THE PRINCIPLES OF THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION The British Constitution is the Constitution of the United Kingdom referring to a system of rules that controls and regulates the political governance of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (King, A. 2007). The significant principles are; the sovereignty of the parliament, the rule of law, the parliamentary government and the European Union membership (Scott et al. 1994). However, the principles stated are a broad range of the constitution, but a more classified defines the uncodified constitution, the unitary state and the parliamentary sovereignty. The British Constitution is different from the American Constitution in that the former is uncodified with the source from the acts of parliament while the latter is codified. A codified constitution refers to a document that is single written with full entrenchment in the law, making it difficult to change. On the other hand, an uncodified constitution is one that contains a diffuse range of sources including norms and customs, legal precedent and the acts of parliament. The constitution of the US is a presidential constitution, while…

Rhetorical Analysis in Non-Fictions Work “Ripping children from parents will shatter America’s soul” is a newspaper submission by Viet Thanh Nguyen that appeared in the Washington Post in 2018. In the presentation, the author condemns the American government for separating children from their parents seeking asylum at the border. Nguyen feels that the act is despicable and deserves all the condemnation by everyone in society. In the article, he writes, “The intent of this law is punitive” (Nguyen), a statement which highlighting his displeasure with the leadership of America. This easy will consider the article “Ripping children from parents will shatter America’s soul” by Nguyen to discuss various rhetorical perspectives used by the author to pass his message to the readers. The article begins with a flashback, where the author mentions his childhood days while living in Vietnam. The United States had sent its soldiers into Vietnam for a reason not known to Nguyen at the time, but he only understood that if he stayed in the crossfire long enough, he would have lost his life. Therefore, he, together with…

Modern Criminal Trials and Problems with the Modern-day Jury Systems The juries in different nations across the world make decisions each day on the fate of defendants, which significantly result in them getting prison sentences that fit the crime for the offenders found guilty and release the innocent. However, various studies have revealed that the modern jury system in criminal cases, in numerous instances, get the decisions wrong. For example, a study by Northwestern University revealed that out of the 271 cases within the four areas of research, the juries gave the wrong verdict in at least one of every eight cases. Most individuals get sentenced, yet they are innocent due to the incorrect decisions made by the jury (Gargarella, 2017). Most of the errors in the modern jury systems are false acquittals where the defendant goes free while some are incorrect convictions, and this has negatively influenced the justice systems. In worst-case scenarios, some modern-day jury systems rely on the racial and gender stereotypes to make a sentence decision, and this deprives the right to participate as democratic equals.…

Trade unions in the United Kingdom Introduction Trade unions are becoming very rampant in the business community. They are comprised of members that are workers in different organizations. These trade unions are solely based on helping these members’ interests at their place of work. These trade unions involve both the employees and employers so that they can create a free working environment for both. Also, it ensures that there is a close working relationship between the two. At times they sign agreements, that is, the employers and the trade unions to protect the rights of their employees. Trade unions are reliable when it comes to protecting the rights of employees. The agreements signed have deadly consequences if broken, and legal means are used to ensure that there is justice. With the rise of these trade unions, it has been clear that there has been proper handling of employees. Any employee or employer acting as a member of these trade unions have accrued benefits that they get. It is true to say that becoming a member of a trade union is…

 Fourth Amendment of the American constitution There are rights that the incarcerated inmates do not enjoy while in prison, and there are others that they enjoy. All these rights affect them in one way or another. Being incarcerated denies inmates the freedom to engage in many things. First, the Fourth Amendment of the American constitution gives the right to privacy to every citizen in the U.S. However, and inmates do not enjoy this right as the police officers can conduct unwarranted searches on them at any time. Though the prisoners have the right to receive magazines and letters from outside, the officers can decide to open the letters and read what is enclosed. In most instances, the officers deny the inmates the right to privacy as a strategy to strengthen security in the correctional centers. Second, incarcerated inmates in the U.S are denied the right to vote. It is only two states, Maine and Vermont, in the U.S that allow inmates to vote. In all the other states, inmate voting is prohibited. Inmates regain their right to vote after they…

