Jury Consultants Name Institution Affiliated     Jury Consultants Effectiveness I believe that jury consultants are effective in their selection of the appropriate jury as they are neutral and have no inclinations. A jury consultant does not know the selected jury beforehand and does not have any biases towards any of the selected jurors. They assess all the jurors on even ground and select the best jurors among them that do not exhibit any biases. Jury consultants conduct extensive research in the lives of the potential jurors and conduct background checks to ensure that the jurors’ history does not contain anything that might influence them to make the wrong judgment. Jury consultants also assist in the voir dire, which is a process to determine the fairness of the prospective jurors (Lane, 1998). This process takes place before the actual trial, and the attorneys ask questions similar to the trial to draw out any hostile jurors with explicit biases. The jury consultant assesses the responses of the jurors, and whoever the consultant feels will…

Argumentative essay:The United Nations can solve any problem as long as it does not involve a member of the security council Topic: “The United Nations can solve any problem as long as it does not involve a member of the security council.” The United Nations is the only forum in which all nations can work as a team to acquire durable resolutions to problems. The UN is undertaking in testified efforts to toughen its capacity to deal with recent evolving issues. The UN addresses matters that exceed national boundaries but cannot be solved by one country.  UN has participated in other activities to improve the lives of people all over the world. The security council is the most influential body of the UN. The United Nations is in a position to find solutions to any situation without including an associate of the security council.   The UN is a powerful global organization as it has adequate political, social as well as an economic power. The UN depends on its self because it has its forces.  The fact that it comprises…

Army aviation Introduction This is an administrative army branch that is responsible for doctrine manning and the configuration for all aviation units in the army. This unit came about after the United States army split into two. This left the army with only two flying units, which led them to come up with a new concept of aviation. They used a helicopter for this new concept. This was used during the Korean War and later on during the Vietnam War. Army aviation came about during the American civil war, where both teams that are the union and the confederate forces would use hydrogen-filled balloons to control the artillery fire. The balloons became a norm for the American forces. They were used during the Spanish American war. This was later replaced by airplanes.in 1907, the signal corps aeronautical division built their first airplane. When the First World War came about, the army had grown from just a few pieces of airplanes to thousands of them. This also saw to it that there was an increase in the number of aviation personnel.…

Combating International Terrorism Terrorism is associated with the killing and injuring of masses. Activities range from small scale to large scale with minimum to maximum destruction being experienced. The 9/11 terror attack in the U.S. attracted attention to terrorism crime. Terrorism, however, had existed long before the terror organizations such as Al Qaeda came into existence. The World War, for example, involved loss of lives on a massive scale. However, over the years, terrorism has taken different forms. In light of recent terror attacks globally, nations have come up with strategies for dealing with terrorist organizations. The killing of terrorist organization leaders such as Osama Bin Laden has, however, not stopped terrorism. Winning the struggle against a terrorist organization refers to incapacitation through killing or capturing the leader(s). Killing or capture hampers terrorist group efforts hence reducing terror activities. In regards to winning against a terrorist organization, no nation has accomplished this fete. The win against Al Qaeda by killing Osama may have been deemed a success by the U.S. However; it has not stopped terror attacks or the emergence…

Networks or Non-State Actors The networks are groups of related individuals. Members of systems share common goals or values and tend to miss the centralized organization. They are independent. The new interface in international relations stands on their own. Both the civil and uncivil network mean group interaction in a state. They have the advantage of not being controlled by the government. For example, activists can represent human rights, climate changes, and immigration issues. They advocate favorable regulations and policies for the immigrants in Europe. These networks in the community, do not influence by the government; this gives the advantage to present issues against the oppression of the minority without disruption. The new network has established a room for the weak and minority to present their opinion. The activist criminal network and terror network stand for the rights of the opposition. For instance, the catholic of the northern island encountered oppression for many years. The catholic activist is always at an advantage to fight against oppression and discrimination. Therefore, they have the power to air their opinions and ideas. Some…

