National Suicide Hotline Designation Act Cory Gardner sponsored the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act as a part of the Senate’s efforts to help develop a new framework to help prevent the increasing rate of suicide in America. The Act is one of the several initiatives of the Senator together with Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Moran, and Mr. Reed, who are the frontline champions of mental health in the Senate. The bill is one of the efforts of Congress to increase the role that they play in the creation of a framework to help find solutions to the issue of increased suicide among AMERICANS caused by several problems related to mental health. The most affected group is the veteran in Colorado and several other states across America. In the bill, it establishes a hotline number for the Americans to call in case there is a case of attempted suicide in their area (“National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2019 (S. 2661),” n.d.). The scope of this bill focuses on the response of various departments that deal with emergency cases of suicide in…

International aviation management course International aviation management course, to a greater extent, has improved my knowledge in regards to the aviation industry. The course knowledge in aspects such as interpersonal relationships, cross-cultural challenges, evolving trends makes it easier to understand the different types of behaviors that would be crucial for the operations of the aviation industry. The course describes the various aviation benefits in terms of economic and social aspects. Economic benefits attributed to air transport include that it’s the fastest means of transportation in the world, facilitating business and tourism at large. Some of the social benefits associated with the aviation industry include aviation broadening cultural experiences, together with affordable access to various destinations across the globe. The aviation industry also contributes largely to sustainable development by increasing revenues from tax, creating jobs, and facilitating businesses and tourism. Aspects related to aviation charges, fuel fees and taxes were also elaborated clearly in the international aviation management course. IATA campaigns to regulate the various costs for charges to be efficient. Some of the critical principles that IATA advocates for includes…

National debt of United States of America: A Research Plan Introduction National debt in the US has been a pertinent issue receiving mixed reactions from different quotas as the country has debt over 90% levels. This paper is a research plan on carrying out a study that focuses on the national debt in the US. This paper contains Parts 1 and 2. Part 1 of the paper will give the methodologies that will be used in conducting the research based on the expectations. Part of the paper will focus on the findings made with reference to the prior stated objectives. Thereafter, a conclusion n will be given based on the information gathered, and this will guide on the next direction that the research will take. Part 1: National Debt Crisis: Insight and Methodology The national debt is the sum owed by the federal government (Amadeo), and in the US it is made up of debt held by the public at 75%, e.g., investors holding treasury securities and debt held by government accounts, e.g., federal government holding treasury securities (Xu, Suk…

MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT MFM gives an in-depth survey concerning vital fields of the international environment as far as the financial market is concerned. Diverse concepts associated with MTM, including risk management, portfolio investment, foreign exchange, and global capital, form essential consideration when making various investment decisions. Ideas reflected under MFM gives an insight into some of the concerns influencing multinational corporations to opt borrowing from countries with high-interest rates such as Brazil rather than from nations with lower interest rates. Even though most investors tend to borrow from financial institutions or countries with low-interest rates, diverse considerations/factors influence multinational corporations to borrow from nations with high lending interest rates. Such corporations may opt to avoid borrowing from their home nation or other countries they invest in. The aspect of Purchase Power Parity is a significant factor influencing such a decision. Countries with high lending rates face high inflation levels, thus lowering the Purchase Power Parity for its currency (Ogege 2019). For example, US Based Multinational Company investing in Brazil may opt to borrow from that country to benefit from such…

Why a massive pulmonary embolus interferes with oxygenation? When embolus blocks the pulmonary artery, the individuals may not be able to get sufficient oxygen into the blood, and this interferes with oxygenation. Oxygenation involves the addition of oxygen to any system in the human body. The pulmonary artery carries the deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs for purification (Auckburally,2016). However, when the artery gets blocked, the blood fails to reach the lungs to be oxygenated. It interferes with the supply of the blood to the other parts of the body, limiting oxygenation. The blood from the right ventricle passes through the capillaries adjacent to alveoli and becomes oxygenated as a component of respiration. The massive pulmonary embolus hinders oxygenation by blocking the pulmonary artery that passes the blood to the lungs for purification and use in the human body. The sudden development of severe shortness in breath, becoming weak, and the blood pressure dropping to 80/40 mmHg was due to the insufficient supply of the blood. The blockage of the large pulmonary artery by the embolus prevented…

