arguments from the proponent s and opposers of abortion Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in every nation all over the world and more so in the United States of America. Different sides give their opinions concerning the debate on why they think it is right or wrong. People from the progressive side firmly believe that the women should be allowed to do what they wish with their bodies while the opponents draw their argument from a religious context when opposing the matter. Abortion is legal in some States, but the debate on the subject still goes on as both sides continue to hold their grounds. The paper will look at this unending debate and try to analyze the arguments from the proponent s and opposers of abortion. Abortion is right as it affords the right over their bodies and their reproductive choice. The woman has the right to decide whether to and when to give birth, it allows them to decide their future. Declaring abortion illegal infringes on their right to determine the course of their life…

The American Revolution The American Revolution was a colonial war fought between colonists, the British, and the American revolutionists, mostly referred to as the American Patriots in the Thirteen Colonies. The war was marked gunshots in Lexington and Concord in 1775 and ended in 1781 when the British surrendered to the American revolutionists. The American Revolution is essential in American history because it led to the declaration of the United States as an independent country, free from the colonists. The Americans were not prepared for the war, as only a third of the Americans supported it when it started in 1775. There were various reasons why some people opposed it, yet it was a way of bringing liberty to the American society. First, the colonists had a well trained, organized, and equipped army. On the other hand, the Americans were not were untrained to use guns, not well equipped, and also their military tactics not promising. This made many American citizens believe that the revolutionists would lose the battles. Though they lost their first battles, their continuous efforts encouraged other…

The Battle of the Marne The First World War was fought between 1914 and 1918. The six of Europe’s powerful countries formed allies against each other in the initial stages of the war. France, Britain, and Russia formed the Triple Entente while Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy formed the Central powers. World War I is also known as the Great war because of its impact on the world’s history. It is averaged that around seven million soldiers died during the war. America later entered the war in 1917, supporting the Entente Alliance. Many battles happened before America entered the war. The Battle of the Marne marked the beginning of the war in 1914. Though Germany had declared war on Russia, it had strategized to knock out France before Russia had mobilized its soldiers. This strategy was later named the Schlieffen Plan. However, the French army assembled so fast, and with the support of the British, they launched an attack which led to the German soldiers retreating. Another critical battle was the battle of Gallipoli in 1915 April to January 1916. Other…

Federalism, IGR, and the Constitution Introduction: In this essay, I will combine information from both the textbook, in class discussion, and my syllabus in order to better understand and explain issues, ideas, concepts and models related to American government and politics. My explanation and analysis of relevant concepts will provide a means of understanding this first section. In my conclusion, I will demonstrate that I understand how these ideas, issues, concepts and models –fully explained in the body of my essay-fit together. My essay’s length will be proportionate to the effort needed to fully cover course material and address the component parts of the assignment. In this essay I will address the following: Federalism The link federalism has to the Constitution Intergovernmental Relations (the Scheberle model) The link Intergovernmental Relations have to the Constitution Body: Section A: Federalism refers to the division of power and responsibilities between the state and national governments. According to Ginsberg, Lowi, Weir, and Tolbert, governments may organize their leadership either in unitary of federal systems (69). The unitary system is where the central or national…

The Aum Shinrikyo Asahara, the group’s leader, ordered his top generals to execute Sakamoto, who was the legal representative of the families’ that lost their children to the cult, and the planning for his death started. The chosen method was to use an injection of potassium chloride. However, at the meetings, the use of botulinum was also discussed. Botulinum was an agent that, in large quantities of a small dose, would shut down the nervous system. This is how the group started the use of biological weapons. The group decided to stick to this method due to the effortless planning required, the non-effectiveness of crude methods, the absence of women, and the attacks were carried out by top tier members. The group invested in biological weapons by obtaining Clostridium botulinum, the bacterium that produces botulinum toxin (Danzig & Center for a New American Security, 2012). The mission was a success as it was disguised as a research item because Aum ran a hospital. The collection of the bacterium was in Ishikarigawa Basin from the soil. This method of collection, rather…

