Analysis of the Constitution The United States Congress holds part of the institutional powers. In my personal opinion, the most significant institutional power is the authority of the US Congress over the country’s finances and budgets (Epstein & THomas, 1998). This institutional power holds much significance over the general operations of the country. Through this institutional power, the US Congress can exercise control over the payment of debts, laying and collecting taxes, excises, and imposts and make sure that the general welfare and defense of the United States of America is provided for. This institutional power is quantified as the power of the purse and enables the seamless running of the whole country. In the US Bill of Rights, the first section contains the ten amendments to the US Constitution. Of the ten rights, the most important personal right, in my personal opinion, is the “freedom from excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishments” (Neil, 2015). This individual right is essential as it looks after the interests of seemingly forgotten members of society. Even when facing criminal charges, humanity and the uprightness of…

Atlanta Journal-Constitution According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, it has significantly portrayed how physicians and other healthcare providers treat the patients without elements of assault. The ethical responsibilities professionals, such as colleagues, employers, medical boards, among others, have been displayed on the New York state report card. From the board composition, a blueprint was primarily grounded by the Federation of State Medical Boards, which found the significance of having a self-governing public member on physician-dominated medical regulatory supports. The AJC focused on giving consumer presentation on the board that represented to help the physician to identify their colleagues. The medical board has a strict and comprehensive responsibility for licensing medical doctors, investigating complaints, and penalize doctors who violate the medical practices. The physicians who commit acts that are away from medical principles and ethics are referred by the medical boards for evaluation and rehabilitation when appropriate. The public needs to be protected from incompetence, unprofessional, and improperly trained doctors, the aspects that are monitored by the medical boards. As per the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, they found that the medical boards responded somewhat…

The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists Constitutional Compromise My thesis in this essay is the compromise undertaken by the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists to ensure that the United States Constitution accommodated all parties. The United States Constitution was originally written in 1787 at the Philadelphia Convention. After the constitution was written, the next formal process was ratification, a process that required nine of the thirteen states to approve of the constitution before it became official. As the constitution underwent ratification, two sides emerged, one side supporting the confirmation and the other side did not support the process. The Federalists supported the sanction, and the Anti-Federalists opposed the ratification. Most people who had written the constitution were Federalists, and therefore, Anti-Federalists felt that the constitution did not address the needs of all Americans equally. The primary concern for Anti-Federalists was the excessive power handed to the central government. On the other hand, Federalists believed that the nation required a powerful national government to thrive. To ensure that the United States had a constitution that addressed the concerns of both sides, the Federalists…

Vague constitutions The constitution of the United States established the national and common laws and also guaranteed fundamental rights for citizens. A  constitution is vague for American citizens when they do not understand the laws regulated, prohibited conduct, and how punishment is imposed. Vagueness can be seen when the rules or rights have a broad language and is not clearly defined anywhere. Constitutional uncertainty can be helpful or a disadvantage to the people, especially in decision making (Williams, 2017). Vagueness extends into two clauses in the fifth and fourteenth amendments of the constitution. Vague constitutions have the following advantages, and it encourages cooperation amongst political leaders. Political leaders work together to determine specific clauses through negotiation to ensure a democratic process. The vague constitution easily adapts to changes, and the world is changing a particular constitution rapidly can create problems for social and political circumstances (Maxwell, 2013).  Vagueness helps to prevent arbitrary enforcement of the laws; this is the decisions and rules that are based on justice; the disadvantage of constitutional vagueness is used to nullify specific criminal laws and…

Argument of Constitutional Framers A major problem that has been encountered time and again within our legal system regards the enforcement of the constitutional limits and other statutes set to check the powers and balances of government operations. These statutes and limits are meant to establish whether the government has overstepped its’ lawful boundaries as to be determined by the judiciary, a fact prescribed in the “Marbury v. Madison” case of 1972. In many of such procedures, especially criminal procedure, where the Supreme Court is expected to determine the legality or illegality of the government’s actions, its’ been found to have complicated roots. Such is true even in this case, “Smith v. the United States,” set before the court today. However, despite the questions surrounding these cases, particularly cases of searches and seizures, are usually complex, the basic regulation concerning such cases is solely found in the Fourth Amendments of our constitution. Acceding to LII (017), this amendment protects people from violation of their privacy based on unreasonable or baseless police or law enforcement searches and seizures, stating that such…

