The compromise of 1850 The compromise of 1850 that was ratified in 1850, entailed the settlement of various issues affecting the unity of the states. The compromise assisted in stopping the confrontation that existed between Free states in the North and the slave states in the South.  The main focus of the compromise was to address the slavery issue that was causing disagreement between the South and the North. Also, the conflict between north and south states was a result of the difference over the territories’ status that had been attained during the Mexican-American war, which occurred from 1846 to 1848 (Compromise of 1850 (article)). Under the compromise of 1850 that was created by Henry Clay, California was acknowledged to be a free state, the slave trade was banned in Washington, while Texas lost the New Mexico territory. The fugitive slave law of 1850 was part and parcel of the Compromise of 1850. The law permitted the American government to help the slaveholders in bringing back freedom explorers. Based on the United States constitution, the slaveholders were allowed to recover…

Conducting Constitutional Searches The United States Supreme Court defined laws that allowed law enforcement officers to conduct searches without a warrant. These elements may contradict the 4th Amendment that enforces the need for police officers to have a permit as an aspect that supports the judicial review of action that an administration conducts. Police officers should understand the continuous changes that occur in the Constitutional Law so that they comprehend the rationale for doing particular operations. The case “Arizona v. Gant 2009” illustrates the review that the country conducts its legal search criteria and indicates the evolution that occurs in national policies (Harr et al. 269). The following are Constitutional Law elements that officers should understand as they conduct their operations. Searches with Consent Police officers can look for drugs, weapons, or other materials that may pose a risk to the community with the agreement of a suspect. The process proceeds when an individual provides voluntary consent for the law enforcement personnel to search for a property. The Fourth Amendment requires that the person must first wave his/her rights for…

The United States and the European Constitutions             The draft of the US constitution was recommended by the delegates to the constitutional convention in September 17, 1787 at Philadelphia (Nau, 2018). However, the representatives established a strategy of a federal government which was strong through its three significant pillars of Executive, Legislature, and the Judiciary. According to Nau (2018), The constitution had a bill of rights with ten amendments that guaranteed freedom of speech and religion. Similarly, the drafting of the EU constitution started based on the new debate on the future of Europe. The law brought together several treaties and agreements (Mancini, 2018). Additionally, it defined the EU powers, as well as where the member states can retain the right of veto. The fundamental Charter of rights in the European Constitution stipulates the freedoms, rights, and principles to the citizens. Both the US Constitution and the EU Constitution are of considerable significance to the government and its citizens despite their profound similarities and the differences. The Constitution of the United States is different from the European Constitution as it…

The contradiction between powers of the government to ensure security to its citizens and borders, and the fundamental rights to privacy The contradiction between powers of the government to ensure security to its citizens and borders, and the fundamental rights to privacy, has continuously led to confusion in America. Balancing the two has needs considerate actions to relieve the tension between security and privacy of the citizens. Information Technology is a key item in the current world of communication. It is through IT that terror can be orchestrated, and through the same that Americans use to communicate with one another. The security agencies should be open to the Americans that they will track people believed to be dangerous for security as part of criminal investigations, but will not infringe on the other American’s right to privacy. Through this, the Americans will understand that the government violates the privacy of the crime suspects and not everyone. It is clear in the constitution that there are potential conflicts between privacy and national security. The right to privacy is found in the fourth…

                    Assignment 04 Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation                     Assignment 04 Part A History of Capital Punishment in the United States Capital punishment is another word for the death penalty, the legal execution of a criminal. The word capital originates from the Latin word head (Constitutional Rights Foundation, 2012). In ancient times, the death penalty was carried out by beheading. However, such a form of execution has never happened in the United States. The U.S performs capital punishment either by poison gas, shooting, hanging, lethal injection, or electrocution. Currently, all states in the U.S practicing capital punishment use lethal injection (Constitutional Rights Foundation, 2012). However, they are free to use any of the other options apart from beheading. In America, the death penalty was practiced as early as in the 1600s. This form of punishment applied to even the slightest crimes, such as pickpocketing or stealing a bun in a shop (Constitutional Rights Foundation, 2012). However, in the 1700 and 1800, most states…

