first scene of the movie is a culmination of the ice harvesters seen singing…
Theories of Criminal Justice Introduction It is worth establish that the criminal justice department is associated with a specific set of theories that are used to guide the professionals in the departments when dealing with criminals. Hence, it is plausible to ascertain that the theories provide extensive knowledge of the social phenomenon and natural behavior of criminals. Furthermore, they provide a reference point that is used in the criminal justice departments to study an individual and determine whether they are to be imposed on a sentence or proven guilty. Hence, they are developed to provide diverse perspectives regarding certain instances in the criminal justice departments. They can further be revealed to showcase the importance of using their guideline in practical application in specific incidences. The theories are associated with a higher tendency to portray and shape policies in criminal justice. Moreover, it is worth indicating that the theories try to establish the root cause of a crime. It can only be achieved through extreme scrutiny of human psychological acts and the performance of crimes within the societies that are affected…
Transgender references Arntzen, M., & Kahrs, K. (2013). De usynlige kjønn [The invisible sex]. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Broosky, E. (2019). What Does It Mean to Be Non-Binary or Enby?. Verywell Mind. Retrieved 1 March 2020, from https://www.verywellmind.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-non-binary-or-have-non-binary-gender-4172702. Encyclopedia Britannica. (2020). Santo Domingo | History, Culture, & Facts. [online] Available at: https://www.britannica.com/place/Santo-Domingo [Accessed 29 Feb. 2020]. Embassy of the Dominican Republic. (2020). Culture. [online] Available at: http://www.dominicanembassy.org.uk/dominican-republic/culture/ [Accessed 29 Feb. 2020]. Ekings, R., & King, D. (1996). Blending genders: Social aspects of cross-dressing and sex-changing. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203201442 Van der Ros, J. (2014). Når kjønn er et valg – Transpersoners inntreden i verden [When gender is a choice – transgenders’ entry into the world]. Fontene Forskning, 1(7), 56-68. GaleaS,AhernJ,VlahovD.Contextualdeterminantsofdruguseriskbehavior: a theoretic framework. J Urban Health. 2003;80(4 Suppl 3):iii50–iii58. Hemmilä, A. (2005). Ancestors of two-spirits: Historical depictions of Native North American gender-crossing women through critical discourse Halberstarm, J. (2005). In a Queer Time and Place (p. 49). New York University Press.analysis. Journal Of Lesbian Studies, 20(3-4), 408-426. https://doi.org/10.1080/10894160.2016.1151281 Operario D, Soma T, Underhill K. Sex work and HIV status among transgender women: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Acquir…
Sex and Gender Development in Children The concepts of sex and gender begin to develop from an early age. The book has suggested different theories that attempt to explain the two concepts. One of the most notable approaches is Bandura’s social learning theory. Instead of studying animals and applying on how humans behave and relate with others to humans, Bandura argued that humanslearn by utilizing innate cognitive abilities to imitate others. As children grow up, they are assigned responsibilities based on gender, as determined by their sex. Boys are expected to have “masculine” traits, while girls would have “feminine” traits. Although genetics predetermine some traits, the role socialization plays in this can not be understated. Communities such as the Eskimo taught boys to build houses while girls were not (Crain, p236). The ability to learn from socialization and imitations helps shape the behavior and conduct of children up to their adulthood. Children can gain values such as altruism from adults. In one experiment, children who observed an adult donate to the less fortunate learned to emulate his by giving more…
Cultural Relativism Cultural relativisms entail three distinct, but related philosophical positions. The philosophers who support these arguments show the existence of an all-encompassing and irresolvable moral disagreement between people and their traditions. In this case, it is possible to evaluate a particular belief as true or false relative to a specific culture of the set of moral standards. These thoughts lead to the conclusion that people should tolerate religions held by their peers. Although cultural relativism makes valid claims on the possibility of objective moral truth, this theory exaggerates the degree of diversity among cultures and promotes the establishment of brutal customs. Cultural relativism opposes the existence of objective truth in ethics. Cultural relativists give accounts of different cultures like Greeks, Galatians, and Eskimos, to conclude that ethical standards vary from one culture to the other (Bush, 2016, p. 2). One community holds some values that appear wrong in others. The suppositions show the difficulty of having universal ethical ways of living. The Greeks believed that eating the dead was an unethical practice, which contradicted the customs held by the…
Interpersonal Theory of Communication Communication studies impact the student with the knowledge to help them become effective and better leaders in their societies and communities. Communication studies have helped me become a better student as well as become a better person who is able to understand how to present oneself in front of people. Communication studies also play an important part in helping the student identify their self-worth as well as their self-perception because most of the knowledge they attain is through their interactions with others by communicating with them. In addition to this, communication studies assist the student in identifying ways they can improve themselves and those around them through their ability to communicate with others and forming relationships that will impact their lives and students For my undergraduate program, I have taken up two communication studies that will help me graduate in the future. Comm110f and comm172f have positively impacted in my studies at the university. The theories and concepts of communication have helped me develop a deeper understanding of communication. One such concept is interpersonal communication,…
my views on why America had to declare their independence from America based on two grounds justice and strategic value Patriots The catalyst for the revolutionary war that led to the emancipation of America from British colonial rule began by the circulation of a forty-six-page document “The common sense roll” detailing indirect language why America should free itself from the British and establish a republic. The document became an instant bestseller across the country because it resonated with the needs of the common folk. It caught the attention of Thomas Jefferson, who had hitherto considered Paine an extremist, inspiring him to draft the declaration of independence. In this paper, I will present my views on why America had to declare their independence from America based on two grounds justice and strategic value. As Americans, we had endured many atrocities from England, as Thomas Paine rightly puts it, “Britain should be ashamed of her conduct. Even brutes do not turn on their young, nor do savages make war on their families.”(Paine,16) He further argues that the tyranny that drove the first…
Issues in Juvenile Justice System There has been a rising number of youth offenders due to a high rate of drug and substance use, peer pressure, depression, and other defiant disorders. The increasing rate of reported cases and issues in the juvenile justice system has created the need to come up with elaborate legislation and strategies to improve the functioning of the justice systems. Numerous challenges are affecting the current juvenile justice systems making it hard to rehabilitate youthful offenders. One of the significant issues within the juvenile justice system is drug and substance abuse among the deviant youthful offender, which is on the rise. The rate of drug abuse among youths is on the rise leading to the many instances of abnormal behaviors and violence (Decker, & Marteache, 2017). Most of the juvenile offenders in incarceration turn up to be more violent even after their release due to exposure to drugs and the development of hyperactivity disorders. The current juvenile systems do not help in rehabilitating the youthful offenders hence they end up growing to violent criminal gangs. Most…