alternative sentences under criminal law A criminal committing an offense does not always leave him behind bars. Different states have their ways of weighing how serious a crime is and determining their respective punishment. However, the more serious an offense is, the more severe the penalty becomes. Criminals who commit felony offenses such as murder, assault, and rape are prone to serve harsher punishments such as hefty fines or long term imprisonment compared to those who commit less severe penalties. There are alternative forms of sanctions a convicted criminal can serve. Examples of alternative disciplines include probation, fines, incarceration, obsolete discharge, intermittent sentence, conditional sentence, restraining order, suspended sentences and, others. A criminal can serve any of these penalties and or a combination of them. The court of law determines the sentencing of a criminal through the judge. This paper will discuss alternative sentences under criminal law. Serving a jail term of imprisonment is one of the ways a criminal is subjected to punishment. A criminal is jailed after committing a crime. A person sent to jail implies that he…

  Independent and Dependent Variables Question 1 Research question: How would you define an independent variable? Why have you chosen this measure? Hypothesis: I hypothesize social media does not depend on people’s interaction. Independent variable: Social media operation. Social media operation is not affected by different factors, such as how people interact and post things on social media. Its policies and rules remain unchanged. It is fixed such that every user has to follow them to be part of social media. Social connections around the world stay the same and only change when there is a change in social media policies, and this has effects on all media users (Abdel-Khalek 2012. This measure is vital in measuring social media operations because media operations do not depend on many factors, and this measure will give clear information. Evaluating system operation is essential in determining social media operations users (Abdel-Khalek, 2012). The maintenance structures are vital in maintaining individuals connections on social media. This may be through the keeping of user’s confidential information and maintaining the trustable relationship by monitoring fraud or…

STATEMENT OF STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY The income statement is a financial statement that shows the revenues that a company earns and the expenses that a company incurs in a particular period of time. It is also called a profit and loss statement. The income statement starts with the revenues and deducts the expenses for the firm to arrive at the net profits. It is prepared after a specific time. STATEMENT OF STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY The statement of Stockholders’ equity is a part of the financial statement that shows the changes in the equity section of the balance sheet. It shows the activities that increased or decreased the equity of the company for a particular accounting period. It reports the shares, dividends, and the retained earnings of the company at a specific period. BALANCE SHEET The balance sheet is part of the financial statements that report the financial position of the company at a given specific financial period. It reports the balances of the assets, liabilities, and the equity of the company after the end of a particular period in time. It shows…

Invoice factoring financing. Invoice factoring is a financial facility that enables a business to sell its unpaid invoices to an independent third party (factor). It is also referred to as debt factoring. The factoring company then takes responsibility for collecting invoice payments. This alternative finance has become popular since it provides capital for a business that experiences longer payment terms with invoices. It does not appear on the balance sheet as an expense, but rather a benefit without the traditional downside of a loan. How it works The business client submits details of the invoice to the factoring company, which will manage the credit control for a fixed period. Upon agreement, the factor will advance some funds to the client. The factor then proceeds with the collection of the debt from the customers. Once the invoice has been settled, the factor makes the remaining balance, minus their fee, available to the client. Pros Invoice factoring provides businesses cash flow and immediate capital to compensate for funding gaps caused by slow customers. Compared to bank loans, which take months for approval…

An argument about guns and the ability to use them have been under attack in the United States An argument about guns and the ability to use them have been under attack in the United States. Many places throughout the borders of the United States of America, has weapons commonly misused. There are groups of people that believe that as long as we have the right to bear arms that many unprotected people will lose their lives due to gun violence. Many trends come with gun violence, and where these guns are, a mass shooting occurs, but the main one is that when a person is legally prohibited carrying a weapon, then that is where the most gun violence happens. However, the right is not unlimited. U.S.A Supreme Court has upheld some firearms restrictions, such as bans on concealed weapons and the possession of certain types of firearms, as well as a law against the sale of guns to specific categories of people (Hay, J. 2018). The Gun Control Act of 1968 prohibits individuals under eighteen years of age, convicted…

