Status of the Aboriginal People in the Canadian Federation Introduction The Aboriginal people are the original inhabitants of the land that is currently known as Canada. They make around 5% of the national population in the country. Despite being the original inhabitants of the land, the status of the Aboriginal people in the Canadian Federation has never been clear. This research paper seeks answers on the status of the Aboriginal people in the Canadian Federation. The paper also explores whether granting the Aboriginal people full autonomy will fully solve their problems. Specifically, the paper will focus on the measures that the Canadian government has taken to address the concerns and the challenges faced by the Aboriginal people. Research paper reviews some of the available literature on the subject to determine whether self-governance will be the only way of responding to the needs of the Aboriginal people. The research paper also seeks to find out other measures or approaches that have been considered in an attempt to solve the problem faced by the indigenous people. With the help of multiple scholarly…

Federalism and UAE with India and USA reference Table of Contents 1     Introduction. 3 2     Main Body. 3 3     Conclusions. 5 4     References. 6 Introduction Today we are living in a globalized world where different forms of government are employed to have things run smoothly. The varying types of government have been proven for largest to oldest democratic nations and monarchies, including; India and the United States, for instance (Paquette, 2019). Federalism is one of the most commonly used forms of government even today. Federalism form of government ensures that no one entity holds full power; there is .distribution of power between the national government and different units such as provinces/states (De Alwis, 2019). The government adopts a particular form of government to sanction how resources are used; in some cases of the provincial government or federal governments, allotment of funds, and power used (Paquette, 2019). In this essay, the chosen form of government to be discussed in federalism. The focus will be to detail the advantages and disadvantages of federalism keeping India and United States under consideration. Advantages and…

federal government Introduction Federalism is the law by a procedure of government whereby some individuals have ultimate power over the government, and the designated persons designate the organizations of states. In America, it is the division of authority between America state governments and the federal government of the United States. Since the establishment of the country, which was after the end of the Civil war, control shifted from the state towards the national government. It was a resolution for the difficulties of the article confederation, which gave slight practical power to the federal government. The federal government regulates foreign commerce and the interstates. It also can spend, set taxing, and declare war. The essay will discuss the future of American federalism. More control of the federal government The federal government acts as protection against a government that is a single ruler and has absolute power. The federal government spreads the power among the three branches. These branches equilibrium each other, and it serves as a caution to runaway power. More control is needed for the federal government to protect the…

Unitary system of government It is a system of government in which allgoverning powers reside in a centralizedgovernment; in this system of government, one central government controls weaker states. Countries withthis form of government include France, China, and Japan. Advantages of aunitary system of government To begin with, a unitary government has a clear outline of the sharing of responsibilities and powers, which results in quick actions in times of emergency. Secondly, it is cheaper to run a unitary government compared to other systems of government. There are reduced layers of bureaucracy hence less administration cost. Additionally, a unitary government creates unity among its citizens since there is no splitting of loyalties between the national government and the state. Finally, the legal systems of a unitary government are less complicated since the constitution allows for the allocation of some powers of governing to the federal states. Disadvantages of a unitary system of government Firstly, a unitary system of government is more likely not to meet local needs. The government tends to focus more on international issues hence ignoring domestics issues.…

WHY IS QUEBEC SEPARATISM OFF THE AGENDA For quite a while, the sovereignty of the Quebec region in Canada has off been in question over what has been considered to be one of the pressing issues facing the country. Quebec has been trying to separate from the state. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the region has been under the Quebec Liberal Party, which has taken over the politics of the area and has been in power for a while now. Due to the severe issues that have been facing the region, several kinds of research have been attributed towards the development of the area, which has made it possible for the politics to take shape the way they have been. This paper will talk about why the issues of Quebec have been existing, the reasons for it, and what are some of the problems that have arisen out of it. Federalism development is one of the issues that started to be active in the early period of the year 2000. Some of the groups within the region have…

current practices in local government e-service growth concerning innovation and handing of high-quality service provision Introduction Governments have sought to integrate necessary measures that improve the quality of service delivery and overall understanding of government influence on business. Different researchers have sought to develop an understanding of the existing technological changes that have sought to transform business performance. The changes in technology have created a more dynamic system that improves the level of performance and management of financial information. Holgersson, Lindgren, Melin, and Axelsson (2017) focused on assessing the motivators and innovation in local government e-service development.  E-services play a significant role in determining how the public sector operates as well as focus on increasing transparency of public services. Currently, the majority of public services across different governments have adopted electronic data management, which has focused on improving the level of growth, especially in the financial industry. The purpose of the article was to determine the current practices in local government e-service growth concerning innovation and handing of high-quality service provision (Holgersson et al., 2017). Electronic service delivery has become…

