DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: THOMAS JEFFERSON Introduction Declaration of independence is considered to be a vital document in American history which was drafted by the founding fathers to demonstrate independence from the British and illustrated their willingness to fight. The writing of the declaration officializes the American Revolution (Wills, G., 2018). The main purpose of this document was to declare independence and demonstrated how the American society is dissimilar from others. It expressed the mindset that American people held and elements for forming the American heritage including conflicts in issues associated with politics, religion, economy, philosophy, and society. The issues mentioned above pretentious colonists and influenced them to execute activities which enabled them to get control of the government. Creation of declaration influences American thinking ways and utilized ideologies which were already in existence. Several early colonies were created since people were in need of religious freedom, despite them having limitations for the subject. The individuals who settled in America were escaping from bad memories associated with intolerance. Europe had experienced over a century period of civil wars and disturbance from…

Liner regression Liner regression fall under the category of supervised learning model. This model is subdivided in to two, which is simple liner regression and multiple liner regression. In simple linear regression only one dependent and one independent variable is used to make the model hence the name simple linear. In the multiple liner regression, there are usually more than one independent variable (Watson, 1964). Multiple linear model explores the correlation of numerous different variables with one dependent variable. When each of the independent variables is defined to predict the dependent variable, the multiple variableness information can be used to produce an exact estimate of the level of impact on the result variable (Fox, 1997). The model establishes a best liner relationship between the variables. The central task of the multiple linear regression analysis is to fit a single line via a scatter plot. To be precise, a line through a multi-dimensional data space is fitted in the MLR to achieve a line of best fit. One dependent and two regressor variables are the MLR simplest form Model1 (SLR) Y…

Manifest Destiny        The growth and development of a nation come with sacrifice. Many people may lose life and properties for the good of their governments. Further, independence and expansion of the country require united, strong and focused people to fight until they achieve their goals. Perhaps, American formulated strategies, such manifest destiny to achieve its expansion desire where some nations (Mexico) underwent through slavery process to get their independence. Perhaps, during the year 1800-1848, the Lewis and clerk expedition and Mexican-American War of 1846-1848 played a significant role in Westward Expansion. According to Corbett, Janssen, Lund, Pfannestiel, Waskiewicz & Vickery (2019), Lewis and Clerk discovered the road map to connect the two nations, and also the culture so that both countries can interact with minimal cultural conflicts. Further, they also created a good relationship, for example, by participating in cultural events and gifting Mexican people medallions. Concurrently, Mexican people stood strong to advocate for free soil and free nation to fighting the slivery issue. Notably, slavery had stagnated the nation since native Americans had dominated most of the country,…

How Privacy Is Being Affected by The High Tech Companies             Primarily, privacy is the state of being secluded from public intrusion and freedom against any outside disturbance. The concept is to enhance personal independence and alleviate infringement from non-authorized parties. With the advent of technological advancements, breach of privacy is highly recognized, mainly because of the element of digital discretion. Information on people is unethically accessed and sold to the highest bidders. Even so, governments across the globe have tried suppressing the matter; however, it is also a challenge to keep up with the ever-changing techno, logical trends. Be that as it may, this document elaborates on the symbiotic relationship between high tech companies and matters of privacy in light of assessing how it has been affected. The essence of privacy is to induce an actual feeling of individuality and autonomy, but tech firms are using their resources rather than serve different ulterior motives. Information Technology (IT) experts aid and abed in this data breach through the various concepts of hacking. Hacking offers capabilities of accessing, distorting, collecting, sharing,…

TRANSITION DISCUSSION 2 RESPONSES Rebecca Adeyoola, Online learning programs are always flexible and convenient. However, it may be a lot challenging than it may seem; hence you must be ready to succeed. Online learning may sound wonderful that a student may start with unrealistic visions only to discover that it requires just as much energy and time, if not more than traditional classes (Dabbagh, & Bannan-Ritland,2015). To ensure successful completion of the course, the student should have the necessary computer skills and develop the right learning strategies. I agree with you that proper time management, organization, and paying attention to details will help a student achieve their set targets. Success in online courses requires skills such as persistence, excellent communication, effective time management, reading and writing skills, independence and motivation, and a conducive environment for learning. Effective and appropriate communication skills will help the student in using the tools provided to communicate with the teacher and employ appropriate communication styles for the course. To answer your question, seeking clarifications is one of the ways of understanding and issue and helps…

