CANADA’S FIRST NATIONS The Proposal (March 4): This assignment introduces your plan for a following research paper relevant to the topic of truth and reconciliation with Canada’s First Nations. Your proposal will offer a brief introduction to the hypothesis that you plan to research and write about in your paper. Consider what we talked about in class about abstractions, especially prestige abstractions, and how they can give us a lens through which we can approach ideas and analysis. What is some key idea that you find, for example, in some of the resources we have looked at that may also be relevant in another discipline, or to another area of life? Consider what question you have about that idea and formulate a hypothesis as a secured and structured answer to that question. [unique_solution]Your proposal will execute three key functions by providing an introduction, wherein you clarify the topic that you propose for your paper and present your thesis on that topic; an outline, wherein you introduce the key ideas and secondary sources you plan to use in support of your…

APPLY FOR THE NATIONAL HONOR I am very grateful to have the opportunity to apply for the National Honor Society. With this opportunity, I can show not only the members of NHS but also the community of Sitka that I am capable of giving leadership, service, and character. In addition, with great responsibility, I have learned to keep my grades at a high standard, while becoming worthy of the trust that my teachers have for me. As a driving, positive, caring and inspiring person. I find the ability to help the people that are in need a top priority. While going into the community and volunteering during events or helping at a homeless shelter is very important to me. I believe that achieving my academic goals is a number one priority so younger people can look up to me and realize that education is very important for all throughout your life. When talking about academic goals, I found that looking up to someone such as an idol or athlete made my goals easier in many ways. Looking up to these…

Cultural factors that influence international business Cultural difference A business needs to understand local cultural influences in order to sell its products effectively. For this task you are expected to explore cultural factors in a country that may impact an international business. Task: Analyse how the following Cultural factors in a COUNTRY may affect ONE of your businesses Language  Ethnic make-up of populations Social structures Religion Values Attitudes to business Attitudes to work Openness to change Language issues What problems can different languages cause? Why is it important for international businesses to communicate in the relevant languages? English is often referred to as ‘the language of business’. Why? Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in the world. Do you think that the language of business will become Mandarin? Language as an issue (P7) Communication problems with staff and customers which may lead to issues with misunderstanding in the workplace Packaging of products and services Slow communication (can be problematic for a business like Tesco as they have very high stock turnover.)[unique_solution] Discuss the impact of language on an international…

The study of families in an era of globalization requires an awareness of how families and family members “make decisions” about transnational migration. The study of families in an era of globalization requires an awareness of how families and family members “make decisions” about transnational migration. It also requires awareness of how the immigration experience can affect the mental and cultural frameworks people use to understand and give meaning to everyday life. These include ideas about who, among family members, is entitled to certain things; what obligations a person has to other family members; and how to arrange one’s life post-immigration so that they can meet these obligations AND adapt, survive, or thrive in a new culture. Drawing from course materials, discuss examples of the following: 1.) The use or “deployment” of gender, by female and male family members, to negotiate a family migration decision that works (either pro or con) in the person’s favor. [unique_solution]2.)Migration experiences that affect the way people define or think about their social identity or legal status. 3.) Migration experiences that shape family members′ interactions…

Introduction to International Politics In your introduction, provide a brief version of your response. What are your main arguments? Briefly explain your chain of reasoning. Also, provide a brief “roadmap” of the rest of the paper. If choosing one IR theory over another, briefly discuss why you found the others less helpful. You do not need to spend much space on this, but do briefly explain why other theories are not as applicable. Make sure your paper flows well and avoid “jolts” or jumping from one topic to the next. This is why “mapping” (see point 1) is helpful – it provides a guidance and general structure to your paper. Allow yourself plenty of time to do sufficient background reading and research. For instance, if you are not familiar with the Iraq War (2003-), make sure you understand the timeline of the conflict, the politics in the run-up to the war, and the political arguments used domestically to justify the decision to go to war.[unique_solution] In your research, start with the resources at the library, especially books and scholarly articles.…

