Combating International Terrorism Terrorism is associated with the killing and injuring of masses. Activities range from small scale to large scale with minimum to maximum destruction being experienced. The 9/11 terror attack in the U.S. attracted attention to terrorism crime. Terrorism, however, had existed long before the terror organizations such as Al Qaeda came into existence. The World War, for example, involved loss of lives on a massive scale. However, over the years, terrorism has taken different forms. In light of recent terror attacks globally, nations have come up with strategies for dealing with terrorist organizations. The killing of terrorist organization leaders such as Osama Bin Laden has, however, not stopped terrorism. Winning the struggle against a terrorist organization refers to incapacitation through killing or capturing the leader(s). Killing or capture hampers terrorist group efforts hence reducing terror activities. In regards to winning against a terrorist organization, no nation has accomplished this fete. The win against Al Qaeda by killing Osama may have been deemed a success by the U.S. However; it has not stopped terror attacks or the emergence…

Global Systems and Total Systems Services Combination Reporting on the combination On September 18, 2019, payment megafirms Global Payments and Total System Services TSYS finalized their merger that resulted in a pure-play payments technology enterprise that hand a significant presence in the global market. Also, the merger expanded its horizons in terms of its operations. As a result of the merger, the new collective megafirm will be called Global Payments. It will help more than 1,300 banks and more than 3.5 million merchant locations that are located in more than 100 nations worldwide. According to the administration, the new merger will enhance opportunities for their customers, staff, business partners, shareholders, among many others, on a global scale. According to Global Payments CEO Jeff Sloan, the combination was industry-defining and dovetailed with their technology-based approach and also fortified its leadership position regarding their integrated payments and general operations, making them attractive to the global market. The two companies have a standard value on prioritizing their customers, and the merger will only serge to make them better. He said that they would…

Difference between globalization and Internationalization Internalization is the increasing importance of international networking through aspects such as trade and education. International trade relations and treaties are significant determinants of the trade internationalization among nations. Therefore, the basic for Internationalization is a nation. The countries relate more effectively in terms of various aspects such as trade for a mutual gain (Luthans & Doh, 2018, 52). The nations are practicing internationalization end up enjoying the benefits of global networking. Internationalization provides no room for free migrations among the nations involved. Thus, the countries use the same channel to achieve the goals of their national interest. Globalization, on the other hand, is the global economic integration of the national economies. The networking between them results to free mobility, free trade, capital mobility, and migrations that are not controlled. In globalization, countries interact just as in one business and one country. Tedious travels to and from one country are significantly low between the nations (Luthans & Doh, 2018, 68). Thus, globalization makes countries to practice common strategies towards achieving a common goal. Generalization globalization…

Describe 2 – 3 combinations of independent and dependent variables that you could test using regression analysis. A regression analysis distinguishes the connection between a dependent variable and an independent variable. It very well may be utilized to decide the legitimacy of relationships, for example, the present loan fee and the organization stock cost. Using regression analysis, one can build up if the loan cost straightforwardly influences the stock cost and provided that this is true, what amount does the financing cost influence stock costs and in which bearing, for example decidedly or contrarily. Another blend case of free and ward factors could be utilized in the clinical field in approving the connection between BMI and Total Cholesterol. Right now, BMI would be used as the dependent variable as it learns the result and the Total Cholesterol would be the independent variable or the indicator. What types of results could the regression analysis yield? How could you use the knowledge gained from the test? Utilizing the regression analysis can help carry objectivity to contentions, for example, “does Environmental Tobacco Smoke…

DALEY AND THE 1968 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION DISCUSSION The 1968 clashes and violence that happened in Chicago between police and demonstrators remains to be one of the biggest and polarizing showdowns to happen in 1960. The anticipated anxiety exploded on the night of Aug 28, with numerous groups being involved who had different motives and techniques. Yippies wanted to have outdoor sex while black Chicagoans wanted to challenge the brutality of the police, and the supporters of McCarty wanted several changes done in the government system. Therefore, not all demonstrators had the intention to cause chaos as purported by Chicago Mayor Daley. In the documentary, a group of Yippies can be seen holding posters while on a peaceful demonstration. As recalled by one of the demonstrators Katz, they were holding peaceful demonstrations until the police become exceedingly brutal, making them fight back. It’s during this time that Daley unleashed the Chicago Police department to deal with the demonstrators where he gives them permission to “shoot and kill” in certain situations (Farber, 2015). He deployed 12,000 police in the street and…

