Question on foreign multinationals operating in Ireland In 2019 Irish GDP was €350bn but GNI* was just over €200bn. Examine what evidence there is for the contribution foreign multinational companies to the growth of the Irish economy. In answering this question, the writer should be able to show evidence of the recent rise Irish exports. The answer should examine the contribution or foreign MNCs to the Irish balance of trade surplus and balance of payments and further discuss Irish economy expenditures and BERD To deepen this analysis the writer should show how the most important sectors in merchandise trade (chem and med pharma) and services (computer services) have grown either exports or employment Finally, the writer may cover other areas such as, contribution to tax revenues, competitiveness, effect on the labour market or infrastructure or other aspects of explanation not covered in the above.[unique_solution] Question on foreign multinationals operating in Ireland In 2019 Irish GDP was €350bn but GNI* was just over €200bn. Examine what evidence there is for the contribution foreign multinational companies to the growth of the Irish…

Contemporary Issues in International Financial Reporting Introduction accounting entails the process that deals with the recording of financial transactions relating to business. The process involves the operation of analyzing, summarizing and reporting the transactions to regulators, oversight agencies and tax collecting entities. Harmonization refers to the process of increasing the compatibility of accounting processes through establishing the limits to their degrees of variation. The harmonization process is more extensive than the standardization process. However, both of the methods deal with the reporting of standards. There are, however, cases where harmonization and standardization are interchangeably used. The primary importance of harmonization in standards reporting is to achieve comparability in financial statements. The preparation and presentation of financial statements are different due to the various existing different sets of monetary standards. The difference in the development and the introduction of the financial statements make it difficult to establish an efficient comparison. It is necessary to engage in the harmonization of financial statements. Harmonization is for the improvement of the comparability against domestic and international peers. They strive to establish the comparability is…

Role of Politics in National Development             Political activity in developing countries plays a crucial in the national development of the countries in various regions around the globe. In many countries that are considered to be developing nations, politics take center stage, unlike in developed countries like European countries. Unlike in developed countries where national development is driven by economic success, development in developing nations is politically motivated. Political leaders use development as a means to serve their purposes to attain offices. In addition to this, politics plays a factor in the type of governance the country should expect. Good governance has led to political and economic stability, while bad governance as led to civil wars in developing countries, which hurts the country’s development. After reading through Adrian Leftwich’s article, it is clear that politics in developing countries play a significant role in the countries development by affecting the economic and social sectors of the country. The political nature of the country solely determines the success of a country’s economic and social development in development. In these countries, political leaders…

International Trade Conference Oral Presentation The Chinese market is one of the largest markets in the world, hosting over 1.435 billion consumers. Candy and confectionery market is booming with a 20.1% growth per year since 2013. The growth forecast still shows an increasing trend in the consumption of confectionery products as the population increases. Youths are the major consumers of candy and confectionery products, and they form 64% of the total population. With these statistics, there is no doubt that China has a good market for Goodies company products. Opening the Goodies branch in China will present consumers with a variety of confectionery products to choose from, and their consumption rate will increase. The internal and external business environment is favorable for the success of the business. Further, China has political goodwill for both local and foreign investors, and this means that the government creates a safe and secure business environment. After a comprehensive market search, a market niche was identified. The confectionary opportunity noted was based on the high prices of products above the prevailing market price. This means…

John F Kennedy Assassination Introduction On November 22, 1963, the 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy, toured Dallas, Texas, on an open convertible to host the state for Democrats in the impending presidential polls. Sadly, Kennedy did not make it back to White House as he was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, a loyalist and staunch follower of Fidel Castro, who had been in the Soviet Union for some period. The murder of President J.F. Kennedy by an opinionated communist supporter coupled with the widespread chaos in the nation in the aftermath of the assassination pumped panic in the heart of Americans, leading to both immediate and across-the-board political and social impacts. Socially, Americans lost their sense of security and hope, while politically, they the vise president LBJ prolonged Kennedy’s policies, but assumed a diverse approach for foreign affairs of the nation. The present paper provides a detailed account of the events leading to the assassination of President JKF, his funeral, and the conspiracy theory attached to the murder. Events Leading to the Assassination By the fall…

Multinational firms Multinational firms operate in more than one country; therefore, Human Resource activities are different and complex compared to dealing with domestic or local firms. International firms deal with the movements and interactions of persons beyond the national boundaries; therefore, the cross-cultural environment is a variable in dealing with International HRM. Different countries have diverse cultures and employees moving from one country to another have to be familiar with making HR activities significant in trying to address it. Culture encompasses social, economic, political, historical, and other factors that vary among different countries globally. For instance, an employee from Europe transferred to work in Iran must be orientated on the various cultural aspects in that country that are very different and can negatively affect his performance if not addressed by HR when employing. The International Human Resources must be aware of cross-cultural differences because what works at home may not be appropriate in other countries. HR must understand activities such as rewarding, promoting, dismissal, and appraisal because their application differs depending on the hosting country. It is, therefore, essential for…

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