Question: Should Government be Run Like a Business? One of the most generally accepted ‘truisms’ in the field of public administration is that government should be “run like a business.”  Over the last 100 years or so, various initiatives have been advocated to make public agencies more accountable, efficient, and customer-friendly by modeling themselves on private sector companies. Begin by discussing the contributions of important authors who advocate business administration principles as a viable model for the public sector. Although older literature (Wilson, Taylor, etc.) should be briefly cited, it is expected that you will emphasize those writing in the tradition of the New Public Management (NPM).  What is their case for “running government like a business?” Be sure to discuss specific tools and techniques borrowed from the corporate world. Then, summarize the arguments of influential critics who believe that few, if any, approaches are directly transferable from business to the public sector. For these authors, what unique factors about the delivery of public services make the application of business management techniques inappropriate and even counter-[unique_solution]productive? After studying the arguments, what elements of business management…

CANADA’S FIRST NATIONS The Proposal (March 4): This assignment introduces your plan for a following research paper relevant to the topic of truth and reconciliation with Canada’s First Nations. Your proposal will offer a brief introduction to the hypothesis that you plan to research and write about in your paper. Consider what we talked about in class about abstractions, especially prestige abstractions, and how they can give us a lens through which we can approach ideas and analysis. What is some key idea that you find, for example, in some of the resources we have looked at that may also be relevant in another discipline, or to another area of life? Consider what question you have about that idea and formulate a hypothesis as a secured and structured answer to that question. [unique_solution]Your proposal will execute three key functions by providing an introduction, wherein you clarify the topic that you propose for your paper and present your thesis on that topic; an outline, wherein you introduce the key ideas and secondary sources you plan to use in support of your…

APPLY FOR THE NATIONAL HONOR I am very grateful to have the opportunity to apply for the National Honor Society. With this opportunity, I can show not only the members of NHS but also the community of Sitka that I am capable of giving leadership, service, and character. In addition, with great responsibility, I have learned to keep my grades at a high standard, while becoming worthy of the trust that my teachers have for me. As a driving, positive, caring and inspiring person. I find the ability to help the people that are in need a top priority. While going into the community and volunteering during events or helping at a homeless shelter is very important to me. I believe that achieving my academic goals is a number one priority so younger people can look up to me and realize that education is very important for all throughout your life. When talking about academic goals, I found that looking up to someone such as an idol or athlete made my goals easier in many ways. Looking up to these…

For this paper identify an issue involving state or local government that you are particularly concerned about. The issue can be one that has gained attention or it can be any issue you feel is important (roads, voter registration, local ordinances, etc). After clearly identifying the issue, please write a persuasive paper on the issue explaining the issue and then argue your side. Be specific and factual in your argument. When arguing your side of the issue, always remember to address the counter argument and why it is flawed. Use evidence such as statistics to support or defend your arguments. Moral or religious arguments may be addressed, but they will not be considered sufficient evidence to support your argument on any issue. [unique_solution]This paper should be 4 to 6 pages of substantive material. This means the title page and bibliography do not count towards the minimum length of four pages. All facts or information used in the paper from sources that are not your own original thoughts should be clearly identified as to the source both in-text with proper citation…

Cultural factors that influence international business Cultural difference A business needs to understand local cultural influences in order to sell its products effectively. For this task you are expected to explore cultural factors in a country that may impact an international business. Task: Analyse how the following Cultural factors in a COUNTRY may affect ONE of your businesses Language  Ethnic make-up of populations Social structures Religion Values Attitudes to business Attitudes to work Openness to change Language issues What problems can different languages cause? Why is it important for international businesses to communicate in the relevant languages? English is often referred to as ‘the language of business’. Why? Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in the world. Do you think that the language of business will become Mandarin? Language as an issue (P7) Communication problems with staff and customers which may lead to issues with misunderstanding in the workplace Packaging of products and services Slow communication (can be problematic for a business like Tesco as they have very high stock turnover.)[unique_solution] Discuss the impact of language on an international…