different theories of constitutional interpretation that members of the US Supreme Court have used to make judicial decisions There are several different theories of constitutional interpretation that members of the US Supreme Court have used to make judicial decisions. The two main theories are judicial restraint and judicial activism. Judicial restraint is the philosophy that justices* ought to interpret the Constitution as closely to the original language and original intent of the document as possible. Judicial activism is a philosophy that justices interpret the Constitution in the light of the modern times. Because justices on the US Supreme Court have the power of judicial review (the power to declare a law unconstitutional) and thereby may make decisions that affect the entire nation, justices frequently enter heated debate on the legitimacy of each interpretation philosophy. Moreover, it is not uncommon for one justice to accuse another of using a particular interpretation ″style″ simply to achieve a result they find politically favorable.* Judicial decisions are further complicated by the concept of precedent. Precedent is the idea that similar cases should be decided…

confederation and federalist article and discuss the impact of Constitution of the United States on political innovation The federation government in America is composed of three branches in the U.S constitution which includes the legislative, judicial and executive. There are power and duties of the departments which serve different roles defined by the Acts of Congress. The paper seeks to analyze the confederation and federalist article and discuss the impact of Constitution of the United States on political innovation. The paper further looks at the effects of the federalist papers given as primary sources on the ideas presented in the constitution. The Federalist No. 10 supports the ramification of the constitution in the United States. Federalist No 10.discuss how groups of people are formed with the interests other than the one which is of the whole community (Hamilton, 2016). The paper addresses the issue of domestic faction on the citizens in the United States which is inevitable. This is due to the man’s nature and the behavioral changes in human characteristics which have different opinions regarding the constitution. The domestic…

Abraham Lincoln Issues Emancipation proclamation In September 1862, US President Abraham Lincoln delivered an opening Emancipation Proclamation which stated that all the slaves who had participated in revolt contrary to the Union should then be freed forever. Lincoln’s declaration only applied to the Confederacy slaves and not those in the bordering states who had remained dedicated to the Union. President Abraham Lincoln was hesitant to declare the Emancipation Proclamation, following the issue of earlier slavery since he feared that bordering slave countries might be tempted to join the Confederacy. As time went by, Lincoln prudently approached the abolition subject, and when he acquired support gained adequate confidence until he fully issued the proposition to Confederates. Abraham Lincoln declared Emancipation Proclamation when the confederates failed to respond to his proposal ( Editors, 2019). Besides, the president became hesitant since the proclamation was not defined by the state laws but was just a presidential order. He advocated for antislavery adjustment in the Constitution to warrant its perpetuity. After issuing the proclamation, Lincoln supporting the Confederacy would be seen as supporting slavery; therefore,…

Singapore’s political Singapore’s political environment is stable, and it boasts of no national debt, consistent positive surplus, as well as a high revenue for the government. Economically, the country is ranked as one of the best in the Asian region and tops as a destination for investments. It is a friendly environment for businesses. Political stability has also ensured that the country attracts foreign investments and promotes economic growth. A constitutional monarchy, Thailand, has been run by a military government from 2014 to 2019, causing instability, which in turn affects the economy and the process of doing business. Corruption, bribery, and business requirements for foreign companies makes it challenging to invest in the country. However, unemployment is very low as a result of the booming informal sector. It is also attractive to foreign investments as reforms are favorable to businesses. Japan’s political nature is relatively stable, being ruled by an Emperor who is more of a ceremonial figure. Policies on national security and close relations with the United States of America ensure that the country maintains both political and economic…

Accountable care organizations (ACOs) Introduction Accountable care organizations (ACOs) are a new policy that has been developed to provide affordable and quality healthcare. The strategy is aimed at reducing the cost of medicare, improved quality of medication, and general good health to the public. Hospitals under the accountable care organization share the repercussions which are concerned with the patient outcome and the expenditures. The ACOs enter into a contract with the payer amount, which is used during treatment purposes. The organization helps in the provision of improved healthcare, reduced cost, and better healthcare. The public and private healthcare have] adopted the accountable care organization to improve the quality of health by making it affordable to the clients. The medicare shared savings program enables the clinicians to provide improved healthcare to the patients. The policy has improved the healthcare sector inclusive and affordable to the people. For example, in America, it has over five million subscribers who have joined the organization. The health reform has been backed up by many people through the benchmarked contract. However, some limitations encounter the success…

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