Personal leadership philosophy A leader is a person who leads people in the right way since he knows the way, and he walks that way. A leader should have a futuristic vision, and he shows his idea by putting in practice what he advises his followers to do. The leader should have the following characteristics Responsible, a good decision-maker, and an excellent communicator. He should be passionate and have the commitment, should be able to inspire others, should be able to empower others, should be creative as well as innovation, he should be resilience, emotional intelligence and empathetic. A leader should be responsible, and he should, by example, when he acts responsibly the follows copies. He makes sure his subordinates are responsible for their action (Brue & Brue, 2016). If they are doing the right thing, he should recognize their effort, and if they are doing the wrong something, he should correct them and make sure they improve. When the leader holds the subordinates responsible for their actions, they take the business seriously, and this makes the working smooth for…
Mobile Phone Trend Commentary Mobile phones are referred to as a form of wireless communication devices with high frequencies that enable consumers to send and receive data or information at the same time. The History of mobile telephones dates back in the year 1940s. First phones invented were barely portable as compared with the recent devices that are easily portable. Phones were also cumbersome, expensive and bulky. In the process of creating a more portable technology, several or drastic reforms has been evident in both wireless communication of networking and use prevalence across the world. Internet access has increased, thus making smartphones common in the whole world. In this paper, History, the importance, trend, and the future of cell phones will be examined. The first mobile phone, known as Motorola DynaTac, was created in 1983. It was large but still considered as the most portable device that was ever invented during that time. During this time, human beings were able to make calls using the wireless system. Before the development of Motorola, several inventions were done aiming to come up…
Criminal Justice Under the goals and objectives of the federal state, it has been proven that planning is the critical point of making the goals and objectives to be put into consideration. The goals and objectives always reflect on the priorities of the president, the attorney general, and also to the departmental components. They are thus making the goals and objectives to lie under the social, economic, and political points of view. Notably, the federal state’s goals and objectives are based on making the country grow internationally. As compared to the goals and objectives of the local law enforcement agencies, their desires are mostly formulated by local leaders who are given the mandate to govern and guide people of the country. Also, they aim to grow the nation internally by putting the right measures in place. This makes them offer their governance from within the country as compared to the federal state. The challenges that the federal government encounters are from the increasingly high public expectation towards them. The citizens, most of the time, expect more from the government, whereby…
Illuminating the Past One of the events that I attended was Illuminating the Past. The event exhibited utilitarian ceramics of the ancient world. It was conducted at the Miami University Art Museum there on 14th November. According to the report from the Miami University Art Museum, the presentation will last from 27th August to 14th December. There are a few artists that will be available during the exhibit, but Juliet Graver will be the one to make it a reality. In 2013, Harvey and Deborah Breverman of buffalo donated ancient ceramics to Miami University of Art Museum. The donations comprised of approximately one hundred and thirty-one ancient ceramics and bronze pieces. Most of the arts that were donated to the university were produced at around 1800BCE-1500CE. The exhibits generally comprised of seventy-eight oil lambs, figural pieces, numerous bronze metals and utilitarian vessels. The items originated from different parts of the world like Israel, Egypt, Greece, east Mediterranean, Cyprus, and Italy. The event took place in one of the rooms in the Museums it had many ceramic objects all around. For…
Pure competition in the market Economics Pure competition in the market is an economic term that is used to refer to a theoretical market structure where all firms sell the same product, all firms cannot influence the price in the market, many buyers, and there is perfect mobility of labor. In such a market, sellers do not possess any ability to determine the price that is charged on goods and services in the market (MacHovec, 2014). This is mainly because there is perfect information in the market. If any seller was to increase the price of a commodity, consumers would know and this would lead to zero sales. Pure competition in the short-term suggests that there is perfect information among all the players in the market. Information is not only available for the buyers but also for the sellers. Examples include perfect information about sourcing and supplier pricing (MacHovec, 2014). When this happens, sellers are able to deliver into the market products and services at a very competitive price as their peers. On the other hand, buyers also possess such…