tax free weekend in Texas Every August, Texas has a ″tax free weekend.″ School supplies and school clothes can be purchased for a few days without the addition of Texas′ 6 1/4 % sales tax – which, around Houston, is really 8 1/4% because of the additional penny for the City of Houston and the additional penny for METRO. What about college textbooks? Have you priced them lately? Ours isn′t too bad (free, right?), but some of my students pay nearly $300 for some science and engineering books. Representative Terry Canales (D-Edinburg) wants to cut college students in on the action before each regular semester. Go to the Texas Legislature′s website, (Links to an external site.) and look up House Bill 21. Hint: Make sure you use the little pull-down menu to select the current legislative session (86R-2019 – that′s the 86th Regular session of the Texas Legislature) and type HB21 in the search window. What do you think? [unique_solution]Write a 2 – 5 page essay explaining this bill and the problem it′s trying to solve. Explain the advantages…

Banks cut deposit rates to 3-year low Banks reduced interest to 40-month sub inflation low in December on customer’s savings, showing the impact of doing away with controls amid growing profits. Data from Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) shows the average saving interest drop to 4.02 percent, which is the lowest since 2016 when it was 3.79 percent. The interest rate on saving was 4.31 percent last year, while the inflation rate was 5.2 percent. The interest rate recovered slightly to 4.2 percent in February this year. This shows a significant difference when compared to 2018 when the interest rate on saving was an average of 6.37 percent, which was way above the average inflation of 4.67 percent. However, interest paid on large deposits from loaded clients who usually have room for negotiation reached 7 percent for the first time since last June. It was an average of 7.11 percent in December and 7.06 percent in February. The latest cut on deposit rates paid to savers was when the bank’s pre-tax profit grew by 4.99 percent. They moved from Sh…

THE PRINCIPLES OF THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION The British Constitution is the Constitution of the United Kingdom referring to a system of rules that controls and regulates the political governance of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (King, A. 2007). The significant principles are; the sovereignty of the parliament, the rule of law, the parliamentary government and the European Union membership (Scott et al. 1994). However, the principles stated are a broad range of the constitution, but a more classified defines the uncodified constitution, the unitary state and the parliamentary sovereignty. The British Constitution is different from the American Constitution in that the former is uncodified with the source from the acts of parliament while the latter is codified. A codified constitution refers to a document that is single written with full entrenchment in the law, making it difficult to change. On the other hand, an uncodified constitution is one that contains a diffuse range of sources including norms and customs, legal precedent and the acts of parliament. The constitution of the US is a presidential constitution, while…

EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES Abstract In the global world of today, the parliamentary and presidential systems appear to be quite similar but also different as they are both accepted as democracies. The prime minister is the executive whereas the president also shares the same but the difference is the president has all executive power. It is believed that the prime minister may appear more powerful which isn’t the case as the Governor General is still in charge despite having minimal votes in the country. It is the queen who is overall but represented by the Governor General. In this paper a comparative analysis is done trying to differentiate the United States of America and Canada executive powers who are the president and prime minister to be precise. Breaking it down to their roles, strengths, weaknesses, an analysis of the two and finally a conclusion to summarize. Introduction The United States is considered by size the second largest democracy and the most powerful nation in its political, economic and military might. The constitution…

Dividends vs. Capital Gains Introduction With the revolution and competition in the business world, investors are putting their money in business ventures they anticipate to be successful in the near future. On the other hand, companies are regularly innovating and developing the best business strategies to attract more investors. Companies are paying their investors in terms of dividends or capital gains. While dividends and capital gains represent profit to the investors, they are mostly different when it comes to taxation, the amount of investment, and control by the investors. Dividends Taxation Dividends exist as ordinary or qualified dividends, but both are taxed differently. In most cases, companies pay their shareholders in the form of ordinary dividends, which are paid out from the earnings made by the company. Ordinary dividends to shareholders or investors are taxed as ordinary income. Qualified dividends are dividends that meet the criteria of being taxed as capital gains, and their tax rate may range from 20% to 1% depending on the tax bracket of the corporation (Iskandar 10). Generally, the tax for dividends is low. As…

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