Why should marijuana be legalized everywhere? Abstract The legalization of marijuana has been a center of debates in many parts of the world. Since Uruguay legalized weed, countries like the Netherlands and Canada have followed the path. The ripple effects can be felt in the nearby United States. Thirty-three states in the US have so far passed the laws to legalize cannabis after heated debates and several restrictions. The proponents of marijuana legalization argue from the economic, legal, health, and social perspectives presenting different views as to why marijuana should be legalized everywhere. Following the various drug policies in various parts of the world, there is the call to treat marijuana like the other drugs, which have been authorized. Drugs such as alcohol, and tobacco have been permitted in almost every country, but their health effects are worse than cannabis. The rankings on the opium consumption by the Foundation for Drug-Free World show how the various drug policies do not help to reduce the smoking of weed. Multiple countries have vital statistics, and Singapore has the least cannabis prevalence of…

POLITICAL RESEARCH PAPER  The Issue:  To research, and discover credible reliable information. Research:   Research ALL the following sections.  Refer to the syllabus for all requirements, formats, and due date. Analysis:  Please research, site examples and analyze all sections by using at least 2 political sources from 2 different political perspectives.  Thorough research increases the chance of  a better grade. Section 1:  DISCUSS forms of Government and what it is like to live under each form of government (Do not quote, or give definitions)[unique_solution] Communism Socialism Republic Totalitarianism Anarchy Section 2:  Historical Documents. Research and discuss federalist papers, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Limits, and Constitution.  Include the following in your discussion. Date(s) of Document: Author(s) of Document: What was the purpose, goal or intent? Section 3:  Discuss federalism and discuss an example of a current court case. Section 4: Finances/ Budget.  Discuss the following. Federal Reserve Free Market State and National Debt Government (Federal and State) Spending. Section 5: Discuss 3 political issues discussed in class.  Use factual information only. Must use at least 2  sources from 2 different political…

 Forms of government Communism Living under a communist government is both advantageous and disadvantageous. The advantage is that the government can create massive industrial power and other projects since economic resources can be mobilized quickly and on a large scale. However, communism eliminates the free market; the law of supply and demand gets defied since the government that sets prices. That way, the planners fail to get feedback about the type of needs of the people and therefore lack a guideline on how to improve their services. Socialism Living under a socialist government gives one a sense of responsibility. In this type of government, everyone in society receives a share of production according to the contribution they made towards it. There is no chance of exploitation as profits get shared according to individual contribution. Living under a socialist government also eliminates poverty since there is an equal distribution on social amenities such as health facilities and education institution. However, a socialist government has a lot of power, and there are chances of the leaders abusing the position and power for…

 DECENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION. 1.The fiscal illusion is an adaptation of the concept of the “Tragedy of the Commons.” In his original piece, Hardin imagined a pasture open to all herdsmen, who, motivated by self-interest, try to keep as many cattle as possible. To maximize individual utility on the shared commons, a rational herdsman will seek to add another animal to his herd. Since the resources of the commons are limited, adding together the component of partial utilities of all rational herdsmen, leads to tragedy for all. To evade such a tragedy, Hardin recommended the adoption of either coercive laws to limit exploitation of the shared commons or the creation of tax devices that communicate the cost of maintaining the shared commons. These recommendations have been adopted in the fiscal decentralization literature to connote the benefit-taxation principle. In the Kenyan perspective, the tragedy of the commons may be evident given the CDF’s current operational structure, which blurs the total cost of development projects as a result of the independent local decisions that put pressure on the center’s general fund. The problem…

The Canadian and American systems similarities The United States and Canada are among the oldest and most stable federations in the world. Modern federalism began in the United States in 1867, and its variation was adopted in Canada. In each country, federalism was established out of the need to consolidate various political factions in the British North America (Knop et al. 1995, 251). Federalism in both Canada and the United States formed the basis for economic growth. Despite a similar economic status and identity, the reason why Canada became a democracy, and the United States became a republic is due to the different political intuition and history. The Canadian and American systems have several similarities. For example, the policies in both countries are sensitive to the existence of various levels of governments. The policymaking process in both countries is also intrinsically complex. According to Simeon and Radin (2010, 357), Canada and the United States are the longest federations in the world, even though the nature of their federalism is still contested in both countries. Moreover, both nations are liberal democracies,…