 arguments from the proponent s and opposers of abortion Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in every nation all over the world and more so in the United States of America. Different sides give their opinions concerning the debate on why they think it is right or wrong. People from the progressive side firmly believe that the women should be allowed to do what they wish with their bodies while the opponents draw their argument from a religious context when opposing the matter. Abortion is legal in some States, but the debate on the subject still goes on as both sides continue to hold their grounds. The paper will look at this unending debate and try to analyze the arguments from the proponent s and opposers of abortion. Abortion is right as it affords the right over their bodies and their reproductive choice. The woman has the right to decide whether to and when to give birth, it allows them to decide their future. Declaring abortion illegal infringes on their right to determine the course of their life…

Federalism, IGR, and the Constitution Introduction: In this essay, I will combine information from both the textbook, in class discussion, and my syllabus in order to better understand and explain issues, ideas, concepts and models related to American government and politics. My explanation and analysis of relevant concepts will provide a means of understanding this first section. In my conclusion, I will demonstrate that I understand how these ideas, issues, concepts and models –fully explained in the body of my essay-fit together. My essay’s length will be proportionate to the effort needed to fully cover course material and address the component parts of the assignment. In this essay I will address the following: Federalism The link federalism has to the Constitution Intergovernmental Relations (the Scheberle model) The link Intergovernmental Relations have to the Constitution Body: Section A: Federalism refers to the division of power and responsibilities between the state and national governments. According to Ginsberg, Lowi, Weir, and Tolbert, governments may organize their leadership either in unitary of federal systems (69). The unitary system is where the central or national…

Suppression of Evidence and Search and Seizure  Evidence plays a critical role in determining the innocence or guilt of an individual in the case they are brought before a court of law. Thus, the process in which a legal officer obtains the evidence is equally important. In situations where the evidence is obtained through illegal means, then it could be inadmissible before the law. Criminals may be set free and given the mandate to continue with their criminal activities when the evidence that could place them behind doors is not collected in the required way. For instance, an individual could file for a specific case to be dismissed when the items collected during a search process do not appear on the warrant granted by a prosecutor. In the case study, John Smith was driving at 3 a.m in the city of Carlsbad when he was stopped by a traffic officer on the basis of something obstructing the driver who was moving at an estimated speed of between 31 to 33mph. When Smith was asked to pull over, the officer said…

              Jury Consultants Name Institution Affiliated     Jury Consultants Effectiveness I believe that jury consultants are effective in their selection of the appropriate jury as they are neutral and have no inclinations. A jury consultant does not know the selected jury beforehand and does not have any biases towards any of the selected jurors. They assess all the jurors on even ground and select the best jurors among them that do not exhibit any biases. Jury consultants conduct extensive research in the lives of the potential jurors and conduct background checks to ensure that the jurors’ history does not contain anything that might influence them to make the wrong judgment. Jury consultants also assist in the voir dire, which is a process to determine the fairness of the prospective jurors (Lane, 1998). This process takes place before the actual trial, and the attorneys ask questions similar to the trial to draw out any hostile jurors with explicit biases. The jury consultant assesses the responses of the jurors, and whoever the consultant feels will…

If you want to sue a local government Question 1 If you want to sue a local government, under what is called Monell liability, you will need to show that the act was first done with the prescribed degree of culpability. Also that it is casually associated with the deprivation of federal right. Congine 2 The constitutional issue in the case is whether Congine’s action conformed to the First Amendment’s provisions for expressive conduct. The issue is on whether Congine’s action of raising the flag upside down was a distress call or an act of heckling. 3, The Heckler’s Vito must not be allowed in the provided case because Congine was expressing his First Amendment right to expressive speech. As noted in Nelson v Streeter, the police must maintain order in a case where an unpopular speech is deemed to disrupt it. 4 Yes, the act of forcibly entering Congine’s premise and removing the flag was a violation of the First Amendment. In Congine’s case as he did not raise the flag upside down out of contempt but rather as…

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