Examination of A GLOBAL HEALTH CHALLENGE in canada Due Dates:  Submit paper to TurnItIn Learning objectives: Through completing this assignment, students will be able to demonstrate: Competence in using the library databases to find relevant, useful scholarly articles on a topic relating to a global health challenge in Canada. Critical thinking skills and an ability to read and summarize relevant concepts in   journal articles. Correct use of APA format and appropriate spelling and grammar. A deeper understanding of global health disparities within Canada. How current healthcare literature can inform global health nursing practice. YOUR PAPER SHOULD INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING *Refer to rubric for a more detailed outline*: An introduction A clear definition of a global health challenge (within local, urban, rural or remote communities in Canada (student’s choice) with statistics on the incidence and prevalence in the chosen context. Topic: Childhood Obesity in Canada   A description of the most common and/or most relevant challenges that clients and/or communities face because of this health challenge. A critical analysis of the impact of historical and political influences and/or policy on the…

Elimination complexities Elimination complexities affect the functional patterns of the families, especially during a period of disease infection. Such complications may lead to the elimination of a member of a family which can lead to trauma. The family of the patient involved automatically suffer from psychological and emotional challenges. Therefore the nurses have to provide awareness to the involved parties on the methods to cope up with the problems. The problem majorly affects the family and the patient diagnosed with the disease. Some of the challenges involved include financial constraints, psychological effects, social issues, helplessness and disruption from school and work. Helplessness may be displayed in different ways from the patient and the concerned family. They include frustration, loss and anger. The condition may be different from one patient to another, depending on the degree of infection. In some cases, the patients may become helpless in life if the conditions are severe and unbearable. Chronic diseases demand a high cost to manage them. The costs cut across from transport, caregiving and the general treatment. Mostly it’s costly for chronic and…

A Visit to International Antiquarian Book Fair & Paper Show I had the privilege to attend the 51st California International Antiquarian Book Fair, which took place at state of the art Pasadena Convention Center in February 2018. Book fairs provide platforms where readers and book lovers can get thousands of types of books. The California International Antiquarian Book Fair is recognized as one of the world’s largest exhibition of ancient books and features a collection from over 200 booksellers from around the world. Being a bookworm, it is always exciting to be in an event full of a diverse group of publishers and booksellers. A book is a source of information. The book fair was indeed an exhibition to watch. There were three halls with each hall being segmented into stalls managed by respective exhibitors. Thousands of book lovers attended the Book Fair, and based on the massive presence of security officers; I could tell that security was tight. We had to stand in line to enter the fair. Just by looking, one could say that all sorts of books…

Role played by DHS in safeguarding the national infrastructure from cyber attack Overview of the risks The coordinated cyber attacks from China might hamper the current state of affairs of the United States. There is an increasing need for taking the situation under control as soon as possible. After its occurrence, the critical infrastructure of the country might be paralyzed. It will affect the IT infrastructure of the government and private agencies. Along with that, it might hamper the electric grid and restrict satellite communications. The Department of Defense or DOD usually communicates with other agencies that are situated overseas. However, the probable attack can restrict DOD’s overseas communication. Lastly, the financial services, along with international commerce, will be hit. Hence, the DHS or Department of Homeland Security established to protect the nation from such attacks can strengthen the situation. Overview of the Presidential Order The Presidential Order has been published by the President to ensure the protection of American infrastructure and innovation. In this order, cybersecurity has been prioritized because the nation is entirely dependent on its IT infrastructure.…

Prison Rape Elimination Act Introduction The prison Rape Elimination Act, also known as PREA, was signed in 2003 by President George Bush to eradicate rape in confinement or prison settings. It was substantiated that rape cases that escalated in prion setting because veteran inmates took advantage of the new bees (Lee, 2019). Most of them were forced into sexual submission because they were scared of consequences, which could be very severe in the long run. However, consensual sexual activity between inmates is not encompassed in the law since it targets actual rape, which involves coercing or violence. Therefore, the discussion intends to conceptualize the reason behind the legislation, the requirements and goal which are aligned with the invention of the law in first place. First and foremost, the law was outlined to deal with the overwhelming rape cases in confinement. Prior to the invention of the law, many p-people believed that prison was a place to get raped regardless of the circumstances. Former inmates who got a chance to get out, narrated stories about how they were raped continually. Most…

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