GOVERNMENT – political corruption, government transparency, government spending/budget, the electoral college Newell, James L. Corruption in contemporary politics. Manchester University Press, 2018. The book explores contemporary thinking about corruption by acknowledging it as a severe concern. The book brings an understanding of the impacts of crime, such as infringing rules that describe the legitimate and illegitimate ways of wealth acquisition. It also shows the dangers of corruption to both the interests of the advantaged and disadvantaged. The book is informative as it explains corruption, gives examples and provides a survey of the scandal phenomenon. Therefore, the source is reliable in understanding the concept of political corruption. Smith, Jared D. “U.S. political corruption and firm financial policies.” Journal of Financial Economics 121.2 (2016): 350-367. This article focuses on a large panel of the United States firms between the years 1980-2009 to investigate the link between corruption incidences, especially on the part of the political officials and public firms’ financial policies. The article provides the findings of the research by stating a negative correlation between corruption to cash holdings. The author also finds that…

technical surveillance countermeasures that can be implemented by individuals, organizations, and governments to secure data Technological advancements have eased access to global market information in this era. Corporate information, including sales, finances, services, and products, has been availed on online platforms. Organizations and governments worldwide have adopted systems that grant people seeking essential goods and services access irrespective of their geographical locations. Securing information on these platforms from competitors and malicious individuals have, however, presented a challenge to both governments and organizations. Some parties have abused the internet’s transparency standards by illegally sourcing information regarding their competitors’ financial positions, cliental data as well as secrets of trade on existing products and those under development. This entry highlights technical surveillance countermeasures that can be implemented by individuals, organizations, and governments to secure data. Openness and Security Access and denial of access to information have set the public agenda on rights on the internet. Standards of openness on the internet, incorporating transparency provide for everyone to participate on equal bases (Hastedt, 2011). As such, openness standards allowing for the development and release…

Marijuana legalization-California proposition 64 Introduction California proposition 64 seeks to reform the realistic approach to the marijuana policy in California. This has been sparked by the heated up debates that have increased in the last two decades over marijuana legalization in the U.S states. The major concern is a review on the laws of licencing of stores to sell cannabis to people above 21 years of age. This has been a testament of the Coloradoans and the ability to work together with the people (Anderson, Hansen & Rees, 2015). However, Hickenlooper has praised all the opposing sides for holding on the facts that he believes have increased the legalisation roll out. In the union of the U.S states, California was the first state to pass laws allowing legal consumption of marijuana. This was first witnessed in the proposition 215 in 1996. Two decades down the line, the legalization of marijuana has sparked various debates that are aimed at reviewing the poorly regulated system of marijuana cultivation. The California proposition 64 is based on the pros and cons. According to the…

How Mass Incarceration Impacts The Taxpayer`s and government Spending Mass incarceration is the locking up or imprisonment of a vast population in federal and state prisons. The confinement is encouraged by the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, contributing to the high rates of mass incarceration experienced in the United States (ACLU, n.d.). Mass incarceration In United States is a unique vice different from the other countries who commit criminals to imprisonment for the fact that they keep their prisoners for a long duration. The United States makes up almost 5% of the global population but makes up over 25% of the imprisoned people in the world. The imprisonment rates are higher than the population growth and crime dating back to 1970, where the growth has recorded an increment of 700% (ACLU, n.d.). The total cost of the increase in mass incarceration is a problem for the taxpayer’s money due to the tremendous government spending in running these institutions and supporting the various services (Mikesell, n.d.). The criminal justice system overwhelmingly constitutes the public system with the…

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