  Independent and Dependent Variables Question 1 Research question: How would you define an independent variable? Why have you chosen this measure? Hypothesis: I hypothesize social media does not depend on people’s interaction. Independent variable: Social media operation. Social media operation is not affected by different factors, such as how people interact and post things on social media. Its policies and rules remain unchanged. It is fixed such that every user has to follow them to be part of social media. Social connections around the world stay the same and only change when there is a change in social media policies, and this has effects on all media users (Abdel-Khalek 2012. This measure is vital in measuring social media operations because media operations do not depend on many factors, and this measure will give clear information. Evaluating system operation is essential in determining social media operations users (Abdel-Khalek, 2012). The maintenance structures are vital in maintaining individuals connections on social media. This may be through the keeping of user’s confidential information and maintaining the trustable relationship by monitoring fraud or…

AP and Fox News on Brexit: Article Comparison and Analysis Media houses sometimes distort information to suit their agendas. That does not always mean that the information they report is inaccurate; rather, it may include elements of bias in its conveyance. The presentation and distribution of information often depend on the methods of data collection, motive and personal views of the distributor. As such, news can often contain contamination resulting from bias and skewed perceptions of the parties involved. Most news outlets have political and social affiliations that manifest in either subtle or overt ways. The paper will focus on the coverage of Brexit by Associated Press (AP) and Fox News. Specifically, the paper will offer a summary of the information, analyze it and then provide a comparison between the modes of reporting between the two articles. The official exit of the U.K. from the EU took place on the 31st of January 2020. Both agents covered the event from Belgium. According to Fox News (Casiano 2020), the crossover took place at midnight in Brussels, the EU headquarters. The event…

As We Are Now Caro was resilient to the end. Caro struggles to fit in Twin Elms, a nursing home, which is run by Harriet Hatfield. Her experiences are listed in a journal, which she keeps to stop her mind from degenerating (Sarton, 1973). Accordingly, Caro’s life is analyzed using the life course theory that focuses on changes from birth to death. The theory asserts that people’s growth and aging are socially constructed, prescriptive, and are normative. The life course framework effectively depicts the life of Caro Spencer, who defied the stereotypes associated with aging and took control of her life. Synopsis As We Are Now chronicles the life of Caro Spencer in Twin Elms. Caro is taken to the center by her brother John and his young wife, Ginny. The facility is managed by Harriet Hatfiled and is assisted by her daughter Rose (Sarton, 1973). Harriet is a cruel woman who fakes niceness when dealing with the relatives of her customers or other outsiders. Harriet, however, is cruel to the residents and abuses them. Harriet also harms Caro. To…

Nuclear n Canada Letter of Transmittal   Sender’s Name Company Address   Date Recipient’s Name Company Address Dear: SUBJECT: TRANSMITTAL ON THE STATE OF NUCLEAR IN CANADA. I submit herewith a report on the various factors that surround nuclear energy production in Canada. The report outlines the significance of the Indian-Canadian nuclear production partnership. Secondly, there is the development of high-level atomic reactors concerning uranium mining in low-income nations. Also, the reason why the Canadian government had to stop a twenty billion nuclear upgrade project in Ontario. Lastly, the significance of hydrogen holds considerable potential in the future of energy production. All in all, nuclear power generation will continue to play a significant role in Canada. Nuclear in Canada Introduction Today electricity is generated from various sources; for instance, sunlight, coal, hydrogen, and natural gas. In Canada, the primary source of power is hydro, which accounts for over half the population of Canada. It is closely followed by nuclear power, which accounted for sixteen percent of Canada’s power demand by 2016 (Sarkar, 2019). Globally, Canada is number six in terms…

NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SPINA FIDA The nervous system is made up of specialized nerves and dells sophisticated collection of specialized cells. The Nervous system is structured to form the PNS and CNS  (Furness,2016). The central Nervous system comprises of the nerves ,brain and spinal cord. The Peripheral Nervous System is made up of the ganglia, sensory nerve,s, and nerves  that connects to each other and the central Nervous system (Furness,2016). Its functional component has two major divisions: automatic and somatic divisions.The automated nervous system is responsible for the regulatation of some body activities like breathing rate and pressure. The somatic system is comprised of some nerves that connecting the brain to the spinal cord spinal cord and brain. The neurons send signals through thin fibers termed as axons that cause the release of chemicals known as neurotransmitters at the synapses junctions. The location and number of the neural connection may vary though there is an average of more than 100 trillion neural connections. In a study published in January 2018, the researchers found that out of the 160 participants, those…

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