What We Should Know Before Setting Up Sdn Bhd? The Sdn Bhd Company in Malaysia is the legal business entity whose liability gets limited by the shares. Sdn Bhd, or a Sendirian Berhad Company, at the time of registration, gets incorporated as a private venture. The words Sdn Bhd come alongside the name of the company in this case. It has become a highly popular business entity in the country, as many of the local and foreign entrepreneurs register their businesses as an Sdn Bhd Company. The popularity of an Sdn Bhd Company comes from the fact that it’s a separate legal body from the shareholders. Setting up Sdn Bhd would lead the directors to have limited liability for the losses and debts of the company. The process of registering an Sdn Bhd Company Any company in the country has to get registered through a legally authorized Company Secretary. So, you will need to have a Company Secretary appointed, as well. The companies will have to register with the government body known as the Companies Commission of Malaysia (Suruhanjaya Syarikat…

client manipulation of financial statements It has to our attention that an accountant has been manipulating some client information on financial manipulation. This memo is a reminder that clients’ information should hold responsible for producing concise and timely financial reports. The financial manipulation was detected by investors who are in a relationship with the corporate client. The manipulation is through exaggeration of the current period earnings on the income statement that artificially inflates revenue. When the company’s operation was in a worse condition, this is where the tension on financial numbers did start. The manipulation happens through the release of the annual results that no one notices the change, but while studying the reports, the company auditors see a frequent move where he signals a warning. Due to company management being in bad terms with the auditors, thus created a strong influence, and so have to keep a close check.   Clients’ request for manipulation of financial their statements leads to an ethical dilemma in accounting. Explore whether the issues regulated by law or policy. Ethics in accounting is concerned…

Thesis Statement and Annotated Bibliography Thesis Statement: This paper argues that a review of a wide variety of sources is the only way one can get accurate information pertaining to the COVID-19 outbreak. Bradsher, Keith. “As China Fights the Coronavirus, Some Say it Has Gone Too Far.” New York Times, 20 Feb. 2020. Retrieved from This article explores how China responded to the first incidents of coronavirus in the country. The article argues there are different perceptions of China’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, some criticizing it, and others praising it (Bradsher). This article underscores the importance of incorporating differing opinions regarding a specific event. People’s Daily. “Xi Says China Firmly Supports EU’s Battle Against COVID-19.” People’s Daily, 15 March. 2020. Retrieved from This is an article from a newspaper controlled by China’s ruling party. In this article, the People’s Daily only incorporates information that portrays China’s ruling party in good light on its response to coronavirus. This article is important in gaining the perception of the Chinese government pertaining to how it responded to the Coronavirus outbreak.…

 Fourth Amendment of the American constitution There are rights that the incarcerated inmates do not enjoy while in prison, and there are others that they enjoy. All these rights affect them in one way or another. Being incarcerated denies inmates the freedom to engage in many things. First, the Fourth Amendment of the American constitution gives the right to privacy to every citizen in the U.S. However, and inmates do not enjoy this right as the police officers can conduct unwarranted searches on them at any time. Though the prisoners have the right to receive magazines and letters from outside, the officers can decide to open the letters and read what is enclosed. In most instances, the officers deny the inmates the right to privacy as a strategy to strengthen security in the correctional centers. Second, incarcerated inmates in the U.S are denied the right to vote. It is only two states, Maine and Vermont, in the U.S that allow inmates to vote. In all the other states, inmate voting is prohibited. Inmates regain their right to vote after they…

Public disagreement about gun control in the United States of America Public disagreement about gun control in the United States of America has seen the government make policies to protect individuals owning firearms continuously. Forgetting that these individuals, at one point, not all of them, but a quit number do participate in mass murder using guns that commonly exist among American civilians. Controlling guns in the United States might greatly help to slash crime and save lives. Firearms of high caliber, should not be legalized to be owned by American citizens, such as AR17 or 3G guns, should not be sold anywhere on the American market. These types of guns have the potential of killing a crowed. Firstly, why should the American government legalize ownership of a weapon that can carry 60 to 150 rounds to a law-abiding American citizen? The American government should step up and offer security to its citizens and not weaponries them. However, several organizations have been seen not advocating for gun control in America, American citizens have, to a far extent, threatened by these organizations…

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