Motivating factors of companies behind international expansion MNCs wish to expand or grow their operations internationally due to a range of reasons. Internal factors of companies influence some reasons, while external or political ones motivate others. However, the company should consider market trends, foreign country regulations, and the degree of investments required before expanding globally. Highlighting the common factors Cultural differences – Culture plays a huge role that MNCs cannot ignore while expanding into new markets. Again, cultural differences of one region motivate companies to expand in another region in order to ensure growth. Before expanding globally, the company is supposed to understand community values. Increasing profit margins– Companies are always focusing on adding customers and increasing revenues. In other words, the executives are keen to take the next opportunity and increase their customer base (Weinzimmer, 1996). Therefore, profit-making becomes one of the essential factors behind expanding its geographical boundaries. Cost reduction – Companies often wish to relocate their offices in order to reduce costs and conduct operations by getting closer to suppliers. The company might get benefitted from doing…
Our Own Kind Our Own Kind (2013) by Ann Pancake is a classic review short story and non-fiction written as a parody to the continued increase in the writings of vague pressers and authors who do not fulfill a reader’s desires. The story dwells on the feelings of a thirteen-year-old girl whose reaction to every event is considered manly (Pancake 34). While her brother loves the underworld, keeping it to herself and his books, the character is a go-getter and is more active than her brother. The author presents several themes from the book. They include sexuality and family. Sexuality plays an essential role in the story being the first theme the author presents in the book. She states that his brother is viewed as gay by most people. In one instance, she is asked in school why she is straight, and her brother is not (Pancake 37). She fears that in college, the students would call his brother a fag. However, she does not cast too much clout on the issue but mentions it another two or three times…
Competition between Intel and AMD Competition between Intel and AMD has been litigated since Intel has been considered involving in unfair competition. Although in the 1970s, Intel and AMD have made joint agreements. Admittedly, these technological advancements have made the two tech giants to be different hence giving consumers a choice of the brand to suit their needs. For instance, the Intel chips are not compatible with AMD firmware, while the AMD chipsets are not compatible with Intel firmware. Importantly, Intel and AMD have oligopolies the market, while as small firms attempt to emerge in the market, they do not last for long due to immense competition from the two-tech giants. AMD has sued Intel due to the unfair competition it is facing from them. In my own opinion, I would agree that Intel is using unethical means to dominate the market. Manipulating the prices of the chipsets is a good competition practice, but Intel produces chipsets that have minor differences between them. Undoubtedly, this aspect brings about competition between itself hence affecting the global market. On the other hand,…
Gifts That You Present to People Who Don’t Want Anything {Most adults have money, and they can buy anything that they want.|Most adults have cash and have accessibility to everything that they want in this world.|If you have money, you can purchase everything that you want in this world.} {Sometimes you people them what want and they tell you that they have everything that they want.|There is a period you wish to gift someone but he/she tells you that he/she has everything.|Sometimes you may be interested in presenting something special to a person, but they tell you that they need nothing.} { You should not get away with getting such a person nothing.|If a person tells you that, you should not be discouraged from buying him/her a gift.|You should not be demotivated to present a gift to people who tell you that they need nothing.} {You should get them something that they didn’t think that they needed.|You should surprise them with something they didn’t feel that they needed.|Surprise such people with a gift that they didn’t expect but needed…
The conflict between man versus society Conflict refers to any fight between opposing forces; mostly, it involves the main character struggling against a particular type of force. Conflict connects readers to the characters in a narrative and often encompasses issues or obstacles that can either be internal (in mind) or external (caused by outside forces). Since readers can relate to conflicts from personal experience and their lives, it helps to increase engagement with the narrative or a character and contributes towards improving meaning presented in the story. The common conflicts found in the literature include man vs. man, man vs. society, man vs. self, man vs. nature, man vs. fate, and man vs. technology (De Fina and Georgakopoulou 12). The term “man” is used to insinuate “human,” and it is not limited to the males. The essay provides a comparison and contrast on conflicts presented in the selected stories. The conflict between man versus society is evident in “Why the Post Office Makes America Great” by Zeynep Tufekci. For example, the author feels that the postal services in the United…