support for taxing the rich Scheve, Kenneth, is a professor of Political Science at Stanford University with research interests in comparative political behavior, international and comparative political economy, and economic policymaking. His co-author, David Stasavage, is a Dean for the Social Sciences Julius Silver Professor, The Wilf Family Department of Politics, NYU. Considering the high academic profile of the authors, they draw unparalleled historical evidence to provide an in-depth account of progressive taxation. The authors indicate that taxing the rich is a fair approach to compensating for the state of unfairly privileging the affluent. They write, “Political support for taxing the rich is strongest when doing so ensures that the state treats citizens as equals” (4). In this perspective, they argue that taxing the rich is a strategy for a government to promote fairness and respect as entrenched in the concept of democracy. The authors center their debate on the politics of redistribution as the approach to combating income inequality. Scheve and co-author offer a compelling and appropriate analysis of the politics of the social class driven by political and…

Why It Is Vital to Get COVID-19 News from A Reliable Source   Coronavirus news     In December 2019, the news about the spread of a deadly virus from China spread everywhere around the globe. The virus causes severe respiratory infections. Today corona is officially known as COVID-19. The viral infection is rapidly spreading around the world, and therefore, you need to be informed of all that is happening.   One of the best places to get the news is on the web. However, online there is a lot of misinformation that is likely to mislead you. It is always vital to make sure that you are getting news from reliable news. Ensure that you are getting information from a reputable media station, government, or recognized health organizations. Florissant area news and advertising is an example of sites where you can get official coronavirus information about coronavirus. If the government wants to make any changes meant to protect people in the Florissant area against the coronavirus, you can easily see it on the website. For instance, when there was…

The nominal disposition The nominal disposition, also referred to as nominal sanction as action was warning are issued to low-risk juvenile offenders. The notification may be verbal or written, depending on the case at stake. Also, a nominal disposition is given to a first time offender who commits a mistake after they are made aware of the consequences and legal action of the error they committed. Therefore, they are warned or given the least punitive alternative of the case but informed of a harsher disciplinary method in case they repeat the offense. Some of the crimes that may be given a nominal sanction are accidental possession of tobacco or other drugs, consumption of alcohol while still under-age, trespassing, petty theft, vandalism, running away from home, truancy, and violating curfew among other. In most cases, the nominal sanction is inflicted by the police at the police station .The arrested juvenile is released to the custody of his or her parents. The nominal disposition is important in juvenile cases. First, it helps the child to understand that their acts were wrong and…

The fiscal federation   The fiscal federation refers to how expenditure side and revenue side are allocated across different sectors of the administration; on the other hand local government refers to lowest form of public administration. The following is contrast between the roles of local government in context of American fiscal federalism to role played local government in other countries.  In revenue sharing the federal government give money to the states with no restrictions attached whatsoever. The federal government allocates money to the local governments .It sets the national budget that determines how funds are allocated .A specific amount of fund is set aside for the purpose specifically set by the government .This results in direct economic impact on the country. The local government is favored in all revenue allocation systems while the fiscal federalism is tilted more in favor the federal government (Xu &Warmer, 2015). The federal government uses a number of tactics to compel states to follow its policies and guidelines. The state is   ordered to comply but usually applies pressure more subtly by threatening to withhold funds…

If you want to sue a local government Question 1 If you want to sue a local government, under what is called Monell liability, you will need to show that the act was first done with the prescribed degree of culpability. Also that it is casually associated with the deprivation of federal right. Congine 2 The constitutional issue in the case is whether Congine’s action conformed to the First Amendment’s provisions for expressive conduct. The issue is on whether Congine’s action of raising the flag upside down was a distress call or an act of heckling. 3, The Heckler’s Vito must not be allowed in the provided case because Congine was expressing his First Amendment right to expressive speech. As noted in Nelson v Streeter, the police must maintain order in a case where an unpopular speech is deemed to disrupt it. 4 Yes, the act of forcibly entering Congine’s premise and removing the flag was a violation of the First Amendment. In Congine’s case as he did not raise the flag upside down out of contempt but rather as…

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