Constitutional and political indicators of Georgia unrest: 1850s Introduction Construal of the state dominance against federal laws was the main political while slavery was the pivotal political issue that indicated unrest for Georgia as a member of the United States in the 1850s. This paper revisits both the constitutional and political issues that pointed to the unrest of Georgia in the 1850s as a member of the United States. Political and constitutional issues There were concerns about divisional slavery customs that provoked tension in the 1850s. States were split into those that aggravated for abolitionism while others upheld rights to slaves ownership by their statesmen. Georgia state laws were seen to uphold abolitionism by assenting clauses that imposed penalties and imprisonment upon people who played a role in helping slaves run away. It was alleged that other states adopted abolitionist institutions with reference to Georgia’s complex institution. The slave owners were entitled to the right to freely own black slaves who came from the north. The US congress intervention was, however, seen as interference with Georgia state affairs. The congress…

Role of The World Trade Organization in International Trade and Freight Distribution As the world moved towards globalization, there was a need to have a body to control trade between countries. This need led to the formation of an inter-governmental organization called the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, to oversee international trade rules. It took the place of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) (Tarver, 2019). The World Trade Organization is vital to international trade as it upholds the rules of business, which ensures order and control. It acts as a medium of dispute resolution by providing a platform and framework for trade negotiations and mediation among its member states (Tarver, 2019). It offers methods for arriving at amicable solutions when conflicts in trade arise. WTO also provides an international forum for its members to formulate solutions and agreements that would help in transitioning to a free trade system (Krishnan & Nivetha, 2018). The WTO helps maintain peace by ensuring fairness in how member countries trade and conduct business with each other. It protects its members by…

  Importance of the constitution The constitution embodies the will of the people of the United States. The constitution gains its legitimacy from several components. The legitimacy of power falls under three perspectives. First is the moral justifiability of power relations. This perspective stands for the acquisition and exercise of power to the degree that can be justified. Second is the legal validity, which refers to acquiring and using power by following the existing rules. Finally, is the evidence of consent usually by the subordinate to the power relations. The three elements of constitutional legitimacy are first, the embodiment of the constitution or amendments on good and just principles. Second, the people whom the law governs should actively accept and give affirmative consent to the roots of the constitution or its amendments, and lastly, the constitution or its amendments should comply with and promote the rule of law. The constitution provides rules for its change typically. For the constitution to remain legitimate, the public must participate in its amendment in a formalized manner during its proposal and ratification (Jackson). The…

ILLEGAL EVERYTHING’ I have learned that law is essential, intellectually challenging and sometimes outrageous and the law is everywhere America has become a state where can know what is legal, you hear cases day by day about criminal trials, massive lawsuit or constitutional claim but seems that criminals are allowed to get off with it. Law very complex, and most occurred that no one can understand it at all, not even the professional lawyer. Law is not accessible to the ordinary person is like only the priests of some religion try to maintain the mysterious and inaccessible of law. People can learn what law for it clarify basics of law like the rules, principles, and arguments that lawyer and judges of the law is mostly common encountered is speed limits, the speed limit according to the driver is considered higher than 65mph and legal act the same way. Drivers are cushion by police but never given a speeding ticket to someone who is going 66mph. If this happens, the judges will laugh at them in the court of traffic(Sheff,2019).…

Constitution The constitution of the united states established the national and common laws, and also guaranteed basic rights for citizens. Constitution vagueness is when the American citizens do not understand the laws regulated, prohibited conducts and how punishment is imposed. Vagueness can be seen when the laws or rights have a broad language and is not clearly defined anywhere. Constitutional vagueness can be helpful or a disadvantaged to the people especially in decision making. Vagueness extends into two clauses in the fifth and fourteenth amendments of the constitution(Williams, 2017). Vague constitutions have the following advantages; it encourages cooperation amongst political leaders. Political leaders work together to determine specific clauses through negotiation to ensure a democratic process. Vague constitution easily adapts to changes, the world is changing rapidly a specific constitution can create problems to social and political circumstances (Maxwell, 2013).  Vagueness helps to prevent arbitrary enforcements of the laws; this is the decisions and rules are based on justice the disadvantage of constitutional vagueness it is used to nullify certain criminal laws and judicial decisions in the courts. These happens…

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