The Third of May by Francisco Goya 1808 in Madrid The artistic movement associated with the work of art The Third of May Originated in Europe towards the end of the 18th Century, Specifically from the year 1800 to 1850. This work of art belongs to Romanticism. According to Schneider (2007), Romanticism was branded by the focus on glorification of all the past and nature as well as on individualism and emotion. Additionally, Romanticism had a complex and significant influence on politics, whereby, the romantic thinkers swayed the radicalism, nationalism, Liberalism, and Liberalism. Style of the artist Particularly in his youth, Goya was very familiar with the late Rococco and Baroque styles. His painting embraced much of personality, making it align with the conventional. This trait made his paints more unique in the era of the romanticism movement. As shown in the painting on the Third of May, this style helped Goya to depict his unease on the individuals who were suffering as a result of war or politics (Kleiner, 2009). Influences that shaped the Third of May painting Political…

target market for Lidl’s future international expansion strategy Evaluate the following 2 countries to identify which represents the most potentially attractive target market for Lidl’s future international expansion strategy: • Mexico • Norway In order to evaluate which of these 2 countries represents the most potentially attractive target market, you are required to undertake a comparative PESTEL analysis of those macro-environmental factors of the 2 countries that are relevant to Lidl. • This background analysis must be included as an appendix, presented in table format and must be no more than 5 pages in length. • Data should be recent, primarily quantitative and obtained from appropriate sources (e.g. the most recently published World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness report). TASK 2.(825 words) Discuss the rationale for the selection of your chosen market. Your rationale should be justified with a more detailed discussion of your PESTEL analysis of the macro-environmental factors of your chosen market that you have presented in the appendix for Task 1. This discussion should explicitly consider the implications of the macro-environmental factors of your chosen market for Lidl.…

 challenges of mining association rules with item taxonomy Assignment #3 (100 point) Students are required to submit the assignment 3 to your instructor for grading. The assignments are on the assigned materials/textbook topics associated with the course modules. Please read the following instruction and complete it to post on schedule. Consider the data set shown in Table 5.20 (439 page). (Chapter 5) (a) Compute the support for itemsets {e}, {b, d}, and {b, d, e} by treating each transaction ID as a market basket. (b) Use the results in part (a) to compute the confidence for the association rules {b, d} −→ {e} and {e} −→ {b, d}. Is confidence a symmetric measure? (c) Use the results in part (c) to compute the confidence for the association rules {b, d} −→ {e} and {e} −→ {b, d}. Consider the transactions shown in Table 6.15, with an item taxonomy given in Figure 6.15 (515 page). (Chapter 6) (a) What are the main challenges of mining association rules with item taxonomy? (b) Consider the approach where each transaction t is replaced by…

Direct Democracy in Switzerland   Direct democracy allows citizens to decide on the country’s policies directly. Most of the states adopt a representative type of democracy, unlike pure democracy. In Switzerland, citizens pass executive decisions and laws without necessarily having an intermediary representative. Switzerland is one of few nations in history to have practiced direct democracy. Any form of legislation drafted by the political class is subjected to the public for approval (Fossedal, 2018). After the political elites make legislation, institutions call the citizens to review the legislation and sign. If the signatures by the people exceed the required number, the legislation or proposed policy is passed as a law. The public participation in any bill in Switzerland grants more power to the citizens. In Switzerland, the instruments of direct democracy allow the citizens to participate in voting without registering as voters. Voting in Switzerland is conducted about four times in every financial year. The regular voting culture in Switzerland enables the citizens to decide on issues such as the construction of a new street, change of a certain policy,…

Suppression of Evidence and Search and Seizure  Evidence plays a critical role in determining the innocence or guilt of an individual in the case they are brought before a court of law. Thus, the process in which a legal officer obtains the evidence is equally important. In situations where the evidence is obtained through illegal means, then it could be inadmissible before the law. Criminals may be set free and given the mandate to continue with their criminal activities when the evidence that could place them behind doors is not collected in the required way. For instance, an individual could file for a specific case to be dismissed when the items collected during a search process do not appear on the warrant granted by a prosecutor. In the case study, John Smith was driving at 3 a.m in the city of Carlsbad when he was stopped by a traffic officer on the basis of something obstructing the driver who was moving at an estimated speed of between 31 to 33mph. When Smith was asked to pull over, the officer said…

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