Vaccination for COVID 19 Covid 2019 (coronavirus) is a related respiratory infection that causes various diseases in humans and other animals. The new covid 19 spreads through droplets generated by an infected person when they cough, sneeze, or through droplets of saliva (Khan 2020). It has been termed as a global pandemic that can be spread to hundreds of people in a chain of interrelation with each other. The most common symptoms, according to the world health organization, are breathing difficulties, fever, coughs, and shortness of breath. However, in severe cases, covid 19 infections may lead to pneumonia and even death. The world is at war with the pandemic that has increasingly raised the number of deaths globally every 24 hours. Question 1. Objectives A vaccine is a treatment that improves body immunity against infection. It involves showing the body immune system, something that’s similar to the particular virus hence helping the body to be stronger when fighting against the real infection. The most critical objective of vaccination is to improve the control of infectious diseases (Erbelding 2018. The company’s…

Summarize the evaluation of Grolsch’s international performance   Organizational structure Grolsch product-oriented organizational model makes less impact on understanding consumer needs and geographical variations and market trends. Further evaluation should be done in the market to understand it, especially on the geographical aspect, targeting the new venture of the product outside western Europe. Maba (Market Attractiveness, Bussiness Assessment The need to reevaluate this framework is highly recommended as it is biased; the framework excludes some of the potential markets for growth like Brazil and South Africa. With the nature of bias of the framework, it does not put the company at the competitive sot globally. Ordinarily, Grolsch mainly relied only on the western market using the Blue ocean strategy now to maximize their profits; new business markets must be created. The targeted new markets are the consumers in the developing markets. The company does not face threats by new entrants has it is enjoying consumer loyalty from the western consumer and have become a giant with big financial muscles. Other reasons minimizing the new entrants are mergers and acquisitions. This…

The Birth of a Nation The Birth of a Nation is an American film classified as a silent epic drama which was released on February 8, 1915. The film was co-produced by Lillian Gish who is the lead cast in the film and D.W. Griffith (Dixon, & Wintz, 2015, p 6). It is plotted as part history and part fiction, with the story revolving around the assassination of the Abraham Lincoln and an existing relationship between two families during the American Civil war as well as the Reconstruction period. The film also known as ‘’The Clansman’’ which is also the name of the novel from which it is based, was the first blockbuster Hollywood hit (Dixon,& Wintz,2015, p 21). It was also the longest film since it was a three hours movie which held the record of being the most profitable at the time. Besides, it was also the most artistically advanced film then. Throughout the entire movie, African Americans have been portrayed as brutal, lazy, degenerated morally and also dangerous. To this date, it is has earned the title…

International Trade Agreements   Summary In this paper, the author, Dani Rodrik, is concerned with the transformation of trade agreements beyond import tariffs and quotas. The objective of the article was to present an alternative to using trade agreements to neutralize protectionists and instead focusing on agreements that promote rent-seeking-interests, politically well-connected firms as well as multinational firms. While many trade agreements tend to enhance domestic interests, trade agreements suggested in the article could be utilized to promote international interests instead. According to Rodrik, trade agreements can only be viewed as efficiency-enhancing policies if they were focused on eliminating trade restrictions, including quotas and import tariffs. Rodrik criticizes the re4cent trade agreements, including the Trans-Atlantic Trade, Investment Partnership, and Trans-pacific Partnership, claiming that they do not act in favor of free trade agreements. In this article, free trade is perceived as an appropriate medium for promoting technological progress. The author suggests that economists who conflate trade agreements with free trade base their arguments from a political economy perspective that views import-competing interests as the most powerful and dominant tools of…

International trade and investment International trade involves the exchange of goods and services between nations or between citizens of different countries. International investment, on the other hand, consists in investing on a global level, through capitalizing on the various advantages offered in the worldwide community, with the aid of different potential strategies (Hirsch, 1976). International trade enables consumers in a given country have access to products that are not available in their country, and at cheaper rates. According to Vernon (2015), international trade is into two major classifications. These are the classical country-based theories and modern firm-based theories. The classical country-based theories consist of different other international trade theories, such as mercantilism, absolute advantage, comparative advantage, and Heckscher-Ohlin theories. The modern firm-based approaches include country similarity, product life cycle, global strategic rivalry, and Porter’s national competitive advantage theories (“What is international trade theory?”, 2015). This assignment seeks to answer questions on both comparative and competitive advantage theories, and how a nation may enhance its competitiveness on the global market. Michael Porter introduced the competitive advantage theory in the 1990s (Huggins…

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