Restoring Federalism to the Fight against Poverty In the United States, the Mexican and American war brought the American Federalism. According to history, the growth of sovereign power in the national government was mainly caused by the divisions between the southern states and the northern states. The restoring federalism to the fight against poverty article discusses how President Lyndon B. Johnson’s war on poverty made things right. However, he did not support that freedom of speech and freedom to religion were supposed to be protected by the federal authority. Minimum income and health care are not constitutional rights, so they are not protected by the federal authority; however, some individuals believe that they should be. President Johnson’s biggest mistake was when he applied an approach appropriate for civil rights to a sphere where the invocation of rights does not work. This has led to many years of misguided effort so as to use congress and the federal court so as to impose uniform anti-poverty policies in every state in the United States. Currently, the central role in the fight against…

  Comparing California and Florida In the united states, federalism is a balance of power and responsibilities between the national government and state governments, while municipal and country governments are legally creatures in their state governments. Both the federal and state levels of government have the authority to create laws; local governments have the powers that their state gives them. To complete this research, we compare our findings for two states, California and Florida. The two states used to comparison are California and Florida, Chosen based on the following criteria: population size, geographic location, and legislative structure. The population of each of these two states is roughly comparable. They are the two most populous states in the united states, (United States Census Bureau 2018). Population size was the first criterion used to decide which states to includes in this research. State population California 39,557,045 Florida 21,299,325(United States Census Bureau 2018)1 Within the federal system, each state legislature operates uniquely to meet the needs of the state. Scholars have attempted to classify the differences in legislative organizations and functions to make…

HOW THE AFRICAN AMERICAN RECONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE        FUNDAMENTALLY AFFECTED THE STATUS OF THE GROUP Introduction and Thesis Statement The history of Black people in the united states of America is a long and complex one that had a lot of events and experiences that greatly impacted and shaped the history and future of African Americans in the united states. While the black people in northern America had quite a number of experiences which critically fundamentally affected their status as a people, Reconstruction remains to be one of the most important and memorable of them all. The Civil war, which happened in the 18th century, had two critical periods surrounding it, the prewar era and the post-war era, which was the reconstruction era. The events surrounding the civil war were a critical component as far as the shaping of the African Americans’ destiny was concerned. The effects of the aftermath of the experiences which African Americans went through are actively experienced today in the modern world. This paper seeks to explore the critical effect that Reconstruction had in shaping the destiny of…

Public Policy Summary Paper The article, Assessing the Collaboration That Was “Collaborative Federalism” 1996-2006, authored by Julie Simmons and Peter Graefe, re-evaluates the appropriateness of “collaborative federalism” in the context of the partnership of federal and provincial government during the 1990s. The intergovernmental collaboration was driven by fiscal restraint by both governments, collapse of Charlottetown and Meech Lake constitutional amendments, the victory of the “yes” campaign during the Quebec referendum, the success of the Reform parties during the federal election in 1993. Also, Government officials argued that collaborative federalism would have a positive impact on intergovernmental institution growth. Consequently, this led to the creation of a council that comprised members from both federal and provincial governments. The core objective of the council committee was to provide a coordinated approach to intergovernmental relations, primarily through the development of shared positions. Thus, the two governments were required to make an equal contribution when there was a policy or initiative that needed to be implemented. Several intergovernmental agreements were established under the guise of providing parallel accountability. Notably, the federal government was funded…

Federal budget problems Introduction Federalism is a form of government in which power is shared between states governments and the national government, as seen U.S government. The federal budget is associated with many problems and thus most federal governments operate under budget deficits, with spending outstripping the sourced revenues. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) causes these problems by making some assumptions when coming up with the 10 years projections. The unrealistic projections by CBO are the source of the current problems associated with the Federal budget. First, it assumes that Congress extends some expiring spending programs and that all temporal tax provision will expire. The tax sunsets make it possible to increase the annual tax cuts so as to extend the tax cut past its expiration thus putting the fiscal policy on an increasingly unstable course[1]. Secondly, CBO assumes that the discretion spending grows annually only because of inflation. This is not realistic because it will be difficult to maintain current services if spending does not keep pace with population growth. The last unrealistic assumption involves the alternative minimum tax (ATM)…

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