Analysis of multinational Companies There has been an emergence of many businesses in the present world, mainly because unemployment has led people to seek alternative sources of income. For this reason, therefore, a majority have started different kinds of businesses with the hope of attracting customers to boost their business. The majority may be looking for networks both locally and internationally to help with ideas on how to improve, increase customers to the market. Eventually, due to networking, many businesses prosper and expand domestically and globally. A multinational company is enterprises that operate in their own country as well as many other countries. They, however, have their central office located in one specific country that can coordinate the administrative management of all the other office branches. These multinational companies can establish and offer services in at least two or more Countries. To be able to know whether multinational companies benefit or cause harm to the countries hosting them is the reason for this research. This research paper seeks to examine both the positive and negative effects of Multinational companies, mostly…

Alliance One International Inc An analysis of the company based on Porter’s Five Forces Alliance One International Inc faces the threat of new entrants in the market.  Many Tobacco investors are likely to join the market and have their share. However, Alliance One International Inc can overcome this threat by introducing the new product as well as services in the market. The new products will bring more customers to the company and also challenge the old customers to continue buying the company’s products. Alliance One International Inc can also overcome the threat of new entrants by reducing the cost of production, to reduce the price of the products. The company also faces the bargaining power of suppliers. Powerful tobacco suppliers increase their prices and convince tobacco companies to buy at a specific price (Alliance One International Inc., 2018). However, Alliance One International Inc can overcome this challenge by having many suppliers to prevent single or few suppliers form hiking the rates. The company can also create a strong relationship with some of the suppliers that will not take advantage of…

RISKS AFFECTING INTERNATIONAL FAST FOOOR RESTAURANTS LIKE SUBWAY Subway is one of many international fast-food restaurants facing threats of operating overseas. The fast-food industry requires diversification to maintain and overcome the challenges. Some of the significant risk factors affecting the fast-food restaurants are cultural and religious diversification, government interference, completion, and the gross domestic product of a country, among others. Diverse culture and religion. We have different groups of people throughout the world, practicing different cultures and religions. Culture and religion influence the taste and preferences of most people. Some individuals do not consume certain types of meat, while others prefer less meat in their sandwiches, for example, the French. It is essential not to ignore the diverse culture in different countries. Instead, they should first try to understand the culture and religion of a country before setting up a restaurant to maximize success. Therefore, culture and religion diversification can be a significant set back to fast-food restaurants like Subway if ignored. Increased competition. In countries such as Europe, competition in the fast-food business has risen dramatically. The Macdonald’s is…

International Rural Contexts Introduction The term rurality, although vague in definition, expresses the condition of homelessness experienced by people living places statutory recognized as rural. The populations living in such areas share common characteristics economically, socially, politically and spatially. In general, the conditions in the places are perceived unfavourable for most professionals and more especially those adapted in cities. The educators and health care professionals are among the groups the public is facing challenges to attract and retain them to work in such places. Theories related to the concept of rurality Several researchers have embarked on surveys to explore the issue with a focus of helping the public policymakers devise strategies to attract and retain professionals in the place. According to Schafft & Biddle (2014), the sprawling of industrial activities helps revitalize the neglected rural places. The theories of social and economic growth depend on several factors. Studying and citing the case of Pennsylvania, they discover that Hydraulic Fracturing activities in the place, have presented the educational leaders with several dilemmas. For example, several rural areas in the state have…

Reasons for the Increase in Destination Weddings The Asians first practiced the destination wedding in the early 1980s. The practice then spread to Mexico, Miami, Las vigas, and in South America, it then spread to the rest of the world. The destination wedding was viewed as an exploration activity as it was practiced after or before the actual traditional marriage ceremonies in many communities. The couple were wedded traditionally and then taken to some cool place to spend their honeymoon. They were taught by the elders on what to do to make their relationship last.Several beaches and hotels were then constructed to accommodate more couples who come for their honeymoon. Beaches such as Miami, las vigas considerably grew to accommodate more people who come to enjoy themselves whith their loved ones either during the holidays or on their honeymoons. Mexico is also one of the cities which has significantly developed due to destination weddings taking place in the City. A destination wedding has become more widely spread and is now being practiced by several people in the world. It is…