White nationalism White nationalism is a class of nationalism that support the belief that white persons are a race and aims at developing and maintaining white racial and national selfhood. People who stick on white nationalism believed that white identity function should be the organization tenet of the countries that up western acculturation.  white jingoism encourage support for a contract of insurance to transpose changing demographics and the casualties of an absolved, white large number Terminating non-white’s coming to the united states of America for purpose of permanent residence, both allowed by the law and illegal is an pressing priority often exalted over other people who believes that their race is more important than other people’s forecast, for example, termination of societies which has many different cultures mingling freely; political or social policies which encourage such coexistence and mixing of the race for in marriage for white nationalist aiming to preserve white, racial domination. White nationalism thrives to go back to an American that antedates the carrying out of the civil rights and the coming into the white country for…

Dissemination of EBP results Internal method Online publication is one of the internal strategies that an individual can employ in disseminating the results obtained from evidence-based practice project. Some of the online publications include bulletins and newsletters. The organization should ensure that every staff could access online information using their phones and computers within the health care facility. Since all the employees in the organization have a connection to the email of the organization, it is easier to disseminate the results of the project using the organization email. The organization email ensures that every person who has the connection to the email can access and read the results and information disseminated to them. Besides, staffs can get information using printed fliers posted at the nursing station, the lunchrooms and the conference rooms (Gannaway et al., 2015). The printed fliers will help reach the employees who cannot access the online information. The fliers will provide further direction on how to access online publications. External method Publication of professional journals with the help of the health care organization is one of the…

Evolution of a Nation after Dictatorship Introduction Since its independence in 1985, the Republic of Krypto has experienced civil and political unrest under the dictator Raymond Krutz. Recently, the dictator was overthrown, and a newly elected President took over leadership. This paper delves into investigating the ongoing civil wars across Krypto as a result of the recent overthrowing of the dictator. It further examines the challenges the newly elected leader is facing regarding developing effective domestic and foreign policies aimed at restructuring the country’s political, social, and economic systems. Domestic Concerns Democratic Government Democratic governance entails more than just a government designing a constitution that stipulates and upholds the ideals of justice, equality and liberty, and the constitution capacity to preserve these values among the citizens (Fein Proaño, 2015). The democratic style involves the process by which the government employs instruments, principles, and policies that structure and combine the functions of the three arms of government, the society, law, and economy. Consequently, I would implement the democratic form of government revolving around the process of co-existence and respect, governing, and…

Determination of one’s destiny             Self destiny of an individual is determined by various factors, for example, the decisions they make, choices, how they use their time and the things they do. A person’s decisions have a great impact on their fortune and their future lives. The wise use of your freedom to make your own decisions is crucial to your spiritual growth, now and for eternity (Nelson & Russell, 2016). Mostly, people who make wise decisions in the young stages of their lives have proven to be the most successful persons in the future. Also, proper thinking before decision making enhances the chances of better resolutions than those made in haste. Yearnings to learn and change come from a divinely instilled striving for eternal progression. Each day brings opportunity for decisions for eternity (Nelson & Russell, 2016). Besides, having a strong urge to be successful in life improves one’s ability to make good decisions since they are yearning for a better future. Moreover, how an individual utilizes his/her time determines their destiny; proper utilization of one’s time, like doing…

International Monetary and Financial Environments Turkey has experienced significant economic growth since the current President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took overpower. There was massive investment in the economy that fueled economic growth. The turkey was one of the preferred destinations for multinationals to set up their companies. However, since the economic crisis in Turkey, the error that underlaid the leadership of Erdogan have been exposed that have left the economically vulnerable. As a result of the crisis, turkey’s lira has plummeted, and the cost of borrowing soared significantly. Economist term the growth in turkey as V-shaped where there is a sharp recession and a slow growth that started to pick up in 2019. The crisis has been fueled by the conflict between Turkey and the USA (Gauthier-Villars, & Sindreu, 2018). One of the main reason why turkey found herself in that state is because of the cheap credit that the companies in the country borrowed. This borrowing started in 2008 affect the great economic depression that left many economies suffering (Akcay & Güngen, 2019).  the central banks in the united states…

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