Code Sections Name Institution     The first code section is 1.100.001, which delves into matters to do with integrity and objectivity (AICPA, 2014). The code looks into the issue of conflict of interest in an organization. In the situation, a professional perform a transaction for a member of the family or a colleague at work; it can be asserted his or her judgment was impaired. Therefore, there is a possibility that such actions will not be optimal since there might be a misrepresentation of facts and data.  With that in mind, every professional is supposed to declare any conflict of interest before taking on any client. The second code section is 1.200.001 addresses matters to do with independence. This code section stresses the need to ensure accountants who are in public practice expedite their mandate in a manner that is free from any form of influence. Notably, there are several situations where the independence might be compromised, for instance, in the situation the accountant makes investment decision for the clients and when the accountant takes temporary custody of the…

The Declaration of Independence: Thomas Jefferson The Textual Analysis Essay: Students will read the primary source: “The Declaration of Independence” (Thomas Jefferson). Students will write a 21/2 -3 page textual analysis essay that establishes background information of the primary text, includes supporting background information from the secondary readings (research), states a thesis that connects the research with the primary reading, provides an interpretation of the unified theme of the readings, and reaches a conclusion that is supported by scholarly criticism. (MLA/In-Text Citations / At least a four (4)-source Works Cited; (~850 – 1,000 wds; 25%)[unique_solution] The Declaration of Independence: Thomas Jefferson The Textual Analysis Essay: Students will read the primary source: “The Declaration of Independence” (Thomas Jefferson). Students will write a 21/2 -3 page textual analysis essay that establishes background information of the primary text, includes supporting background information from the secondary readings (research), states a thesis that connects the research with the primary reading, provides an interpretation of the unified theme of the readings, and reaches a conclusion that is supported by scholarly criticism. (MLA/In-Text Citations / At least…

 Declaration of Independence and slavery in US The United States has always been considered the land of the free. This is a country that upholds the concepts of liberty and freedom as fundamental in the constitution. However, while the concept of slavery is considered in several articles in the constitution, it is apparent that there is no mention of the term in the document. Besides, the founding fathers, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Jay, among others, practiced slavery. Nevertheless, there were also widespread conflicts about the institution that many considered to be both immoral and politically divisive. Conversely, other founders of the nation, including John Adams and Samuel Adams, opposed the institution of slavery throughout their lives. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson asserted the aspirations of a new nation that was based on self-government and individual freedom. However, this Declaration did not seem to cover the Life, Liberty, and Happiness of African Americans who were mostly slaves. Most of the founding fathers who were against slavery did not help in pushing its abolition. Consequently, it would…

In the time of the butterflies   I shall introduce a story of four strong girls from the Dominican Republic, a story I was told and I plan to tell; an urban legend of sorts. This story, however, is authentic. In the 1960s, three of the four Mirabal sisters, Patria Reyes, Minerva Reyes, and Maria Teresa Reyes, started a rebellion against the nation’s president Trujillo who was acting like a dictator. Multiple times they were arrested and seized but continued their resistance, making the girls a potent symbol of power and freedom. In November 1960, they were strangled and beaten to death, and their departure was later staged as a car accident. I wanted to talk about the girls and this story because, to this day, people speak of them. However, I have always wanted to know why these girls specifically had such an impact on Trujillo’s rule, why he felt threatened enough to kill them, and how visual portrayals continued their rebellion and power of art.   I believe this is important to understand because art was one of…

TELEHEALTH IN RURAL AND REMOTE AREAS DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS OF TELEHEALTH   Telehealth is defined as the use of digital information and communication systems to access health care services and manage health care remotely. It also involves the distribution of patient information via electronic communication to improve patient health status. Telehealth is characterized by improved access to health care in rural and isolated communities and also communication among healthcare providers. Telehealth also ensures the availability and convenience of services to people with limited mobility, time or transport options. It provides support for self-management health care and access to medical specialists. The use of telehealth interventions in nursing practice has improved patient daily living and enhanced the quality of life. It emphasizes patient safety as it promotes independence and a sense of security to both the patient and caregivers due to daily monitoring. People in remote areas can access health care despite lacking transport and due to immobility. This because telecommunication has made interaction between the nurse easy and delivery of health services readily available to all health-seeking individuals. Telehealth has improved…

Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence, a document signed by about fifty-six delegates to pass grievances of the thirteen colonies against King George the III of Great Britain, formed the current United States. The content of the Declaration, though written several years ago, has remained a powerful instrument of liberty for several societies around the world seeking freedom from their oppressors (Becker, 2017). Though there are no precise subdivisions within the document, it has subsections addressing key issues right from the introduction to the conclusion. The introduction starts with a powerful statement that informs Great Britain why the colonies need to set themselves free from the rule of King George III and his government. In the same account, reference is made to God as well as the Laws of Nature, indicating that the writers indeed recognized the existence of religious freedom as well as the essential liberty bestowed upon every human being by nature. The mention of God is not specific, which makes the statement relevant among all societies of diverse religious backgrounds. The last part of the introduction…

Africa: tell me how the western rule came to an end in sub-Saharan Africa, including South Africa. What obstacles have Africans faced since independence? During the second world war, Africans were involved in military service to their colonial masters. They fought tighter with them; they saw their weakness and the tactics that they used in the fight.   When they came back, they realized that they could fight the Europeans and gain their independence.   When they came back, they started to fight for their freedom. The process was not uniform across Africa, but different countries got their autonomy using different methods.   In some places, the process was peaceful, while in others, it was an armed struggle.  In some areas, there was competition, for resources free labor and the vented interest made some countries to help some African countries to get independent so that they could benefit from the available resources. However, decolonization in most parts of Africa was achieved through a protracted struggle that made the European power to give the Africans self-determination.  In South Africa, the process of decolonization was…

The Declaration of Independence Introduction The declaration of independence was written in 1776 by Thomas Jefferson, who shared the draft with his colleagues John Adams and Massachusetts, for their input and then submitted it to the colonial representatives for approval. Thomas Jefferson, in the declaration of independence, addressed two main ideas. He pointed out that the people had to dissolve the political chain and own their natural rights, which were entitled to them by the laws of nature and by God. These rights emphasized that all men are created equal and are also entitled to inalienable rights, which are rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. The other ideas were that the government is simply a contract between people and their leaders and can be ruled out if it does not work for the interests of its people. These ideas mirror the theme of slavery of the black American community and how they were treated as unequal to white Americans. The deep roots of slavery In the 1600s, slavery was a dominant thing in the south. The confederacy had…

 internal combustion engine, An internal combustion engine, commonly known as (ICE) is a heat engine where the combustion of a fuel in an oxidizer. The combustion takes place inside a chamber, which is an integral step of working fluid within the whole circuit. The engine gains energy from the heat that is released during the combustion of the oxidizer fuel mixture. The useful work that is generated through the use o an internal combustion engine results from hot gaseous products that act on the moving surfaces like a nozzle, turbine blade, or even a piston (Poran & Tartakovsky, 2017). The internal combustion engines are broadly applied within power generating machines or devices, for example, diesel engines, gas turbine engines, rockets, and gasoline engines. On the other hand, the fuel cell is simply an electrochemical cell that transforms or converts the chemical energy of the fuel, mostly hydrogen into electricity. For this conversion to take place, there must-have pair of redox reactions happening. A fuel cell has two electrodes, which are known as anode and cathode. The redox reactions which produce…

Shoprider Streamer Sport Mid Size Wheelchair Old age, accidents, ailments, and natural disability come with mobility challenges. The sun can bath on you or get rained on outdoor because there is no one around help you seek refuge in the house. You get consumed by thirst or hunger because you cannot reach for the shops or the water dispenser to pour yourself and a cup of water or find something to eat. These are humiliating and frustrating experiences. The good news is that with our Shoprider Streamer Sport Mid Size Wheelchair can help you rise above all these dehumanizing experiences by giving you the ability to move around again! Here is how. Get your mobility independence! Do your indoor and outdoor activities independently Powered by 1300W motor and 26Ah batteries, our Wheelchair gives you a 10-mile travel range at a maximum speed of 5 mph to take you where you want to go outdoor and do your routine activities indoor all by yourself, not to mention the 300lbs load capacity! 1300W motor 26Ah batteries 10-mile travel range 5 mph top…

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