Domestic and International HRM Discuss the similarities as well as differences between domestic and international HRM. What challenges do these differences present for HR professionals? Similarities According to Parkes and Davis (2013), the aspect of human resources has become vital since several organizations are in demand of developing ways on how to enhance their operations. Domestic HRM is mainly involved with workers within one national boundary. Therefore, HRM refers to the accomplishments carried out by an organization to use its human resources effectively. That defines the fundamental similarity between Domestic HRM and International HRM.The basic similarities between Domestic HRM and international HRM involve planning, recruitment, performance, compensation, development, and training. Domestic HRM is progressively dealing with the multicultural labor force, a fact that has enabled diversity in improving IHRM practices. Tarique, Briscoe, and Schuler (2015) point out that the difficulty of operating in diverse states and hiring different national categories of employees is the primary variable that differentiates domestic and international HRM. Both local and international HRM have vital functions as well as activities in planning, recruitment, training and development,…

NETFLIX – INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION CASE Question 1 Netflix has built a brand name that has not been matched by a host of its competitors. This has established it as a market leader in the movie industry in particular. Its strong competitors such as HBO, Hulu do not have this advantage in the market. It, therefore, implies that there is a general preference for the TV shows to be aired in Netflix as opposed to other platforms. In essence, Netflix’s identity has been its major scale-out and hence its major source in which it has won over most of the market. Through this, it has used its huge budget to provide services in line with the consumer’s changes, tastes, and preferences. However, the success of Netflix has been down on first of all subscriber interactive experience that has been developed by the company has been the reason why numbers have been rising, translating into profits. Secondly, Netflix has invested heavily in appealing content in terms of shows that have received positive reviews. For instance, Orange is the New Black and House…

Decontamination Principles. a). Issues discovered is that the neurosurgical tools have been making their way back in OR. At the same time, unclean or contaminated, which can lead to infectious bacteria when a patient is undergoing surgery. Such tools are like colonoscopies and endoscopes, which fail to get proper sterilization before returning to OR. These errors occur at the “Sterile Processing Department” (SPD) that cleans and reassemble the surgical tools before and after surgery. Report from CPI indicates that the team is composed of laborers who are underpaid thus not committed to their duties. The team may receive little or no training. These teams may face pressure from nurses and the surgical team, thus making the process fast, which may cause the efficiency of the tools to backfire. b). The team should be established to training and gain certification from any health certification Board. Perioperative nurses should help in facilitating decontamination and handling of the surgical tool and deliver the used instruments to the SPD. A good working relationship between the OR and SPD should get established by recognizing the…

: HOMELAND SECURITY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS                                        Canada information sharing Canada is one of the countries that engage in information sharing. Canada is a member of the Five Country Conference (FCC), which allows countries to cooperate and share information between the agencies of border and migration among all the member countries. The member countries include the united states, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Canada runs immigration checks based on fingerprints and shares this information with other partners of the FCC through an arrangement for sharing immigration information known as the high-Value Data Sharing protocol (Arbel, & Brenner, 2014). Canada and the united states, under a program of sharing information on visa and immigration, engage in an exchange of biographic data. This agreement was signed in the year 2012 and gave both countries a mutual obligation for sharing both biographic information and also information based on biometrics. An arrangement between Canada and the united states allows both the Canadian citizenship and immigration department and the agency for services of the border to share information with the DHS of…

Plan International: Performance Measurement, Assessment, and Program Evaluation Description of Evaluation’s Purpose and Mandate The purpose and mandate of Plan International’s Policy evaluation are clearly stated. From the onset, the overall purpose and scope of the evaluation are clear. There is a clear direction on why the assessment is necessary. It is to investigate the impact and outcomes of Plan International’s strategy on gender equality and inclusion and, consequently, find ways of improving it. The scope of the evaluation is clearly stated. It is from 2011 to 2016. Essentially, it extends from the development of the Gender Equality Policy up to the implementation of the strategy. For effective evaluation, the involvement of Plan International’s full scope is imperative. This calls upon involvement from International Headquarters, National, Regional, Liaison, and Country Offices. The evaluation has two main broad objectives: accountability and learning. In reference to accountability, the evaluation assesses and gives feedback on the quality and outcomes of the Policy and Strategy of Gender Equality. In regards to learning, the evaluation seeks to bring out a clear understanding of the changes…

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